Mushoku Tensei

Volume 18 13 — Farewells and Sylphys Change

Volume 18 13 — Farewells and Sylphys Change

Volume 18 Chapter 13 - Farewells and Sylphy's Change

Part 1

Day of departure.

Early morning.

Before the sun rose, a person appeared.

It’s Ghyslaine.

Bringing three wooden swords with her, she came to the mansion.

What do you want? What do you plan to do?

I mean, even without the need to explain I somehow knew why she came.

Eris and I received a wooden sword in silence, and went out to the garden after changing our clothes.

The garden of the house is quite wide, but because of the various flowers that are planted here, I feel it’s a little cramped.

However, I think it’s enough for what we will do now.

Standing in the garden, before Ghyslaine, Eris and I raise our swords.

Sylphy with a sleepy face, sitting on a chair not far away from us.

A maid who had been working since early morning came to watch out of curiosity.

"Let’s start the lesson."

With Ghyslaine’s words, taking the swords on our waists, Eris and I bowed.

"Thank you."

Ghyslaine gave a small nod and she took up her sword.

Our training began.

"Let’s start like usual: 1, 2!"

Following Ghyslaine’s voice and movement, Eris and I swung our wooden swords.

In the quiet garden, sounds of the wooden swords being swung broke the silent atmosphere.

Compared to Ghyslaine and Eris's movements, my sword movements look dull.

But, Ghyslaine never gave her reproach.

When I learned the art of the sword from her, she would give me a pointer every time I swung my sword.

Today, she didn’t say anything.

"Rudeus! Don’t space out!"


But I wasn’t!

Is there anything wrong with my stance?

It should be fine.

Because even I can do something like this.

"197! 198! 199! 200! Swinging practice, stop!"

200. With just this, Ghyslaine stopped her movement.

Eris and Ghyslaine had sweat enough to soak their clothes.

After only 200 swings.

This is because those 200 swings were performed to the utmost of their abilities.

It's not only about number.

However, their breath is not rough.

Well me too.

This kind of movement is only a warm-up.

"Then, let’s start with Gale Kata Style!"


Poised with the wooden swords in the standard form, Eris and I swung with practiced movement.

Never wavering.

This was a form that was entirely familiar to us.

A fundamental form of the Sword God Style, I had also taught this to Norn.

After marrying Eris, this was something she and I had done every day.

"All right, stop!"

When all the exercises to be performed in the training were completed, Ghyslaine stopped us.

"Pair training!"

With her command, Eris and I faced each other.

It refers to paired practice with two people involved.

In most cases, it’s called hands on practice.

In kendo, the one who receives the attack is the senior.

But, now Eris is the one who’s attacking.

It was like that long ago, it’s still like that even after marriage.

Then, it’s still practiced even now.



With Ghyslaine's words, Eris started attacking me.

Because it is only kata she isn’t so fast.

But I couldn't keep up with her attack speed, and it ended without me making a move.

Of course, there is no such thing as holding back in Sword God Style.

Eris in the past had no control.

Now she does.


Now it’s my turn to attack, but my sword couldn't reach her at all.

There’s no need for me to hold back either.

Not only that, but there is a difference in the swordsmanship between Eris and me.

The condition will be somewhat better if I use Foresight Eye, but I don’t use it this time.

Because I didn’t have it when I was in Fedoa territory.

So I don’t use it now.

"All right, stop!"

In response to orders from Ghyslaine, Eris and I stop our swords.

If it is the usual, we would follow by practicing the basics.

My Foresight Eye and Eris neither of us need basic training, the result is obvious for whoever saw our match.

And, when I was thinking that, Ghyslaine looked at me then gestured to the sidelines.

"Rudeus! You're out!"

I fall back, Ghyslaine came to replace me.

I took about five steps back and sat on the lawn.

Ghyslaine facing Eris, she raised her sword to her hip.

"Eris this is the last."

"… Yes."

Eris nodded, setting up her stance.

She had not taken a proper upper body stance during her training with me.

Ghyslaine took an Iaido stance while Eris pointed her sword to the heavens.

Those two stances are in contrast.

Cold sweat sprouts on my back.

the atmosphere became heavy, time has stopped. josei

I somehow saw that they’re seriously going at each other.

That moment seemed to last forever.

There, a breeze could be felt.

… There was no signal.


And Ko~o~o~on, only that sound rang.

My eyes couldn't keep up with their movement.

I was only able to see the result.

Both of their swords moved in a flash.

If there was any difference, Ghyslaine's sword seems to be deflected slightly.

While Eris's sword, if slightly moved, could have struck Ghyslaine.



for a while, those two didn’t move from their previous stance.

After a little while they slowly drawback their swords.

Eris’s lips forms a “へ” shape.

Ghyslaine gives an earnest face.

Giving a small nod, Ghyslaine said.

"With this, I will end the practice."

"Thank you very much-!"

At her words, I bowed while remained in my sitting position.

Raising my head, Eris while biting her lower lip, had continued bowing her head down.

Wrinkled on the middle of the forehead, Ghyslaine patted Eris's cheek.

"It's farewell. Eris-ojousama…"

"M, master… You, youake care of yourself!"

Eris looked up, a large teardrop wells up in her eye, so she bow once again bowed.

Ghyslaine did not say anything more than that.

Just gave me a glance at the end, and went away from the house.

I shall leave oujusama in your care, I read in her eyes.

But that might be a misunderstanding in my part.

I stood in attention to Ghyslaine, and once again, bowed by bending my waist deeply.

She taught me sword art, she protected Eris.

No words can express my gratitude.

"Waaa! Waaaaa!"

The moment Ghyslaine was out of sight…

Eris cried.

While shouting to distract herself from the sadness, in a voice like it could reach forever, she cried.

Part 2

Before our departure.

Many people came to see Sylphy off.

Although most of the people who came were nobles from Ariel′s faction,

And most of them did not even know that Sylphy was a woman,

They were surprised to hear that she was married to me.

However, just because of that it’s not like their attitude toward Sylphy changed.

They left again after saying a short thank you.

Sylphy has corresponded with a smile to those people,

It probably was not a very polite manner.

"I’m tired of this kind of thing", I said while grumbling.

The next ones that came to Sylphy were two women.

Elmore Bluewolf.

Kleene Elrond.

Two people I am not aquainted with, but they’re Sylphy’s close friends.

That I see them sometime and they are had also told their farewell in tears.

Towards the end, Luke came.

He could only spare about 15 minutes.

As Ariel’s assistant, and as a local lord,

He has become more and more busy and came to say goodbye during a vacancy in his schedule.

" Sylphy… err, take care of yourself"


Luke looked like he felt a little guilty toward Sylphy. It seems he finds it hard to look her in the eyes.

"Sorry for the thing that I said before."

"No, Luke at that time you were feeling uneasy and it could not be helped. But that shows how much you really care about Ariel-sama, if it was me, I couldn’t bring myself do that."

"Is that so…? Thank you."

"You're welcome, I also… said some strange things then."


After saying that, both of them laughed.

After they had laughed for a while, Luke looked for words with an "Uh…" while giving a wry smile.

And Luke dropped a bombshell.

"Sylphy, if you no longer have a place at Rudeus’s home… Come to my place."

The moment I heard that, my body became stiff.

I mean, you know, it's not the place for a marriage proposal, right?

I would prefer if you did not say that when her husband is right next to her…

"I won’t break up with Rudi… or even if you said that I won’t marry Luke even if that happens, okay?"

"No, it's not a marriage proposal. However, if a time comes when you don't have any place to go, I won’t hesitate to welcome you."

Luke sounds so manly.

Putting romantic feelings aside, he’ll be there for you when you need him?

Don’t say something so confusing.

But, cold sweat can be seen on Luke′s forehead.

I wonder if Luke feels some unrequited love towards Sylphy.

And you keep saying that you’re not interested in women that have no breasts…

No, that was also a hidden warning to me.

I need to do better.

"It won't be often, but we'll drop by when nearby."

"Oh, also take care."

"Yeah, Luke also take care."

After saying that, Luke left.

Compared to Eris, it was a quick farewell.

Well, because this life is full with meeting and parting, he is that kind of person.

It's a long life.

As long as we live, there will be the opportunity to meet again.


While in thought, Luke came to me.

What is this about, I guess?

You want to fight again?

"I’m sorry for doubting you during our journey.”

He apologized.

"No, it can’t be helped since I did make many suspicious moves."

Luke was tricked by Hitogami that time.

However, in the end even I treated Ariel and Luke as mere pawns. My actions and words were rather suspicious.

Although I knew that the possibility of Luke being Hitogami’s apostle was high.

Since he is not alone in this, he is not at fault.

"Beside, I also doubted Luke-senpai, so we are even."

"… You words saved me.”

Luke smiled as he scratched his cheek.

"Rudeus, if you become unsatisfied with Sylphy’s body, then come to my house. In Notus’s house there are plenty of beautiful women with a great figure."


At Sylphy’s angry voice, Luke’s body shook and shirked. He was barely able to smile.

"That was just a joke."

And, Luke returned back to his horse.

He looked good while riding away on his white horse.

He looks like a prince from some country.

"Rudeus, take care of Sylphy. Sylphy, please be safe and well."

With those words, he rode off.

Although our first meeting was bad, we gradually got along with each other.

If Paul hadn’t left his house, I would've grown up under the same roof as him.

If that were the case I would have probably got along with him better.

While thinking that, Sylphy and I watched his back.

Well, I said my goodbyes.

All that's left is to head home.

Part 3

No… there is no need for a long journey back, Perugius can send me.

During this 10-day period Perugius seemed to have assembled a transition magic team at the royal castle.

Go to the Sky Castle with him, then teleport to the ruins near the outskirts of magic city Sharia.

From there, home sweet home is only half a day away.

What a disappointing way to go back.

From what Eris described, it looked like she was hoping to take a month or more on the way home.

"What! You had me crying like an idiot!"

And so I was beaten.

No, I think that farewells are important.

But I did ruin the moment.

Eris’s precious tears are too good.

But I can understand what Eris was thinking. Ghyslaine also seems to think the same way.

Like student, like teacher.

Between them, I just abruptly appeared.

Hey, it’s not like Perugius is charging us transfer fees. For him it is a simple matter.

……but no, it won’t be good to be so dependant. It’s an emergency route.

Orsted is also capable of creating magic teleport formations,

We might be able to build a direct route to each country, not only in the Asura kingdom,

If those magic formations were known only to us, then not even Hitogami could destroy them.

All right.

Next time I'll propose it.

Part 4

Since using magic teleportation circles are forbidden, we left the city and secretly snuck back in, to enter Perugius's Sky Castle.

By the time we got there, the sun had completely set.

Therefore we were allowed to spend the night in the castle.

Currently I am in one of the Sky Castle's rooms.

With me are Eris, Sylphy.

Before, we arrived with eight people.

Now, only three people returned.

As expected, I feel a bit lonely.

While thinking that, I was looking at the flames of the fireplace.

With the bed in the back, Sylphy and Eris slept side by side.

Although they got their own rooms…

Sylphy, and Eris, for some reason, said they want to sleep in the same room with me.

Maybe they are planning something?

Maybe today will be the YES day?

But Eris still held some reservation with 3P, it’s NO.

Anyways, with plenty of space we laid in a row comfortably, but somehow I can’t sleep.

While watching the flames dance in the fireplace, I became lost in thought.

My surroundings are quiet.

Only the sound of the fire could be heard.

While watching it, I collected my thoughts.

I won.

I won against Hitogami.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a great victory.

There were no casualties on our side, we defeated all the Apostles, and we made Ariel Queen.

Well, there’s still some time until the coronation…

However, too much anxiety will make a great victory tasteless.

Ultimately, this victory was all because of Orsted’s plan.

It’s an important victory, but this is just round 1.

In the future, he will continue this battle.

Thinking of the outcome of such battles will only invite anxiety and worry.

I… did I do alright?

Have I done everything I can this time?

I helped Ariel, almost died, became Orsted’s underlying, and married Eris.

Was this… good enough?


When I was thinking like that, Sylphy suddenly woke up.

"Are you still awake?"


"Isn’t it late?"

She said while looking out the window.

Outside is dark.

Two people not sleeping, a considerable amount of time seems to have passed.


Sylphy, deciding not to go back to sleep, sat next to me.

Sticking her body to mine, she leaned her head on my shoulder.

I was holding her shoulder as a matter of course.


For a while, I spend time in silence.

Sylphy’s warm body.

She was flushed to the point that I thought she had a fever.

Looking at the nape of her neck, I noticed Sylphy looking at me with upturned eyes.

Sylphy’s pupils were somewhat out of focus.

I wanted to kiss her.

Putting power into my hand to bring her towards me, when Sylphy suddenly clearly said:

“Since the time I stopped being Ariel-sama’s escort, I have felt a bit lost.”

I decided to stop the kiss and hear the story.

"It's all over…"

I looked at Sylphy's refreshing face.

Eight years, she has worked as an escort for Ariel.

Eight years.

From the age of 10 to 18.

In her youth, she was always with Luke and Ariel.

Perhaps, she might feel lost now.

Really, I wonder if I can take their place.

I’m already not Sylphy’s friend.

Husband and wife should not be a substitute for friends.

"So Rudi. I was thinking. "

While I’m being silent, Sylphy said clearly.

"Until now, I couldn’t always stay with Lucy because I was worried about Ariel-sama. But I think from now on, I will always stay together with her at home."

When I look at Sylphy, she had a face like she decided to do something.

"Lucy is growing bigger and bigger and now she needs me more than ever. "

While saying that, Sylphy pressed her head against my shoulder.

I pat her on the head.

Sylphy’s head felt more feverish than usual.

"So, I think I will become a decent mother who dedicates herself to raising her children."

I do not think that Sylphy is a bad mother.

But, if I match it against the common sense of this world…

She could be considered to be neglecting her child.

Leaving their child's parenting to the maid is something that nobles do.

We're not nobles.

But, I'm not originally from this world.

I came from a country where it's not uncommon for both parents to work.

"Apart from that, is there anything you want to do?"

Sylphy is only 18.

In this world she’s considered a respectable adult, but she’s only 18.

She should still have dreams and aspirations.

It’s understandable if she wants to do more with her life instead of rearing children.

But I’m glad she’s trying to use raising children to improve herself.

Well, that is just a thought, but it might be a thing that comes from my lack of awareness as a father.

"Well… something I want to do, uh…"

Tilting her head, Sylphy looked up at me.

"Well I think, I wanted to be like Eris."


As she said that, I think for a moment and my eyes begin wandering to her breasts.

I did wish for Sylphy’s small bust to increase, but even I will be troubled if those become too big.

Well, if you want to become big… I can massage every day.

No, this isn’t about her breasts.

"Yes. To be able to stand in the same position as Rudi and fight together. On an equal footing, helping each other and protecting Rudi's back. I think I want that kind of relationship."


"But Eris, and also Rudi are so far away that I can never hope to reach it. I’ve realized this."

I do not think such a thing.

Sylphy was more than enough strong.

Indeed, her rank may go down when compared with Eris.

But, that can’t be helped.

Because Eris has lived her life only for that.

Instead, Sylphy has a lot of things to do that Eris didn’t have.

"So, I gave up on this goal and will protect Rudi’s back in another way."

Oh, So.

Unlike Eris, what of me that Sylphy will protect.

"As mother?"

"Yeah, Roxy also seem to have no wish to stop being a teacher for a while. I will work hard, I will take care of the children in the house. I will raise the children properly and won’t be afraid to show discipline, properly educating them, whenever you are out."

It is a welcome story.

And, it's a story that I'm sorry about.

I'm sure, in the near future I will not see too much of my family.

As the subordinate of Orsted, I’ll likely see more and more work in the fight against Hitogami.

Just like this time, I will surely be forced to travel to lands far from home during the fight.

"Therefore Rudi. From now on, please leave it to me, alright?"


Sylphy is likely to have set on a new goal.

She found a place for herself.

With one stage done, she’s taking the first step onto her next one.

"Yeah, I’m looking forward to hearing about everything from you."

Somehow, I've been thinking that suddenly I’m more and more helplessly falling in love with Sylphy.

Sylphy is always cute, she looks more cute than usual today.

It’s the last straw, I can’t hold it in anymore.

Drawing closer to her face, I kissed Sylphy.

Sylphy accepted it without any resistance.

Further, I moved my hand from her shoulder to her ass.

While hugging her, I noticed Sylphy’s eyebrows distort in trouble.

" …!"

…Then I stopped moving, like a warrior caught in Medusa's glare.

I feel the line of sight.

It’s from… the bed.

Eris that should be sleeping was looking over here.

She was watching with wrath in her eyes.

I'm almost certain that she's humming [Dum dum] with her eyes.

Her eyes are like that of a raptor.

When I see a scene like this, I feel that she will kill with the slightest sign.

Super scary.

"As I thought, I'm going to sleep soon."

"What? Ha… Yeah, me too."

Me and Sylphy crawling into bed where Eris is waiting for us.

Well, those things can wait until we get back.

In this castle, Perugius is always a voyeur.

"Already, Eris, please do not intrude…"

"I. I'm sorry… but, you’re so sneaky, meanie…"

"I’m not sneaky… if you wish, want to do 3P now?"

"Mu, It’s impossible, such things with three people it’s embarrassing……"

Because Eris sounds so pathetic, I've gotten a bit embarrassed but… I wonder.

Oh well, while listening to those two people talking in a quiet voice, I was getting some comfortable satisfaction.

Sylphy’s matter.

In Sylphy's heart, there was one great change.

In this matter, she appears to have grown significantly.

Then, wouldn’t I also able to be change a little more?

Leave my back to her… to be changed to a positive.

While thinking so, I fell asleep.

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