Mushoku Tensei

Volume 20 10 — Everything was for Naught

Volume 20 10 — Everything was for Naught

Volume 20 Chapter 10 - Everything was for Naught

Part 1

The fight began slowly.

I hadn't intended to fight like this, but since it has started I can't afford to lose.

My switch has been flipped.


Zanoba was the first to make his move.

Our opponent is one of the Seven Major Powers, however Zanoba doesn't hesitate at all.

Without any technique he just charged straight ahead, he's really too honest.

He pressed toward the Death God with his club raised roaring.

The Death God evaded it with room to spare.

But I already knew that Zanoba wouldn't land that attack.

A single blow from Zanoba is an instant kill.

He has a high critical chance but very low hit.

It's my job to setup that hit.

In the place the Death God will move when avoiding, I had already created a quagmire.


Then his foot sank into the quagmire and his stance broke.

" [Ice Strike] "

Then Roxy fired her magic into the fray.

The Death God's posture worsened as he effortlessly deflected her attack with his sword.

Zanoba continued to press forward.

He possesses Herculean strength that can even hold down an immortal demon king.

The blow which stemmed from that strength mercilessly punched a hole in the landing of the stairs.

As expected of the Death God, he avoided it.

At the same time we were stopping him from being able to go on the offensive.

He stumbled backwards, his feet left the ground.

The point of his sword is in an unexpected direction and his left hand is at his elbow.

Now is the time to attack.

The Death God's face shows a startled expression.

"No way, this shouldn't…"

After hearing him mutter that I judged that it was time for my attack.

I took a step forward and winked at Roxy.

Zanoba again rushed the Death God, trying to get in a decisive blow.

I turn both of my hand toward the Death God.

If I let Zanoba land a successful hit, then I'm good.

If the attack fails, then I need to determine the direction he'll dodge in with my foresight eye and electrocute him at that point.

While he's paralyzed I'll spam rock bullets at him with the magic tool in my left hand and finish it.

Even if he can evade all of that then Roxy can again break his posture, and we can begin anew.

It's not a planned strategy, but this impromptu co-operation should be fail proof.

That guy is like a mouse in a trap.


The Death God suffers a single blow from Zanoba.

If I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have believed it.

Oh man, he just tanked it.

That super human strength of Zanoba's: he stopped that club with his bare hands.

That is terrifying muscular strength. He's not a member of the Seven Major Powers for show.

But, look here.

The fact that his arm came away broken is clearly reflected in my eyes.


"Zanoba, move!"

Zanoba, hearing my shout, snapped out of the way, and I sprung forward.

Purple lightning shot from my right hand.

With a hollow crack and a flash, the lightning licked the Death God.

Direct hit.

The Death God's body stiffens, and he folds over.

That death's head is looking right at me.

It's a face which doesn't understand what has just happened.

Even if you defend with fighting spirit, an electric shock will still paralyze you.

That's it.

I pour magic into my left arm and prepare to fire off a rock cannon.

"[Shotgun Trigger]"

I fire off a group of stone bullets, which people have said are between Emperor and King rank, at the Death God.

The stone cannon is a special move whose power was even recognized by Orsted.

It has power enough to even damage Orsted if it hits the mark.

With his posture and this timing, the Death God should not be able to avoid this, and even if it doesn't kill him, he won't escape damage.

I've won.

" ……… eh?"

That's what I thought.

However, the next moment the stone bullets disappeared.

Something happened in an instant and the only thing between me and the Death god was some sand or dust.

I couldn't understand.

"Ah, so you've come to aid me! Death God-sama!"

Because Randolph said and glanced behind me.


A new arrival!?

The Death God?

Well then who have I been fighting until just now!?

I turned to my rear.

There was nobody.

The only thing there was a staircase lit by moonlight.


By the time I heard Roxy cry out I was being pushed away.

I could see some blue hair down at my waist.

I was being pushed away by Roxy.

I don't know why, I didn't think about it, but I changed my posture and embraced Roxy in the mid flight.

As I fall down my back strikes the stairs.

The Magic Armor made a sound, 'Gakeen', as I struck the floor.

There was no damage.


I turned over and looked up the stairs.

There was Zanoba who still didn't understand what had happened, and the Death God standing as though he'd just swung his sword.

The Death God stood there as if nothing had happened.

Shouldn't he be paralyzed by my electric shock?

Didn't we break his stance?

That's funny, what's going on?

"Rudeus-dono, a god of death is always something that stands behind you."

His expression was composed; his words were composed.

Because of that comprehension overtook me.

It was a performance.

His reaction to the shock, his stance breaking, all of that was on purpose.

It was all to have me turn around…

Oh sheet, that was my mistake.

Orsted had even warned me that Randolph fought in that kind of way.

Although I didn't intend to have been careless…

Even so that's what just happened.

My stone bullets were erased.

No, that seemed familiar.

That was the same phenomenon when we fought with Manatite Hydra.

That this was…

"Magic absorbing stone."

"Wow, that was discovered quickly… As expected, you are someone to reckon with."

While saying that the Death God displayed his palms.

Magic absorbing stones were fitting into the palm section of his leather fencing gloves.

I did not notice earlier, but they might have been undone by those.

I had not heard that he possessed such gloves, but…

It could even be the very same magic absorbing stone I brought home from Begaritt…

It wouldn't be surprising of a knight of the KDK collected that kind of equipment.

Even Orsted didn't know about it.

Well it's fine.

It was a little careless of me to think we could defeat one of the Seven Major Powers so easily.

Just because magic doesn't work doesn't mean this battle has become more difficult; I know the properties of the magic absorbing stone.

If he turns his hand towards it he can nullify magic, but only after he puts the same amount of magic power into it.

In other words he has to turn his palm towards me for it to work.

He can't turn towards his backside.

The caveat is the small window of attack…

It should be possible to penetrate that with three people.

Looking at it that way, with only one magic absorbing stone glove, if Roxy and I fire off magic simultaneously while Zanoba pursues him…

No, it won't be that simple.

However if it doesn't work, we'll just try another method.

It'll be trail and error.

We'll continue until his defeat.

"Roxy, please move over to Zanoba's rear."

" … "

There is no answer.

Now that I think about, Roxy hasn't moved since a moment ago.

Her hand is limp.

And then around her shoulder there is a strange feeling.

" …hmm? "

What is this?

It's red.

"Roxy's… b-blood… no way?"

Roxy's robe was cut, and then from under it blood was flowing.

My heart was pounding like a hammer.

Like a revolving lantern the scene replayed for me.

I saw the figure of that man that pushed me from the jaws of death.

That man who was struck and then stopped moving.


He reached out to me in the end, Paul…

This is the same as with Paul.


You too?

This can't be. josei

"This isn't happening! Roxy!"

"… Because it's actually happening, please don't touch the wound, it hurts."

I finally noticed that Roxy's eyes were open.

"Oh, okay."

It seems she's alright.

Roxy separated from me, and then in a hushed tone chanted healing magic and cured herself.

I was relieved.

This is bad for my heart.

"Oh, that should have been a fatal wound but…"

Placing his hand on his chin, the Death God tilted his head in curiosity.

To say something horrifying like that, and in regards to Roxy, it makes me agitated.

That monkey seems to have done something from up in his tree.

It seems he thought he had killed Roxy and is disappointed.

The result was only that the shock shaved a few years off my life span.

Alright, the rematch starts here.


There, the sound 'pikiri' came from Roxy's neck.

The necklace I gave her before our departure cracked and, when I looked, it crumbled apart and blew away.

After that, her fingers, the rings on them, they all shattered.

" ……… "

Well then.

That was a magic item to take the place of a single fatal wound, also magic rings that should protect from physical harm.

"Ah, I see… it was like that."

I was horrified.

I was struck with a chill so severe if felt like I had icicles running down my spine.

I experienced a pressure like a strong gale blowing from the Death God.

I know this feeling.

It's my usual cowardice.

I can't stop even if I understand it.

Involuntarily, I embrace Roxy tightly.

"R-Rudy… ?"

It's useless.

Only to this point.

My assumptions only came this far.

That necklace was something I had prepared in advance.

So it's not just luck.

Everything up until this point was within the scope of my predictions.

But, from now on, what?

The opponent came out with an instant kill with a single blow.

Trial and error?

With this guy as an opponent, we won't get many attempts.

There are not continues.

They have all been used up.

Someone will die if we continue with this guy any more than this.

We won't win.

It's not surprising that you can't challenge one of the Seven Major Powers from the front and win.

Why did I even think it was a good idea to challenge one of the Seven Major Powers directly?

Even Orsted said not to challenge him directly like this.

It was like that from the very beginning.

"Zanoba! It's no good. Try to retreat."


"We can't win this round. We'll return for a rematch with the MK-I."

While still holding his club, Zanoba fell back two steps.

He came and looked at me over his shoulder.

"No no, we have a pretty good game going.

That thing a moment ago was particularly dangerous.

If you use it again, I don't have confidence I could prevent it.

You even made me use my trump card…"

The Death God murmurs.

A while ago I felt like he was honestly addressing us, but this is a lie.

Orsted also said it.

This guy is a provocateur.

He'll invite your attacks, he'll incite your defense.

His words right now are a dare.

No, is he serious?

Can he say that without having used his demon sword?

This time his words were too blatant.

He is deceiving us in an attempt to provoke us…

I don't care!

This guy, you can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth.

I understand one thing.

The me right now can't defeat the Death God.

In this moment that fact was carved into my heart.

However, Zanoba did not agree.

"In that case, Shishou, please look over me. I'll break through this one person and then meet with my little brother."

Zanoba charged in.

In my eyes it was reflected in slow motion.

Time slows down, sounds disappear, the rest of the world fades out.

Zanoba takes one step, then two.

In my foresight eye, the Death God is already running.

It didn't seem to be the speed from his earlier awkward movements.

It was a speed that isn't possible to be caught with your eyes.

Time returned.

A sword stroke flashed.


The slash strikes Zanoba on the side, entering his upper shoulder

It's a reverse kasaya.

His armor is shattered and Zanoba is blown up to the ceiling.

Zanoba struck the ceiling forcefully and then fell at my feet.

He doesn't make a sound.

This all seems like a dream.

"Ha…… ha…"

My heart is screaming: severe palpitations.

Is he all right?

His armor is shattered.

That thick breastplate part and the shoulder are shattered like glass.

I have no idea what kind of slash can transform metal into this mess.

"No effect from the secret technique [Pulverizing Armor Slice]…"

With the Death God's words, sound returned to my world.


Definitely, there is no wound on Zanoba's body, even if I look closely.

The cloth under his armor has been cut, but his skin is only harmed to the degree of blue bruises.

"Ugh… guuuu…"

Zanoba groaned as he sat up.

I glare at the Death God who stands at the top of the stairs.

"As expected of a Miko, that isn't enough to cut you."

While grinning like a skeleton, the Death God looks down at us.

Then he slowly returned his sword to its sheath.

"Well I'm not the Sword God, I don't have a fixation on killing with the sword… Fire magic might work? From His Majesty Pax, I have heard that kind of thing."

Oh, then this guy can also use magic.

However the outside of Zanoba's armor is resistant to fire…

No it's not.

I don't think that it will be able to produce that effect in such a ruined state.


Zanoba rises.

I don't know what he thinks he's doing, but he picks up his club and puts his foot on the stairs.

Roxy has also risen.

As if protecting me, she readies her wand and steps forward to cover Zanoba.

I also stood up.

Zanoba is stubborn.

He might continue to fight until his death.

Naturally, I can't allow him to do that.

Roxy as well.

I'll die if she dies.

My spirit would die.

"Will you go on?"

Randolph looks down on us with a blank expression.

He has taken no stance, nor has he begun to chant magic.

He is just standing still, composed.

He doesn't seem to want to initiate the attack.

Sheet, this is just a game to him.

Rather there is even a sense like he is going easy on us.

This guy has sealed my stone cannon.

He had a way to disable magic from the beginning.

Anyway, I don't have anything other than magic with which to catch this guy with.

And still he might have another hidden trump card beside what we've seen.

What had Orsted said?

When it seems like I should attack, defend; and when it seems like I should defend, attack?

Well then, if I believe that, then this guy can anticipate the present flow of battle?

I don't know.

I don't know how to move at all.

There is no necklace.

There is no armor.

We don't know what the opponent has up his sleeves and his attacks are fatal.

There is no guarantee that it is possible to prevent this guy's attacks from breaking the Magic Armor MK-II.

It's no good.

It's not good no matter how much I think about it.

We must withdraw at once.

But how to convince Zanoba?

If he can't be convinced, then stunning him from behind and making him faint.

Then we can retreat to where the MK-I is and fight from there.

"Zanoba, do you understand now? He can't be killed with a head on assault."

"But, Shishou, Pax is…"

"The Death God was waiting. There should still be time for us to secure a certain victory."

I could see the hesitation in Zanoba's movements.

He also seems to have realized that we cannot win.

"Are you leaving now?

Well, I wonder if it's possible … his majesty might be finished quite soon?"

It's a trap.

I don't need to hear it.

"Ah, let's try to make a fresh start once more."

I question whether he'll really let us go.

"I apologize about suddenly attacking you. Therefore, will you please overlook our behavior?"

This may have started out poorly, but maybe I can change the direction if I try a modest approach.

If things continue and we can flee while fighting, there is always the Magic Armor.

After that it's a rematch.

If he doesn't give chase, that would also be good.

"Huh, it doesn't matter, but…"

Ah, is that so?

This is somehow anticlimactic.

I cannot read the intention of the Death God for the life of me.

What exactly is this guy's purpose?

I can't figure it out.

"Death God-san, you, are you getting instructions from Hitogami?"

"What kind of instructions would I get? Especially from someone I haven't ever met."


"But just a moment ago you said, you knew him."

"Someone related to me once met him so I've heard his name… it's only to that point. Myself, I haven't encountered Hitogami, let alone talked to him."

This has turned into what kind of story?

"That would mean that you, you aren't an apostle of Hitogami?"

"I don't know anything about apostles… so that's correct."

Oh we jumped the gun!

Ah, dammit!

Recently there is way too much fruitless effort!

"Then you aren't an enemy of King Pax?"

"Yes. I am veerry mu~ch a supporter of King Pax and the Queen Consort Benedict. At any rate, those two are the only ones to praise my cooking…"

"In other words there isn't some dubious ritual going on in the room behind us and you aren't delaying us to buy time?"

"Yeah, well it's the kind of ritual that you might not want to talk about in front of a small girl."

The Death God glanced at Roxy while saying so.

Roxy was called a small girl, so she looked depressed.

She surely doesn't look like a mother from her appearance.

Even so, I see.

We didn't even have to fight.


I'll apologize.

It's my fault for jumping to conclusions.

"So… I'm very sorry.

We are not King Pax's enemy.

That sudden attack, please let me apologize again."

"No, I also didn't explain it well. Sorry."

Conversely, he lowered his head.

He, he is very polite…

Oh wait.

Actually, this could just be us playing into the hands of the Death God.

In fact, he could have been preparing instant death skills the entire time we were talking…

What exactly should I believe…

Ah, this is such a mess; I have no idea.

If this is the Death God's trick, then I have already completely fallen into it.

And, then


Randolph, laughed with a 'pha' and relaxed the force he was emitting.

But I don't relax.

This guy will not show an opening.

"Seems like it's ended."

What has happened?

What's to become of us?

"Oh, please don't worry so much.

Because I don't really want to kill any of you guys."

"…Liar, just a moment ago you tried to deliver a fatal injury."

"Haha, Certainly… Rudeus, you are interesting."

That skeleton laughed at me.

He just said that I was interesting.

"I was ordered by King Pax to not let anyone through until the end. The thing is finished, so that order has been followed through to its end."

Randolph re-sheathed his sword while saying so.

Then, while sighing with a 'phew', he sat back down into his chair.

"Well, as you please then."

I wonder if this is a trap.

The moment I show my back I may be dealt a single deadly stroke.

"I can go somewhere else if you hate the idea of showing me your back."

"No that's fine, I'll believe you."

Zanoba, so manly, put his club away and began to walk.

I stowed my weapon as well.

Thus the battle ended.

Part 2

The top floor of the royal palace.

In the King's chambers.

The Shirone kingdom's most luxurious place: the best suite.

Paintings lined the walls, a desk with beautiful sculptures sat to the side.

In the back room there was a 5 meter wide canopy bed.

A girl sits at the center of the bed, wrapped in the disturbed bed sheets.

You could hear the quiet sleeping breath of that blue haired girl.

It was Queen Benedict.

Cloths are scattered around, suggesting that she is naked inside the bed.

Also, a familiar smell permeates the room.

It's the smell from when a man and woman do ~that~.

And there is something sitting in front of that little girl.

Until just now Pax and his Queen were in the middle of it.

This country is in a serious situation.

Even though Zanoba has come here so desperately, they are doing something so carefree.

There was Pax on the balcony.

From the railing of the balcony he was looking out.

Stubby limbs, big head, and short childlike body.

It could be that his ugliness comes from his mother's side.

He's only wearing a single pair of underpants.

His back is wiry enough that it can't be said that he has never trained his body.

In addition, there were many scars, and after that, bruises and cuts.

All of this speaks about his life up until now.

"Was I so noisy that my older brother had to come and check on me?"

When Pax looked back at us I forgot about my initial impression 'carefree'.

His face was tired.

His face was banged up.

He was also somber.

Randoph had said, 'Until the heart calms down.'

He was probably being literal.

I've had similar experience.

After working things out, your mind will calm down.

"Your Majesty, I have come to your assistance.

Let's forget about this castle and retreat to Fort Karon."

Zanoba went to the front of the balcony and held out his hand to Pax.

Pax faced Zanoba and, looking at his hand, laughed through his nose.

"Help? Fort Karon? Just what are you saying?"

"The best plan would be to surrender the castle this once, and then to go wait in another place and sharpen our fangs.

Once we gather troops regaining the castle should be easy."

"… and now you just repeat the same sheet, why?"

Pax glared right at Zanoba.

Those cold eyes were enough to make me shudder.

With eyes like that, if you told me this guy was the Death God I would believe you.

"Repeating myself?"

Zanoba questions him.

Pax laughs through his nose.

I don't understand but he begins muttering something then casts a side long glance out over the balcony.

"I had intended to try my best even until this.

I replaced all of father's corrupt ministers with other people.

I hired mercenaries in preparation for war. Security was worse but certainly…

I had fixed my sights on the futures of this country."

Pax leaned back against the hand rail of the balcony and looked right at Zanoba.

"I permitted my older brother to return home.

I also heard the unreasonable wishes of that brother.

Moreover I took those wishes into consideration.

Honestly, I dislike you Brother, but I have to recognize your strength as a miko."

"I know. The amount that Your Majesty has had to rack his brains over this Zanoba is clear to me."

Zanoba is obviously trying his best to remain calm and speak well.

It seems to have touched a nerve with Pax.

He scowled at Zanoba with vicious eyes while strongly clenching his fists.

"Just what do you know!

Does anything really reach you including my feelings?

Look at what's going on!"

Pax flailed his arms towards the scene on the other side of the balcony.

Although the rebel army's bonfire light is right under the scales the town is silent as death.

Outside the city walls there are signs of a large number of people.

There are bonfire lights and campsites setup.

If you look from here a large army seems to have surrounded the capital.

"Even though there are so many soldiers there is no sign that they are trying to stop the rebels!"

"Your Majesty, those are not soldiers, most of them are just various civilians.

They are adventurers, merchants, and others gathered together waiting for the city to reopen."

"Is that so? So what! That doesn't change the fact that I have been abandoned by the entire country!"

He slammed his fist onto the railing of the balcony, Pax was screaming.

I was just looking on without a word.

It's not my place to interfere.

I have a feeling that this is something that Zanoba has to handle.

"Your Majesty, that is absolutely not the case. By no means has everyone abandoned you."

"What is the difference!? The fact is you only brought three people.

You should have brought a lot more soldiers!

Three men!

You did not bring help, those two over there are just your own bodyguards!"

"That is…"

That's not the case.

I was against helping Pax.

I wanted to discover what was the real motive of the Shirone kingdom.

I don't want Zanoba to die so I've come with him.

"It's just like the old days.

Even if I make a large effort, no one recognizes it.

Even though I created good results, everything backfired immediately!

It's all ruined. It seems like it's always like this!"

While screaming loudly, Pax pointed to Roxy next.

Roxy's body stiffens in confusion.

"Roxy! Do your remember it, or is it too long ago?"


"The time when I was able to use intermediate magic for the first time!"

Roxy rolls her eyes in confusion.

"I studied diligently myself.

I trained! Once I finally succeeded in intermediate magic,

just what kind of reaction did you show!?"

"Um… Thats…"

Glancing at Roxy, she was obviously in a panic.

Does she remember?

Has she forgotten?

Me, I don't know.

"You just sighed!"


"I came and excitedly showed you, don't you forget, you returned a sigh!"

"No, that's just…"

"It was a sigh that said, 'He finally got this far.' Oh how you wounded me!"

With wide eyes, Roxy bit her lower lip.

It's inconceivable, she wouldn't sigh like that.

My Roxy?

That Roxy who gave me a compliment every time I was successful in something?

"That's how it was! I adored you!

You were the only one in all of Shirone who accepted me!

So I was trying so hard to get your attention!

But it was useless!

You just absentmindedly treated me with apathy!

You corresponded with a man whom I did not know!

It was ludicrous!

Even though I made such an effort I wasn't recognized. Why did you keep telling me to do my best?

Then when I stopped putting in the effort, you just abandoned me unceremoniously!

You just left the country as if to say, that's enough!"

Pax pulled the hair from his head.

Remembering that time, his eyes are bloodshot, tears are pooling in his eyes.

"So, that is… excuse me, I'm sorry… back then I was…"

"Shut up! I do not want to hear your excuses!"

Roxy kept silent.

In her expression, deep regret was visible.

The thing called effort is something that you should be doing for your own sake.

But it isn't my place to make that kind of sermon.

I have always been recognized, at least since I came to this world.

All my effort returned results.

Even when my efforts proved futile, at those times people still recognized me.

So, I'm not qualified to preach to Pax.

"It's obvious… in reality, this is my limit."

Here Pax relaxed.

"The King of KDK gave myself Shirone, but it's in this state.

No one recognizes me as King; no one is coming.

On the contrary, the general of some person who may not have even inherited father's blood has created a revolt.

In the confusion, the knights whom I had received from His Majesty King of KDK also died.

His Majesty would certainly be disappointed in me."

Pax's restraint crumbled and tears poured heavily from his eyes.

"It is only Benedict who accepts me, after all.

Only she loves me for myself.

She says few words, but she smiles so very hard at me."

The strength of Pax's voice seems to have somehow or another carried down from the castle.

From the bonfires, voices and chatter could be heard.

From below, I wonder if Pax's figure is visible.

Pax looked down upon them as if they were unimportant.

"Hey Older Brother… in this situation, I wonder what I should do?"

"I don't know. But, when you killed our parents and siblings, you went too far."

"… That could be. But those brothers above us would have surely revolted just like this."

"Well, alright."

Zanoba just shook his head.

"However, in these things anyone can fail.

Reflect on it and decide whether or not to leave someone alive next time!"

The lively voice of Zanoba echoes off the top floor.

It's amazing that he can produce that kind of voice in this situation.

"I can't do that. I'm just that kind of guy.

Again and again I just repeat my mistakes."

Pax shook his head slowly.

The gesture was very similar to Zanoba's.

These two people look so different, only that gesture was similar.

Pax raised his faced and looked behind me.


"Yes, sir."

I was startled.

Imperceptibly, right behind me, stood Randolph.

A death god is at my back.

That's bad for the heart.

"That discussion we had before…"

"Your wish is my command."


I wondered what they were talking about.

A moment passed while I thought about it.

Suddenly Pax moved over the handrail of the balcony.


This is the fifth floor.

He leapt.


Jumped off!?



Zanoba ran.

Though there was no time, he ran with his arms outstretched.

He caught the handrail, destroying it as he went, and then fell.


I quickly turned heel and dashed from the room.

Part 3

Pax was dead in the garden.

Zanoba was stunned; on his knees, he embraced the corpse.

"Ah, Shishou, quickly, healing magic…"

Zanoba called out, dumbfounded.

I took out the scroll of healing magic from my breast pocket and pasted it on Zanoba.

Maybe because he just fell from the fifth floor, but there are bruises on this guy.

"No not on myself, on Pax…"

" … "

I shook my head in silence.

Pax was already dead.

It looks like he landed on his head.

It is a tragedy.

I want to think that there wasn't much pain.


"Yeah, it's a pity."

I did not expect him to abruptly jump off.

However, he might have decided so from the beginning.

He was surrounded by enemies.

It may be that he did not escape the castle because he believed he had no allies.

So, he was probably fretting for several days.

As a result, he came to realize that he had failed as King.

From the beginning, he was going to die.


While holding Pax's corpse, Zanoba, he looks up into the sky.

A beautiful full moon peered down over the back of the castle.

A castle without a King.

It's just an empty husk.

"I wonder what I should do…"

" … "

"Perhaps, everything I've done has been for nothing?"

"Don't say that kind of thing. You've given it everything you had."

Nevertheless, Pax couldn't comprehend it.

Pax had said he wanted to be appreciated by others, but he was not able to appreciate those same people.

Oh, before that, it was a feeling like Zanoba didn't even appear in his vision.

Still, I wonder if he wouldn't have understood after some time.

I had thought that Pax was nothing but a hopeless guy, but

I wonder if perhaps Pax did acknowledge Zanoba.

"Why, why did it become such a thing?"

"… I don't know."

Zanoba was silent for a while.

Then, as if suddenly remembering something, he looked up at my face.

"Could it be, this, this is also the work of Hitogami?"

I don't know this time, where the hand of Hitogami was.

After all, a guy claiming to be an apostle did not appear.

But originally, Pax, using various methods, should have made this country into a republic.

That is gone now.

In this case, our participation squashed that republics formation.

Alternatively, from the very beginning all the way up until now, Hitogami's target might have been Pax's life.

He can see the future.

He may have understood that if cornered mentally, Pax would commit suicide and would not need to be killed directly.

Even if that isn't the case.

This time, it's possible Hitogami isn't involved at all.

If I think back, I first came to this country on instruction from Hitogami.

Orsted had said that the Shirone Republic in the future would be a problem for Hitogami.

As a result of my actions, Pax went to the KDK.

Then, it's likely that Hitogami was somehow aiming at Pax back then.

"You could say that."

"… is that so?"

Zanoba slowly laid the corpse on the ground.

Then, slowly, he breathed in and out.

He looks like he could cry, but tears do not appear.

I would be crying, if it were me.

Finally, Zanoba said in a whisper,

"Let's return."

I did not need to hear anything beyond that and nodded firmly.

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