Museum of Deadly Beasts

Chapter 348

Chapter 348: Wicked Tactics

Chapter 348: Wicked Tactics

“It’s probably just an accident,” Qiao Feigong commented. That was all he could say to comfort the crowd since he had no idea what was going on.

However, he was sure it wasn’t a good omen.

Lin Jin frowned silently. Visibly startled by the incident, Escort Zhang asked in a hushed voice, “Why did that pet beast suddenly go on a rampage? It even attacked its owner!”

This was unheard of. Even in a frenzy, no pet beast would have targeted its owner.

“Someone has used sorcery to meddle with that pet beast’s mind,” Lin Jin answered, but he was so soft-spoken that only Escort Zhang heard him.

“Sorcery?” Escort Zhang was shocked. Lin Jin stopped there. Although he could tell that there was sorcery at work here, he couldn’t clearly see how it worked.

His eye had been on the four demonic appraisers but he didn’t see them invoke any spells. It was the reason why he couldn’t take immediate action. Though, Lin Jin knew that they must somehow be involved in this.

And this was just the beginning.

Sure enough, another hysterical cry echoed in the yard, unsettling everyone. Turning to the source of the commotion, there was another out-of-control pet beast with bloodshot eyes, madly attacking the people around it. One of them couldn’t escape in time and got his abdomen scraped by the creature’s teeth. If someone hadn’t pulled him away, the man would have been bitten in half.

After all, the beast in question was a caiman with an incredible bite force.

“Why is this happening?”

“Why did the pet beast suddenly lose control!? This is the second beast in a row!”

Had it happened only once, they could pass it off as a coincidence, but for it to happen twice in such a short amount of time, who would believe it was just chance?

All of a sudden, someone shouted, “Look, there’s an arrow on the wall.”

Everyone crowded over, and they all saw an arrow stuck on the wall with a piece of paper at the tail end of it. Someone pulled out the paper to see if there was anything written on it, and unsurprisingly, his face froze up with shock.

Qiao Feigong’s son, Qiao Xing marched over indignantly, asking, “What’s written on it?”

“It says ‘T-The Qiao family is to bear responsibility for the trouble they caused on their own. Don’t get anyone else involved. If the outsiders do not leave in fifteen minutes, they will end up like the t-two earlier examples’,” that person stammered as he read.

Panic struck the crowd instantly.

“So the Qiao family only gathered us here because they got themselves in trouble.”

“That shouldn’t have been a problem but now, from the looks of it, the people they offended don’t seem like pushovers. It’s... it’s a bit frightening that they managed to make two pet beasts lose control and bite their owners in such a short span of time.”

“And the problematic part is that we don’t know what method they’re using.”

Many people began discussing as the crowd panicked. josei

Qiao Xing was about to explode into a fit of rage upon hearing this. He grabbed the letter over and read it himself before bringing it to his father, Qiao Feigong.

The Qiao family members huddled around and sure enough, what was written on it matched what the man announced.

Qiao Feigong’s expression darkened.

“These must be the work of that thief from a few nights ago. How dishonorable. Does he not have the guts to face us out in the open? Must he resort to sneak attacks?” Unable to contain his anger, Qiao Xing cursed out loud.

After all, the young man was full of vigor. Compared to him, Qiao Feigong was much more composed and mindful, and that was reflected in his solemn expression.

“Xing’er, calm down.”

Then, Qiao Feigong saluted the crowd, “We were hit by a sneak attack! To think that the thief would use such underhanded tactics to harm the innocent. Our Qiao family never had any foes, hence it is quite clear that this thief is just aiming for our family’s wealth. Please do not panic, everyone. It’s exactly what the thief wants and it’s part of his strategy! If we band together, there is no way he could continue with his brazen approach!”

These were words of appeasement and also a rough analysis of the situation.

At the current stage, this was all Qiao Feigong could say. Some nodded in agreement but most of them looked hesitant. Clearly, they were contemplating the possibility of retreat.

After all, they had seen with their own eyes what would happen if they defied their enemy. Their tactics were fearsome as no one could defend themselves from their own rampaging pet beast.

The next victim might very well be them.

Such circumstances sowed mistrust between the owners and their pet beasts, and it surely wasn’t a good sign. After all, to face the enemy, they had to rely on their companions. If that was compromised, how should they even fight?

Hence, no matter what Qiao Feigong said, the threat they received made giving up a tempting option. After all, no matter how much they received from the Qiao family, if their purpose was to scare off the enemy with numbers, these fighters wouldn’t have minded it. However, if their assistance meant putting their own lives on the line, it wasn’t worth it.

Thus, the first man had decided to abandon ship. He had to even if it meant being thick-skinned.

Although Qiao Feigong wasn’t happy about it, he couldn’t stop the man. With someone taking the lead, more and more people filed out of the compound. It was this sight that reminded the Qiao family of the hypocrisy of human relationships. In just a brief moment, the previously crowded yard with almost a hundred people was left with only less than ten individuals.

Among these ten included Escort Zhang, Lin Jin, and the four demonic appraisers.

Even the guests whom the Qiao family had personally invited were mostly gone as well.

“Those people are too much! They ate our food, took our money, but when trouble arises, they’re the first to run! It’s simply outrageous!” Qiao Xing yelled in anger.

Perhaps he had experienced such situations one too many times, even Qiao Feigong shook his head helplessly. He knew there was nothing he could say that would help the situation, so it was better to just focus on the upcoming battle. At least some of their guests remained.

And so, Qiao Feigong saluted those who stayed.

“Sincerity is revealed when a person is truly in trouble. My good men, if our family is able to overcome this trial, we will reward you all handsomely,” Qiao Feigong announced.

The guests who were more familiar with Qiao Feigong stood up. “Lord Qiao, you’re too kind. We’ve been living under the Qiao family’s roof for more than two months now and have indulged in your care. Now that the Qiao family is in a pinch, how could we just pack up and leave? Don’t worry, Lord Qiao, someone has been using sorcery in an attempt to scare everyone off. They may be afraid but we won’t. Hmph! Let me be honest with you, our pet beasts can withstand the control of sorcery.”

Those people seemed to have great confidence in themselves.

Immediately after he spoke, that person’s pet beast suddenly let out a frenzied roar before opening its huge maw, which was right over its owner’s head.

The pet beast was a saber tooth tiger, which had a hulking frame. If it were to clamp its jaw shut, that person would have been instantly decapitated.

Qiao Feigong was shocked, but he was helpless because everything had happened too fast. However, as if the saber tooth tiger suffered a decisive blow, its eyes rolled back and the creature fell to the ground limply.

It fainted.

That was clearly Lin Jin’s doing.

Previously when the two pet beasts went mad, Lin Jin wasn’t able to react in time. But now that he was able to observe his surroundings in greater detail, he finally noticed how their opponent played their tricks. While Lin Jin couldn’t break their spells, it didn’t mean he couldn’t stop them.

If he could track their moves, a single needle was enough to solve the imminent danger.

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