Mushoku Tensei

Volume 21 6 — Chess Problem

Volume 21 6 — Chess Problem

Volume 21 Chapter 6: Chess Problem

Part 1

The next day.

I went into the room protected with the barrier once again, and met with the Pope.

Cliff was standing to the side.

"Your eminence, I am pleased to meet you in good health."

Cliff is also aware of last night's events.

I've fully explained to him the reasons I didn't return with Zenith.

As he showed indignation towards the Latreia house's reckless actions, I asked him to help me borrow the power of the Pope.

As a result, I was granted an audience for the second day in a row.

Since the Pope is very busy, it took some time before I was allowed to meet him.

"You seem weary, Rudeus-sama."

"You can tell?"

I touched my cheek.

Although I just shaved, I can feel some remaining whiskers.

I got angry remembering Claire's speech and conduct and couldn't sleep last night, as well.

I'm sure my face is a horrible mess.

"Yes. Is today's audience concerning that matter?"

The Pope's behavior suggests that he has seen through me.

The details of Zenith's case may have already reached him.

"To tell the truth, my mother was kidnapped last night."

"I see. Who is the perpetrator?"

The Pope looked at me with a slight smile on his face.

Looking at how he asked me who here, he most likely already knows.

I'd like to think that there's no chance of the Pope having been pulling the strings, but…

"It was the Latreia house."

After I told him the details concerning yesterdays events, the Pope squinted slightly.

"So you wanted to ask me to help you in your search?"

"Frankly, yes."

The pope stroked his beard as if he were pondering.

Scratching his Santa Claus-like beard.

Then, he looked at me.

His face held a slight smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Well then, what shall I have you do…"

"Your eminence?"

Cliff let out a baffled voice in response to the Pope's words.

"He is my friend. This isn't about the faction, it's about family. I don't think it is right to bring up bargaining points…"

"That is why I bring them up, Cliff."

The Pope admonished Cliff in a gentle tone of voice.

"This is a problem of the Latreia house. It's not as if we can't intervene, but we shouldn't interfere with matters of other houses. If the Grimoire house were to meddle in their affairs, the Latreia house won't take kindly to it. But if we were to treat it as mediation by the Pope, we can get them to listen. This is an issue between mother, daughter, and grandchild. If we were to force ourselves in, the Grimoire house will owe a large debt to the Latreia house."

From the Latreia house's viewpoint, it would be like using a shrimp to fish up a sea bream. To the sea bream, it won't be worth it if it doesn't get anything substantial.

"Does your eminence have anything he desires from me?"

"Let's see, it would be quite simple to put it into words, but… It sounds like too good of a story for me. For the [Right Hand of the Dragon God] to come to me while troubled and ask for assistance… In the first place why would the Latreia house purposefully make an enemy of you, who is called the [Right Hand of the Dragon God]?"

"… I don't know. Maybe they aren't aware of that fact?"

Thinking back, Claire seemed to have been looking down on me from the very beginning.

Even though she acknowledged Aisha, she ignored my initial greeting, after all.

"Despite appearances, Count Latreia excels at gathering information. I'm certain he wouldn't miss information on someone as powerful as you, and I don't think he would make light of it."

By Count, he's not referring to Claire.

He's talking about Claire's husband, Carlyle.

"… I've never met the Count, who's the head of the family. It could be the uninformed Countess acting on her own."

Even if Claire heard the information, people have their own senses of values.

I'm not a noble, nor do I hold an important office in any country.

Even if she hears that I am the underling of some warrior who she only knows is called the Dragon God, she wouldn't really understand.

Even if I say I have connections with Ariel, she wouldn't know how close a relationship we hold.

She may think I'm simply a powerless person borrowing someone else's authority.

From the view of Claire's common sense, I may not have any merit.

"The Latreia house's Claire-dono certainly sometimes stresses pedigree too much… Thinking of it that way, it may be possible…"

The Pope thought while stroking his beard, and nodded.

"Well, I suppose it's fine. There is the saying 'nothing ventured, nothing gained', after all. Then, Rudeus-dono… what can you do, specifically?" josei

What can I do, huh?

In other words, he probably means [How far are you willing to go].

Basically, how strong my sincerity is.

"Let's see…"

What came to mind is what I suddenly thought of yesterday.

The plan I suddenly thought of that was naturally shot down.

However, it's a possibility.

"I could do something like kidnapping the miko-sama."

As soon as he heard those words, Cliff cried out.

"Kidnapping!? What the hell are you saying, Rudeus!?"

"Basically, I'm saying I can strike at the vitals of the anti-Demon Race faction."

"That's not it! If you go through with this you may completely destroy the Latreia house! You're saying that you intend to destroy your own house!"

I slowly turned to face Cliff.

"I have nothing to do with that house."

I turned my gaze away from the speechless Cliff.

The Pope had a smile on his face.

"Of course, that's only in terms of what I'm willing to do for your eminence. If I wanted to, I could reduce a town to ashes or make a forest into a vacant lot."

I lay out all my cards.

However, the Pope stroked his beard again.

It may seem like too good of a story for him.

He may think that it's someone's trap.

I don't mind if you're cautious of me.

At the very least, I don't have a hidden agenda.

I'm only thinking of saving Zenith.

"I'm against this!"

Cliff suddenly cried out.

"Kidnapping is a crime. No matter how much they are opposed to you, Grandfather, if you step in, the situation can be resolved!"


"Rudeus, you as well! Why would you want to stoop to their level!? This isn't like you… isn't the blood rushing to your head?"

Blood rushing to my head?

That's certainly the case.

I'm completely fed up with Claire's way of doing things.

I'm angry at Claire Latreia.

It's a miracle that I haven't resorted to violence.

If it wasn't Zenith, I wouldn't be this enraged.

When Eris was wounded by the North Emperor or Roxy was almost killed by the Death God, I wasn't infuriated.

They had determination.

They followed me of their own will, and had resolve.

If they ended up dying, I would certainly mourn.

I would respect their will, and grieve over their lack of strength.

However, currently Zenith doesn't have that determination.

When we were called over by the letter, I took her along without her saying whether or not she will go.

On top of that, she may be wed to some man she doesn't know and made to bear his children.

If, for argument's sake, Zenith had that determination, and came here of her own will, the story would be different.

If in refusal she fought and lost, and ended up like that. That I could still pardon.

Although I say 'pardon', I only meant that [I wouldn't become enraged].

If it came to that, feelings that would make me want to kill myself would enter my heart.

Something other than wrath.

Misery, or some other sort of sense of helplessness.

Rather than anger, a much more bitter emotion.

That's right.

I want to give Claire those feelings.

It's your fault the miko was kidnapped.

After being blamed and told to take responsibility, a troubled and helpless Claire.

I want to see that.

In short, I want revenge.

… I'm despicable, aren't I.

"Rudeus, it's not too late, you can still talk this over with them. If you want I could be there with you."


"The Latreia house offered to help you search for your mother, didn't they? That should have been out of consideration for your mother and sisters. Couldn't it be that in this case you are simply misunderstanding each other, and if you share your thoughts with each other you can come to an understanding?"

Listening to Cliff's words, I was slightly moved.

However, I immediately reverted.

Even I want to talk it over, if possible.

However, that old woman won't even listen to anything I say.

I don't feel like I can reconcile with that old woman at all.

Our ways of thinking and senses of values are too different.

It's almost as if we weren't even speaking the same language.

"… You may be right."

However, I think it over after having calmed down slightly.

It's only a difference between mine and Claire's senses of values.

Just as Cliff said, if start from the beginning with a third party present, we may be able to come up with a solution.

The Pope is not a candidate, due to his standing.

Mediation will turn into the trading of favors.

Cliff also isn't very suitable.

He still doesn't have much standing in this country.

Claire likely won't listen to anything he says.

However, there's still someone who I can consult with.

Someone who will likely be heard by Claire, and can't trade favors between the factions.

Rather than the Pope, I should have consulted with that person first.

"I'll try consulting with Therese-san… Your eminence, my deepest apologies, please forget about the kidnapping matter."

"That's probably best."

The Pope said that and smiled softly.

"Among the knights of the Order of the Temple, she has an particularly respectable way of thinking. She'll surely lend her assistance to you…"

At the Pope's words I bowed my head, and Cliff let out a sigh of relief.

Part 2

Starting the next day, I began consulting with Therese.

However, there was a slight problem.

She's the leader of the miko's guards.

She's the [Middle Leader] of the Order of the Temple's Shield Group.

She normally stays together with the miko and protects her.

As for what that miko, she normally doesn't do much of anything at all.

Like the Pope, the miko is normally confined to the center of the church headquarters.

She seems to have frequently gone out in the past, but since the assassination attempt, she doesn't leave the headquarters unless on church business.

Staying in the headquarters are a number of Temple Knights and users of exorcism or barrier magic, and the miko herself has a little under ten people as her personal guard.

She's in an extremely secure position.

Meeting Therese who is always with that miko is quite difficult.

Letters won't reach her, and she won't come out even when called.

It's almost at the point where I wish I had gotten the Pope's help instead.

Of course, it's not like meeting is impossible.

According to the Pope's information, she's not trapped inside her room year-round.

Once every several days, for just a short time, she's allowed to go out as far as the park inside of the headquarters.

It's the miko's free time.

She goes out to the park that's open to all believers, looks at the trees and flowers, has silly conversations with her guards, and listens to the occasional commoner.

To the miko that lives an extremely confined lifestyle, it's the one and only thing she has to look forward to.

I'll aim for there and meet Therese.

Be that as it may, openly waiting there for them to come out will arouse unnecessary suspicion.

The miko is a VIP, after all.

Regardless of whether I have business with Therese, if I prowl around after her the Order of the Temple will naturally have their eyes on me.

As such, I wander the park nearly everyday.

As if it were only natural, I escort Cliff to the headquarters, and as if it were only natural I pass the time in the park.

My surface reason will be that I am there since I like the Sarak trees.

Furthermore, I bring a canvas with me and draw pictures.

The pictures can't be finished in a single day, so it becomes an excuse to visit every day.

At the same time, Aisha and Gisu are moving on their own.

Aisha is searching for a building at max speed.

Gisu is searching for Zenith while his hires are observing the Latreia house's servants.

Of course, there are no results yet.

While doing such, I ran into the miko on her free day.

"Ah, Rudeus-sama! You have come today as well!"

When the miko saw me, she rushed straight at me.

"You promised me! Please tell me about Eris!"

As she wished, I talked to her about Eris.

Eris had many interesting episodes, and the miko listened to me talk with a delighted expression.

Her guards were vigilant towards me.

Their jobs are to keep suspicious people away from the miko.

Of course, I'm not a suspicious person.

My identity as Cliff's friend is known, and I'm acquainted with Therese, the leader of the guards.

After talking with the miko, I consulted with Therese.

She seems to have heard about Zenith being kidnapped.

She earnestly advised me.

"I can't imagine mother being that high-handed… Anyway, I'll have a day off soon. During that time, I'll talk with mother. Don't worry, Zenith isn't going to be married of to some other man while you aren't aware."

Therese said that while thumping her chest, which is just as large as Zenith's.

How reliable.

"However, mother was strongly opposed to me joining the knights, so she may not listen to what I have to say."

"… What should we do if that's the case?"

"At that time, I can go to father or brother, there are many people I can consult with. Just leave it to me."

Truly reliable.

Part 3

Several days passed.

Zenith still hasn't been found.

According to Gisu, none of the servants have been showing suspicious movements.

There weren't any trying to make contact with someone outside, either.

Of course, there were no signs of Zenith entering or leaving.

Therefore, Gisu assessed that the probability of Zenith being inside the estate is high.

The building for the mercenary company has been secured.

It's a former bar near the commerce district.

Aisha is currently in the process of arranging provisions and uniforms for this company branch.

I'm setting up a communication lithograph and emergency teleportation circle in the basement.

The teleportation circle is the type that uses magic crystals, and since it connects to the scroll I carry with me, it can only be used once.

Well, I probably won't ever use it.

Anyway, using the communication lithograph, I immediately consulted with Orsted.

I told Orsted about the circumstances, and was given some information, as well as his conjectures on Hitogami's intentions.

First, about the miko.

She has no name, and is simply referred to as the Miko.

When she was taken as a miko by the church, her name was discarded.

From then on, she was treated as an important person in public, and a tool in private.

That miko's power is [Memory Reading].

By looking into someone's eyes, she can see their memories.

Her job is interrogation.

She is called upon during interrogations within the church and trials by the country, and examines the suspect's memories.

Bishops and nobles who committed what should have been a perfect crime can be convicted on her words alone.

She is a powerful lie detector, and her power is acknowledged by the king.

This strengthens the cardinal's faction, and weakens the Pope's.

That's what it is…


She see them…

A glimmer of hope rises in me.

Maybe she can recover Zenith's memories.

According to Orsted, her power only allows her to see them so it's impossible, but…

If I get a chance, I'll try to get her to examine Zenith.

However, it doesn't seem like the miko's power can be used by outsiders.

The church, or rather the cardinal's faction, have a monopoly on her power, so permission is needed in order to use it.

Even for the royal family or the pope, without the cardinal's permission they cannot receive her help.

Just because I get along with her, it doesn't mean I can ask her to come with me to the Latreia residence and expose Claire's falsehood.

By the way, about this powerful miko.

She seems to have a very weak fate.

It seems that no matter which loop, she usually would die around age 10, and would never live to see age 30.

Whether you consider her fate or power, her chance of being Hitogami's apostle is close to zero, according to Orsted.

Now, as for the Latreia house.

Currently, there are 4 people in the Latreia house that have reached adulthood, excluding Zenith.

The current head of the family, Count Carlyle Latreia.

His wife, Countess Claire Latreia.

The eldest son, Temple Knight Edgar Latreia.

The third daughter, Temple Knight Therese Latreia.

The eldest daughter Anise has married into the family of Marquis Birnkrant.

The household of Marquis Birnkrant is around one day to the west of Milishion.

Hence, she is currently not in Milishion.

The same goes for the eldest son Edgar.

As a platoon leader in the Order of the Temple, he seems to have moved to the same town as Anise.

The head of the family, Carlyle, is a battalion commander in the Order of the Temple.

It's quite a busy post, so he usually stays at the Order's lodging house while working, and only returns to the household around once every 10 days.

As I found out the other day, Therese usually stays at the headquarters as the miko's guard.

She basically doesn't even return home for holidays.

In other words, Claire is essentially managing the estate on her own.

I also asked Orsted about Claire.

Claire Latreia:

Eldest daughter of the Latreia family; stubborn from the moment she was born; the house's education raised her to be a person strict with both herself and others; once she decides something, she will never yield and will keep the same opinion until the day she dies.

Her husband Carlyle married into the family.

She has one son, and three daughters.

As far as Orsted knows, she doesn't particularly leave her name in history and doesn't have any large accomplishments, just a regular noblewoman you can find anywhere.

She likes people that are fair and righteous, and hates crimes.

Orsted also judged her not to be someone who would kidnap someone by force.

Furthermore, he gave me the details about the power struggle in the Church of Milis.

As I already knew, the Church of Milis is split into the Pope's faction and the Cardinal's faction.

They split around 300 years ago.

Until then the Church of Milis followed the scripture saying that 'all Demons should be destroyed' and rejected the Demon Race.

However, when a certain priest read the scripture that said 'all races are equal under Milis', he said 'then are the Demon Race equal as well?' and caused a division in the clergy.

Ever since, the Demon Race Acceptance faction and Demon Race Expulsion faction have been continually in conflict.

Presently, it's something like this:

The Pope's faction: the Demon Race Acceptance faction. Currently the larger faction. Cliff's grandfather is the Pope. The majority of the general populace in the Kingdom of Milis and the Order of Instruction belong to this faction. (The Pope's faction, the Acceptance faction)

The Cardinal's faction: the Demon Race Expulsion faction. The faction that the miko belongs to. The Latreia house and the majority of the other old noble families and the Order of the Temple belong to this faction.

The royalty and the Order of the Church are neutral.

Until 50 years ago, the Expulsion faction was in control, and non-human races in Milishion were strongly oppressed, and there were many quarrels with the inhabitants of the Great Forest.

However, after they put an end to the escalating conflicts with the Beast Race, the Acceptance faction's influence rose.

For the following 30 years, the Acceptance faction had complete control, but then the miko was born, and gave her support to the Expulsion faction. The archbishop that was part of the Expulsion faction rose to Cardinal, and the Expulsion faction is currently rising back up.

That about sums it up.

Lastly, about Hitogami's involvement.

From what Orsted said, there don't seem to be any people of importance currently in Milis.

No matter how much the Kingdom of Milis falls, they won't side with the Demon Race when Laplace starts a war.

To both Hitogami and Orsted, which faction wins out doesn't matter at all.

But then, the most ideal situation for me is if Cliff becomes Pope.

There is the possibility of Hitogami acting to prevent that.

However, even considering that the recent development is strange.

I can't see the meaning in kidnapping Zenith.

Honestly, it seems fine to consider Hitogami's involvement to be minimal.

"If you're not sure about someone, kill them. It may thwart Hitogami's predictions."

is what Orsted always says.

This time, I'm starting to get the feeling that I should really do that.

So far, that's all we have.

I probably should have gathered this much information beforehand.

Well, this visit to Milis was rather abrupt, and I was optimistically thinking that I would just arrive, give my greetings and shortly depart.

When I go to the Kingdom of the Dragon King, I'll make sure to do a better job preparing.

Part 4

Another few day pass.

Therese came bearing good news.

"Mother implicitly confessed to confining Zenith."


Therese used one of her few vacation days to meet with Claire.

While being cross-examined, it seems she indirectly admitted to using her subordinates to deceive Gisu and kidnap Zenith.

Thus, she is definitely confining Zenith somewhere.

"However, as I expected mother seemed a little off… it's like she's hiding something, or is conflicted. I don't think she's seriously considering marrying Zenith off, but…"

"I see… so, where is she being confined?"

"Sorry, I couldn't get that out of her."

Therese's expression became gloomy.

She tried to get Claire to cough up Zenith's location, but failed.

After that, she tried to persuade Claire to return Zenith to me.

Something like, I'm not sure what Zenith's current condition is, but I'm sure you won't be able to easily find a marriage partner for a widow with a mental condition.

Something like, I'm sure you don't acknowledge Rudeus, but he is in a position to immediately be granted audience with the Pope, you should interact with him more seriously.

Something like, that kind of person said that he'll care for Zenith until he dies, so isn't it fine to entrust her to him?

However, Claire gave some meaningless reply and evaded the topic.

"She ended up moving the topic to asking me when I'll finally get married… Sorry. When she says that it always turns into a fight…"


Gisu said that after the kidnapping, there have been no suspicious movements.

Claire was acting as if she were hiding something, or conflicted.

The information from Orsted that she's not the type of person to forcibly kidnap someone.

Something may be going on after all.

…Even if something's going on, I don't have any obligation to take that into consideration.

She didn't take my circumstances into consideration, after all.

She was making light of me.

"Well, the Latreia house wasn't even able to arrange a marriage partner for me. I'm sure that they won't be able to quickly find one for Zenith."

"Huh? Ah, that's right. That's definitely the case."

I don't really understand the logic there, but if Therese says so then it's certainly true.

"Anyways, mother is just being stubborn. Next I'll close in on her from her surroundings. I've already passed the story on to father, and I've called brother and sister back from the countryside. Although she's like that, mother respects the opinions of men. If father or brother talks to her, she will definitely listen."

"You've been taking care of everything… I can't thank you enough."

"You don't need to thank me. Mother's in the wrong, after all."

Therese is handling things well.

To the point that I wonder why she's so devoted.

Even though we've only met once or twice…

"Therese! Is your conversation over?"

When the conversation came to a pause, the miko came over.

"Yes, miko-sama! I express my humblest apologies for taking time for personal matters while on duty!"

"It's fine. He's Eris-sama's husband, after all. Favors must be repaid. Milis-sama is always watching over us, after all."

I see, Therese working so hard to help me is also because of Eris.

I get the feeling that this is the first time that someone was thankful for something Eris had done.

Alright, once the children are a little bigger, I'll come back with Eris.

"Miko-sama, it is almost time."

"Let us return to your room."

"Rudeus-dono, thank you as always."

Recently, the miko's followers have become lenient around me.

Certainly at the beginning, since I had connections to someone from the Pope's faction, the guards made preparations to strike me down several times, but recently they haven't really been flaring up at me.

They still remain vigilant, but since I'm more or less neutral in regards to the power struggle, they have been thinking of me as a safe person to associate with.

No, I've been giving it my best as well.

I never showed any intention to harm the miko, I haven't been mumbling any more strange things in front of the miko, and I've always been trying to entertain the miko with humorous stories.

Whenever she's with me, the miko is always in a good mood.

After she returns to her room, she seems to look forward to my next visit.

It's the result of my efforts.

Furthermore, there's also the fact that Theresethe Guard Commander treats me cordially.

When the commander isn't at all vigilant, it may seem silly to be on guard.

Honestly, I'd like them to be more on guard.

Like this, kidnapping the miko would be a piece of cake.

However, there's a chance that Therese's efforts prove fruitless, and Zenith doesn't return.

If my back is against the wall, and there's nothing else I can do, I'll do it.

Whether it's kidnapping the miko or raiding the Latreia house, I'll do whatever it takes.

My number one priority is Zenith.

If I don't rescue her, I won't be able to face the dead Paul, or Lilia who I left Sylphy in the care of.

Based on that, I avoid eye contact with the miko.

I don't know to what extent her ability to read memories will let her read someone's thoughts.

If I meet eyes with her, she may not be able to tell that I'll resort to kidnapping her if necessary.

However, I don't want to take any chances.

Whatever the case, I'll make sure not to initiate eye contact with her.

I don't think any of the guards noticed that I'm avoiding eye contact.

Even if they did, the headquarters seem to be full of people who avoid eye contact with the miko.

Anybody would find it unpleasant to have their memories read.

Nobody should find it strange to avoid eye contact with her.

Kidnapping her would be easy.

All I would need to do is hide a scroll with a teleportation circle on it in the ground underneath the chair she's always sitting in.

To carry out the kidnapping, I just need to put magic power into the magic circle behind the guard's backs.

When the miko disappears before my eyes, I'll surely be doubted.

However, they won't be able to prove it.

The ink would disappear, leaving only the paper.

Save rare cases, nobody would notice that I used a teleportation circle.

The teleportation circle connects with the mercenary company's branch office.

That provisions and uniform storage at the mercenary company.

While carrying out negotiations, Aisha will watch over the miko.

However, I'd like to avoid this if at all possible.

That would be inexcusable to Therese, who is in charge of guarding the miko.

She has truly been treating me warmly.

She felt indignation at Claire's high-handed methods.

To help with persuasion, she got in touch with her siblings in a town away from Milishion.

Although I still don't know what Lord Carlyle who should be nearby thinks…

In any case, Therese is seriously trying to persuade Claire.

I don't want to take advantage of her and carry out the kidnapping.

"Therese-san. If you have time, please introduce me to Lord Carlyle, aunt, and uncle. Not only should I give them my greetings, I'd like to personally ask them for their assistance as well."


However, even with that.

If necessary, I'll act on my own.

Even if it's dishonorable, I want to fulfill the promises I made to Paul and Lilia.

If it comes to that, though, I'd like to sever my ties with Therese beforehand.

When I am sure that Therese will not be able to persuade her, I'd at least like to not use any cowardly tricks, and beat down the guards from the front to kidnap the miko.

I have to prepare her for my betrayal.

"Zenith has such a magnificent son, if only I can find a man like you… Sign…"

To the Therese who was grumbling while departing, I once again bowed my head.

I'm not at all magnificent.

Part 5

Another few days pass.

It's been 14, maybe 15 days since I came to this country.

New information arrived from Gisu and Aisha, who participated in the search after securing a base.

Yesterday, someone from a clothing store came and went from the Latreia house.

When Aisha and her helpers tied her up, they found out that she had received an order for a wedding dress, and took measurements for it from a woman in the Latreia household.

Since the woman was described as slightly past her prime with a vacant look in her eyes, it's definitely Zenith.

Furthermore, Claire seems to have had her butler go out in secret yesterday to contact someone in the church.

From the course of events, I guess a marriage partner has been found.

If that's the case, we're almost out of time.

However, we shouldn't rush.

Currently, the Latreia house's eldest son and eldest daughter are headed here after receiving Therese's call.

According to the contents of the letter that previously arrived, they are going to tell Claire "No matter how you look at it, there's no way you should marry off a daughter that can't even speak."

I still haven't met Lord Carlyle.

As a battalion commander, I'm sure he's very busy.

But then, according to Therese "He's not the type of person to permit Claire's current actions."

Aisha also remembered that "The head of the family treated me kindly."

I don't know what he's going to say regarding this case, but I would like to meet him soon.

If the whole family including the head are opposed, Claire can't simply do what she wants.

Even if she manages the household, she's not the head.

Even if she tries to do something, it's just a matter of time.

You could call it, checkmate.

I can't be thankful enough to Therese who quickly changed the situation.

Even if that doesn't work, we already know Zenith's whereabouts, and I've grasped the estate's combat potential.

If we go to Therese beforehand, we can get a rough sketch of the mansion and a conjecture on where Zenith's being held.

Of course, if the family head becomes an ally, it won't reach the level where we need to perform a raid.

Just slightly forcefully find Zenith and censure Claire.

If it's like that, it will end as merely a problem between me and the Latreia house.


Somehow, it seems we can put an end to it simply as a problem between me and the house.

Without causing trouble for Cliff or the Pope, we can use the whole Latreia family besides Claire as intermediaries.

There have been twists and turns, but it looks like it will settle into the ideal form.


It's a good thing I didn't rampage back there after all.

If I properly consult with my surroundings and remove the obstacles, there's no problem at all.

There was no need to kidnap the miko.

Back then, I wasn't thinking straight.

If you try to find a way to break through everything in one shot, you may end up doing something outrageous.

Steadily taking care of everything one by one.

If you do that, then look, you can properly corner the villain.

I can't get revenge, but she won't be able to continue.


While thinking such things, I headed for the headquarters' courtyard.

During these 14, 15 days all these Sarak trees' blossoms have fallen.

However, in my painting they are still in full bloom.

The pink petals are falling today as well.

This painting will also be finished soon.

Even I think that it's an awful drawing.

In the beginning, the miko's cronies were making fun of me to their hearts' extent.

However, when I added in the miko wearing a white one-piece dress, they changed their opinions in an instant.

It was a storm of praises.

They are a simple lot.

The miko also said that she'd like to have the picture when it's done.

If my pictures are fine with you, you can have as many as you want.

Incidentally, I'm also thinking about secretly making a figure to show her.

Now that I think about it, even without weakening the Demon Race Expulsion faction's fighting power to raise the Pope's faction's influence, if the miko uses her authority to say "I approve of the sale of these figures!", it will probably be enough.

At first I won't sell Demon Race figures, but if I sell more and more figures and then make a Demon Race one as part of the series…

No, it's still impossible.

The miko doesn't seem to have that much authority.


Suddenly, I felt something was out of place at the entrance.

I can feel people's presence.

"…Have they already arrived?"

Normally, a while after I enter the park a number of guards will enter the garden and patrol, and then the miko will come out.

There usually isn't anyone there around this time, I wonder if they started the patrol early.

Or maybe, it's someone else entirely.

I stepped foot inside the garden.

The completely flowerless Sarak trees.

Set up underneath that, my easel and canvas.

I can't see the figures of any people.

I thought I felt their presence, but I guess it was my imagination.

Since when I think about it, it's not like I have an eye like Ruijerd's.


In that one place, there's something I don't remember.

On top of the easel.

On top of the easel is a burning candle.

Standing alone, a single candle.

The flame was slowly dancing in the light of the sun.

Now that I get a closer look, I can see footprints in the flowerbed.

One set of footprints.

They lead to the other side of the Sarak tree.

Someone seems to be hiding behind its trunk.


While calling out, I opened the eye of foresight.

No reply.

Something's wrong.

"Is someone there!?"

While letting out a stronger voice, I instill the Magic Armor with mana.

Ready for battle.

While distributing my attention to all my surroundings, I approach the Sarak tree.

If they don't come out then it's fine.

While keeping my distance, I'll attack with magic once I reach a blind spot.

So I don't damage the tree that the miko likes… Wind magic.

Victory goes to he who strikes first.


The mana I'm pouring into my right hand is dispersing.

Something's not right.

Once I noticed that, it was already too late.

When I took a large back-step, I slammed into the wall behind me.

When I looked back, there is nothing there.

No, there was an invisible wall.


I immediately look to my feet.

There, hidden in the light of the morning sun, is a magic circle that's faintly glowing with a pale blue light.

"…A barrier, huh."

It's a barrier magic circle that I remember seeing before.

When you try to leave the area cordoned off by the magic circle, an invisible wall obstructs you.

When you try to use magic within the bounds of the magic circle, it disperses.

"It's a King Ranked barrier, Rudeus-kun."

A voice could be heard from behind the tree.

Slowly emerging from the tree's shadow is a woman clad in blue armor.

A head that resembles Zenith's is hidden behind a boorish helmet.

Not just her.

From the shadows of other trees in the thicket, men covered in armor are appearing one after another.

The ones who gather around the otaku princess, otakus.

Also known as the Order of the Temple.

Or at least I think so, but their faces are covered by helmets with weird shapes.

"Sorry, but… we received information that you were attempting to kidnap the miko-sama."

I was astonished.

The knights were circling the barrier to surround me.

The only one who gave away her whereabouts, Therese, spoke from right in front of me.

"Therefore, we will now begin the Inquisition."

The men wearing helmets stabbed their swords into the ground, scabbard and all.

A strange sound echoed throughout the surroundings.

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