Mushoku Tensei

Volume 20.5 Side Story — Coming of Age Ceremony

Volume 20.5 Side Story — Coming of Age Ceremony

Volume 20.5 Side Story: Coming of Age Ceremony

Part 1

Let's talk about my sisters.

Norn has been working hard as the Student Council President.

Recently most of the students have come to recognize her as [Student Council President, Norn Greyrat].

The number of students who recognize her is comparable to Ariel's term as Student Council President.

Norn is a popular Student Council President. josei

In the general student population, there are many who call her Norn-chan familiarly.

Norn seems reluctant, but it's just a nickname.

Ariel was a Student Council President to be relied upon, while Norn has a more familiar feeling.

Just, partially because of the SS (Norn Greyrat Official Fan Club), she doesn't seem to have any romantic involvements.

She also seems to have gained a position like the school mascot.

Of course, not only has she been working hard on the Student Council, but also towards her studies.

The other day, she achieved the intermediate rank in the Sword God style.

Compared to her surroundings her growth has been a little slow, but this should be considered normal.

She seems to be taking other various classes as well, and is working hard studying magic.

I don't know the details, but I've heard students say [Every time I look around I see Student Council President Norn.]

Although she didn't excel at one thing in particular, she has become well-rounded.

Aisha has been sticking to Arus-kun like glue recently.

One reason is probably that Eris is awkward with childcare, but my baby boy is cute, so I'm not bothered.

This might be favoritism.

I don't know whether this is good for my three children, but even I've been saying [Arus-kun is cute!] like a favorite phrase recently.

Of course, it's good.

But, there's also a part of me that's a little worried.

Though it could be said that I worry too much…

For instance, whenever Arus was hungry, he would puff out his chest and cry without pausing for breath.

The crying should at least pause for a moment when he breathes…

Whenever Arus is held to someone's bosom he laughs happily, Aisha doesn't know what to think about that.

But I still worry.

Whenever I see breasts, I start thinking about my children.

Well, I just worry if it's enough.

About the Rudo Mercenary Company, things are going well.

Although I declared it as the intelligence branch of the Orsted Corporation, and said we would expand it on a global scale, I don't have the human resources, the buildings, or the permissions necessary to organize a branch office in another land.

Rinia and Pursena have done well holding the reins.

Aisha has the best mind for this sort of business.

All of them are working hard.

By the way, Norn and Aisha will be 15 years old soon.

I don't think I need to go over this again, but in this world the 5th, 10th, and 15th birthdays are marked with a celebration.

The 15th birthday is especially important.

After 15 you're considered an adult, and nobles often celebrate with a large party.

It's a coming of age ceremony.

For people in this world, it could be called their most important day.

And, although I shouldn't need to say this, I think we'll hold one celebration for both of them.

That will require an even bigger celebration.

I've gotten plenty of money from Orsted,

so we can afford to rent a huge venue,

with my influential acquaintances, many people should come with gifts,

and I'll treat Norn and Aisha like they're the only princesses in the world.

I excitedly told Roxy and she said,

"Aisha aside, Norn might prefer something more subdued… Shouldn't we avoid such a big celebration?"

And with that, I was brought back to reality.

We're not nobles, so celebrating in our house would be considered enough.

After that, Roxy patted me on the head and said [Because I never got to celebrate Rudy's 15th birthday, I'm excited too.]

Although I didn't really care about my 15th birthday.

Well, because Roxy is stroking my head, I'll let myself be spoiled.

Like a cat.

At any rate, my plans might have been overkill.

I woke up thanks to Roxy.

"For the time being, let's think of a good way to have a two-person celebration as a family."

So we decided to discuss it with everyone, except Norn and Aisha.

Part 2

Late at night, we held the meeting in the basement.

The entire family, except Norn and Aisha, sat around one dimly lit candle.

"Welcome, in the darkness--"

"Excuse me, Rudy, I need a bit more light to be able to write…"

Roxy, acting as the record keeper, interrupted the greetings to complain.

The atmosphere (mood) is important.

"No, if the light leaks out, Aisha may notice."

"In the first place, why are we hiding?"

"Even if you ask why…"

I wonder if it's OK not to hide it.

For example, you'd expect to receive a gift in return for anything you gave on Valentine's Day.

"Hiding the preparations will be difficult, they will enjoy the celebration all the same."

And, Lilia.

In terms of preparations, not hiding them might be easier.

Well, that's right. Rather than focusing on sneaking around, we should focus on magnificent preparations.


But, that's right.

We don't need to go out of our way to cover it up.

Thinking back, both my 5th and 10th birthdays were surprise parties.

So naturally, I thought surprise parties were the norm.

Thinking about it, both Norn and Aisha expect a celebration.

In that case, there's no reason not to tell them.

"Then, we should involve them in the preparations."

Let's do it in a big way.

That way, we won't need to worry about buying gifts.

Aisha is on good terms with all the merchants in the shopping district.

And if I'm sneaking around like this, Aisha might say something like [Oniichan isn't here, he must be out buying lovely panties!], and follow me. Of course, I don't intend to buy panties.

That's just a parable.

Well, the other day, I did go out to buy panties to have Sylphy wear, and Aisha was grinning when she saw me, so it's not really a parable.

"But, the presents should still be kept secret."

At Eris's words, everyone nodded in agreement.

"The presents may be secret, but wouldn't it be good to discuss what we plan to get them?"

Sylphy said that after Eris.

What she said was reasonable.

On that day, my two popular sisters would be getting many gifts.

Norn who's popular in the Student Council and the SS, and Aisha who's popular in the shopping district and the mercenary company.

If two random people give them the same gift then there's no helping it,

but we should try to avoid that within the family at least.

"So, what does everyone think? Let's decide now."

And so, the meeting's agenda changed to the contents of their presents.

Though, everyone already seems to have decided in advance to some extent.

Lilia planned to give Norn a handkerchief, and Aisha an apron.

Sylphy planned to give Norn a book, and Aisha a quill pen.

Roxy planned to give Norn custom-made armor, and Aisha a trowel (magic tool) for gardening.

Eris planned to give Norn a sword belt, and Aisha a normal belt.

They seemed to know what gifts to get for each of them.

Everyone seems to have put in a lot of thought.

Of course, I did too.

I decided to give Norn a figurine of Paul I started production on a few days ago.

Paul loved Norn, he wanted to see her become an adult more than anyone else.

He would have shown her a heartwarming face… Well, anyway.

However, in regards to Aisha's gift, I'm at a loss.

I don't know what she would want.

Aisha seems to like cute things.

She has girly hobbies that you wouldn't expect because of her tremendous talent, she likes cute frilly clothes and cheesy glittery accessories.

That's also good though.

But, recently she's been receiving consultation fees from the Rudo Mercenary Company, so she can afford to buy whatever she wants.

"Just to be thorough, may I hear what everyone got for their own coming of age ceremonies?"

I decided to ask everyone for the time being.

Research is important.

"It was a long time ago, but I received a hair ornament from my parents. It was white and a little feminine."

Lilia said that.

I don't know what Lilia was like when she was 15 years old, but she doesn't seem like someone who would have worn accessories.

After all, she spent most of her youth training in a dojo.

"Because of the Metastasis Event I didn't have any celebration… Ah, but I did get various gifts from Ariel, like clothes and shoes…"

Sylphy received clothing.

Until she was 20, she always dressed boyishly, at least when she was in public, I wonder if those clothes were her gift.

"I didn't receive anything in particular. The Migurd Race doesn't have such a custom."

Is that the case, Roxy?

But, you liked the hat we gave you as your wedding present.

"I, Ruijerd recognized me as a warrior… and from Rudeus… 'that'!"

Eris, that's…

That's an embarrassing thing to say, Eris and I had our first time together.

It was an equal exchange.

Come to think of it, Aisha favors me.

Could it be, would she be happy to receive me?

Definitely not like 'that', Aisha isn't Eris and I won't go along with that.

But before going that far?

In a restaurant with a view of the sea, I would dedicate a toast to her eyes,

going back to a room, staying with her to the end, until she falls asleep.

Treating her like Cinderella for a single night…

Even saying it is embarrassing.

I'm not a valuable enough gift.

"Umm, I haven't figured out what to give to Aisha."

"Aisha-chan would like anything as long as it's from Rudy!"

Sylphy said that with a laugh.

Maybe so, but that's why.

That's exactly why, I want to give her something especially good.

… Better yet, I could get her something expensive that she can't afford.

Like a 100,000 carat diamond.

If I ask Orsted, he should know a place.

I wouldn't even hesitate to go into the belly of a behemoth.

"My gift to Rudy was the best thing I'd ever received."

Roxy's statement was sobering.

You're right!

"I see… I'll try that…"

I got my answer, and nodded deeply.

My gift was decided.

Part 3

Then, over several meetings, preparations advanced at a steady pace.

We've planned the day and asked Aisha and Norn to keep their schedules open.

They were delighted to have a birthday party.

Although I thought Norn would say [That's too much!],

She honestly said [Thank you!] and lowered her head.

This honest attitude was rare for Norn… Come to think of it, Norn is normally distant, but that's only at school.

Because of her position at school, that may be unavoidable.

Aisha's reaction was [Great!] with an excited face.

At least that's what I expected, but her reaction was different. She had a surprised expression and muttered [I see, so I'm an adult now…] as if I only just noticed.

Because she was so clever, I wonder if she always thought of herself as an adult.

If you'd like, I can tell you that you've always been mature…

No, stop that.

I am not an adult who can call other people adults with confidence.

If I say something bossy here, I'll likely be ashamed in the future.

Anyway, they've been notified, now they just have to wait.

Part 4

The day of the event.

Norn went to school as usual.

"I'll return as soon as possible."

Norn seems to be looking forward to it.

Aisha also left for the mercenary office early that morning.

… Although, she returned before noon.

She seems to have finished most of her work ahead of time.

I thought she would come back with gifts from the employees, but she was empty handed.

"Did they give you anything?"

"I, they congratulated me for my birthday. But the Beast Race doesn't have that kind of custom."

However, various people congratulated her, so she seems to be in a good mood.

I wonder if her acquaintances in the shopping district did anything for her.

Well, she is just a customer…

Generally, you wouldn't hold a celebration for a customer.

What's important is the spirit.

It's important to congratulate.

"Hey, Onii-san. Can I watch the preparations?"

"Oh, of course."

I went to help in the dining room, while Aisha watched our preparations come together.

Lilia and Sylphy moving between the kitchen and dining room.

Eris and Roxy bringing back mountains of ingredients.

Me putting up decorations in between helping them.

Silently, Aisha watched.

Today is her day, so she can enjoy watching; and although it's hard to tell while we're still in the middle of the preparations, everything should be done by the evening.

She's just watching.

As if to keep herself from interfering, Aisha watched expressionlessly.

Midway through, Zenith sat down next to her, and silently patted her head.

Leo also came and laid his head on Aisha's knee.

Every now and then someone would leave to tend to Arus when he cried, then return.

Lucy came and asked [Aisha-nee, want to play?], and Aisha smiled saying [I, I'm sorry, I'm actually a little busy.]

With absolute patience, without moving, she watched.

I don't know what she's thinking about.

Maybe she's thinking about what it means to be an adult.

Or maybe she's thinking [What bad skills.]

I don't know.

Meanwhile, the afternoon became evening.

While Aisha watched, the preparations had been steadily completed.

The dining room was decorated.

In the corner of the room, presents for the two had been stacked, piled like a mountain.

On the table, food was put out to cool.

The main course will be started after Norn returns.

After that, we were only waiting for Norn to return.

I wonder if she's behind schedule.

We'll have to go get her if it gets too late.

Although I thought Norn said she would come home early.

"I'm here!"

Norn was carrying so many gifts she could barely hold them in both of her arms.

She had large bouquets in her left hand.

And she carried a wooden box, a hair ornament, some strangely shaped objects, and a broken bag in her right arm.

"I'm sorry I'm late.

I had a lot of stuff to carry back…

I was going to leave it in my dormitory, but I couldn't fit it in my closet.

While I was bringing everything home, my bag broke on the way…"

At school, she was congratulated by a lot of people, and seems to have gotten a lot of gifts.

It's only natural for so many people at school to celebrate Norn's 15th birthday.

As expected of the Student Council President.

Hopefully she didn't get anything weird.

Like hair-filled cookies…

Anyway, I welcome Norn, now we can start the celebration in full swing.

Part 5

The flow of the party was the same as the dual birthday party they had a few years ago.

I had a few opening remarks.

I gave a short speech about how after their 15th birthday the world will recognize them as adults.

I didn't think I'd ever give that sort of speech, but that's what I ended up doing.

I slipped and carelessly said something bossy.

Mostly, I talked about the [Attitude of an Adult].

You may not have to ask permission to do things from now on, but you have to be responsible, like Sylphy.

You mustn't forget to keep learning, like Roxy.

And to have a goal, like Eris.

Then Lilia talked about when Paul and Zenith were young, and when Norn and Aisha were born. When Zenith patted her on the head halfway through, she was almost on the brink of tears.

After that, we presented their gifts.

Opening her gifts, Norn smiled like a blooming flower.

She especially liked the armor Roxy had custom made for her.

Roxy had the armor modeled after Paul's old armor that's on display in Zenith's room.

Its size was adjusted to fit Norn, and the chest was altered for a woman to comfortably wear.

Together with Eris's sword belt, and Paul's beloved sword at her waist, she looked like a swordsman from head to toe.

Roxy and Eris must have remembered Norn asking about becoming an adventurer before.

The figurine I made of Paul was given last.

It's my masterpiece, standing at 30cm tall, you can even see the emotion on his face.

I had to make it from my memory, in a modern Japanese sense it might be classified as [Something I can't afford to mess up.]

This world doesn't have photographs.

Just by looking at the figurine, you couldn't help but remember Paul, Norn received him with tears in her eyes.

Then after receiving the gift, Norn said.

"For this, thank you. From now on I'm an adult, I'll continue working hard. Please continue to support me in the future."

Our chests welled up with emotion, this is good.

Lilia also burst into tears.

Norn, you've become really excellent…

Now, Norn was happy, but what about Aisha?

Aisha was also joyful.

But, watching her, I felt something was strange.

Of course, she's not blatantly frowning.

Every time doesn't have to be [Wow, amazing! Cute! Thank you!] or [Just what I wanted!] overflowing with joy.

On the surface is the usually bright Aisha, who seems to have enjoyed the party.

However, I wonder.

Something was still strange.

The Aisha reflected in my eyes seemed to have cooled down in some way.

She was acting almost like she was in a performance, with fake smiles and laughter.

I think, maybe because she was watching the preparations…

My gift to Aisha, was a pendant.

A Migurd pendant.

… This, because Ruijerd has the original, is a replica.

It's not something expensive or genuine, I handmade it.

"Aisha, this pendant, gave me the chance to grow.

Although it may not have any meaning to you,

I'm giving it to you as proof that you're an adult."

I felt happy when I received mine.

So I wanted to give it to Aisha. But, why not Norn…

I don't know why.

Just, this was something important to me, so it seemed natural.

"… Thank you."

Aisha didn't show her 'happy face'.

She had a blank expression.

And, as if thinking deeply, she stared at the pendant.

Part 6

After opening the presents, we enjoyed dinner and the cake.

There was also a surprise.

Before the night came to a close, more students stopped by with gifts for Norn.

They seem to have bought them in a hurry after hearing about Norn's 15th birthday.

Many people came.

Meeting me, some faces turned blue, but I finished things without any trouble using a shining Rudeus-brand smile.

After all, a smile is the best welcome.

… Sorry, that's a lie.

The moment they saw my smile, they tried to escape.

Sylphy caught them, and had them bring their gifts to Norn, so things ended without any trouble…

That's just rude, guys.

Probably because she got gifts from so many people, Norn's pile of gifts gradually became a mountain.

Compared to Aisha, who only had gifts from our family.

Aisha smiled at that,

a fake smile, masking her discomfort.

Other than me, nobody has noticed Aisha's forced smile.

Maybe I'm just overinterpreting, Aisha might not care.

I wonder if I should discuss it with Sylphy…

While I was thinking.

Suddenly, I heard something from the front door.

I heard a large commotion, and Leo barking.

"I wonder what it is…"

Eris grimly picks up her sword from the corner of the room.

I wonder if Orsted came.

No, there are a lot of people.

Orsted wouldn't bring so many people.

While thinking that, I went to the front door.

When I went outside, I saw a huge number of bad guys.

A huge number of hairy guys with sharp teeth were standing at the gate.

All of them wore a familiar black cloak.

It wouldn't be strange to consider them intimidating.

However, their appearance was very rough.

Some were hurt, and there were guys with their cloaks in tatters.

The two biggest delinquents in town stood at the front.

Those two had disheveled hair, as if they'd been quarreling.

"It's Rinia's fault, because she made a mistake with yesterday's work we were late nano~."

"Ah, of course Pursena would say that nya~."

"Of course. Because it was Rinia's fault nano~."

"I caught the scent of the prey, but that guy was attracted to the smell of our camp nya~. It took too long to kill because of that nya~."

"You shouldn't have done that nano~, camping out in such a place is bad."

Rinia and Pursena.

Arguing as usual.

Well, it's playful.

They're accustomed to it, they were standing next to each other with their hands on each other's backs.

"Oh, Boss nano~."

"Ah, you guys, greetings nya!"

At Rinia's order, seeing me, they all lowered their heads.

Then, I could see something behind them.

Three wooden pallets. Three piles.

"Boss! We've brought gifts nya!"

"We've been in the forest since yesterday, everyone helped out nano!"

It, it was a huge monster.

A wild boar-like monster.

One you would find living in the woods around this area.

At least until yesterday…

"… You guys, you weren't in the office today?"

"It's fine nya~. We left the minimum number of personnel nya~."

"That's right. We adjusted it so there wouldn't be much work today nano~."

That must be why Aisha returned early, because the office was empty.

When she got to the office in high spirits, nobody was there. There wasn't any work to do either.

She might have thought people would come if she waited, but nobody came as the morning passed.

Well, that would explain Aisha's mood.

"Ah, adviser nya!"

"Everyone, it's the adviser!"

I turned around, and saw Aisha.

She was looking at everyone in front of the wild boar.

"What, this…"

"Adviser! Happy birthday!"

At Pursena's words, everyone bowed in unison.

Congratulations, congratulations, their loud voices will disturb the neighborhood.

This scene looks like something from a Yakuza rally.

Then, Aisha lowered her head.

"… Aha."

Aisha laughed.

Seeing that, as if she couldn't contain it, she laughed.

"There's so much, I can't eat all of that… Wow, ahahaha!"

While saying that, in the middle of speaking, she burst into laughter.

While she was laughing,

everyone could see that she was genuinely happy.

Everyone had a relieved expression and smiled brightly.

Today I've been witnessing Norn's popularity,

but Aisha has been accepted into her own community as well.

"Hey Oniichan, can I bring everyone into the garden to eat?"

At that suggestion, when I looked at the crowd, I noticed some guys wagging their tails.

I don't know the details of the Beast Race's traditions, but they'd normally give their prey as a gift, then get to eat it during the festivities.

They're hungry, they have saliva dripping from their mouths, and growling stomachs.

"Oh, of course!"

At those words, Aisha had a full-faced smile.

Part 7

Then a feast began in the garden, Norn guided the stray students who showed up with gifts to join in.

The wild boar was put on a fire to roast,

and a liquor merchant that Aisha knew from the shopping district supplied drinks.

Norn sighed, probably because it was far from a quiet coming-of-age ceremony, and would disturb the neighbors.

For the most part Norn didn't have an unhappy face, and didn't say anything to dampen the mood.

Aisha seemed to be enjoying it from the bottom of her heart.

The feast continued for awhile, but became a party after the mercenaries ate their fill.

People left by twos and threes, until only Aisha was left, and she said.

"What it means to be an adult… I don't know, but it doesn't seem unpleasant."

Compared to Norn's self-awareness, Aisha's words sounded childish. But, it's such a thing.

Aisha to Aisha and Norn to Norn.

As for people, there are adults and there are children.

Regarding Norn and Aisha, I hope they each get closer to their ideal.

"Yeah, I don't know either."

I answered.

I think Aisha doesn't have to force herself to act like an adult.

Thus Norn and Aisha became 15 years old.

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