
Chapter 518 Their Inevitable Death, The Blinding Light In The Darkness

Chapter 518 Their Inevitable Death, The Blinding Light In The Darkness

Day 127 - 6:29 PM - Hamilton Commons, Mays Landing, Hamilton Township, New Jersey, United States of America

From the cloudy sky, snow started to fall.

Mark stared at the fat man in front of him while amidst his jump. Although he said out loud that these people were useless, that was not entirely true. Mark just said those words to mess up with the minds of these people. After all, with the display, he had shown them, if he judged them as worthless, it would shrink their ego and increase the fear in their hearts.

Well, it was not entirely wrong, either. Mark was already able to fight with lower deity levels to some extent. Compared to those enemies, the ones in front of him were nowhere close to ants.

However, Mark was an Empath. Although it was unpleasant to absorb other people's emotions without control, it was still satisfying if he was the one that inflicted the fear they were feeling, especially from his enemies.

This kind of satisfaction might probably be one of the reasons why demons loved to inflict despair to their unfortunate victims.

And due to this fear, most people were likely to lose their senses.

Pretty much like the situation right now.

Unable to control their fears, the men under the fat man aimed their guns at Mark. They already knew that there would be no effect. However, they still did as their reasoning weakened.josei

Furthermore, they even disregarded what was behind and in front of Mark.


Another round of gunshots sounded. The accuracy of the shots was way worse than before. Even the fat pig that was currently close to Mark got hit with the bullets to everyone's surprise.

Still, Mark's blurry visage remained unscathed. Unexpectedly, it was the same for the fat man.

The building behind Mark, however, the headquarters of these raiders, turned into a beehive. It was just a small area, and it was not enough to do considerable damage to the shopping mall, however, with how the people inside were screaming and shouting, some of the bullets might have flown inside the building. Possibly, important things or even people got hit.

"You bastard! Watch out where you are shooting!"

Sir Kesser shouted in rage. If not for him being a Mutator, the bullets from his subordinates might have already turned him into swiss cheese. Luckily, his regular human form was already impervious to bullets.

Still, for the fat pig, their enemy right now was very tricky.

However, when Sir Kesser physically attacked earlier, Mark avoided it.

The fat pig was violent, lustful, and impulsive. Nevertheless, no one among the raiders would be able to deny that Sir Kesser was a fast thinker despite his appearance.

Thus, Mark avoiding that attack gave him a quick idea that he could try.

After he shouted, he immediately followed it with a punch with the speed of a bullet towards Mark.

The moment that Mark landed on the ground, the punch was already coming towards his face.

Mark tilted his head to the right. The swift punch from the fat pig passed over his left shoulder, bringing heavy wind pressure with it.

When Mark avoided his second attack, Sir Kesser fully believed his misunderstanding. He thought that bullets might not be able to harm the enemy in front of them, but direct attacks like this could.


As that thought entered his mind, Sir Kesser heard two taps in front of him. That was when he realized that the man he attacked grabbed his outstretched arm amidst its devastating punch.

The punch had yet to stop. As Sir Kesser felt the hands of the enemy, he immediately tried to pull his arm back.

However, before he was able to do so, he felt his body rising from the back of the military jeep.

The veins on the arms and feet of Mark glowed brightly in the dark snowy night. Then, using the force from the missed attack of Sir Kesser, along with the strength accumulated from his blood, without holding back, he twisted his body and faced backward with the arm in his grasp. Bending his body down, Mark pulled the right wrist of Sir Kesser.

In the next split second, everyone stared in disbelief.

The more than six-hundred pounds, Sir Kesser, was hurled fiercely towards the face of the shopping mall.


The force of the throw and the weight of Sir Kesser's body caused the barricades along with the wall of the shopping mall to crumble.

A large, crumbling hole was made on the face of the building, scattering dust in the vicinity.

That display of strength caused some of the raiders' knees to weaken.

Among these fifty people, aside from Sir Kesser, there were three other Mutators. There were also seven Evolvers.

Like Sir Kesser, they thought that the bullets had no effect. Thus, they all rushed forwards to make direct attacks at the enemy.

The first to arrive was the fastest one of them, Hyena. Using his fur-covered hands and sharp claws, he swiped at the enemy. Unfortunately, the attack he made missed miserably. His arm continued on its trajectory, and he tried to attack with his other hand. But he froze.

Where were his arms?


Hyena was sent flying, splattering blood along the way. Both his arms were suddenly gone. He was bleeding profusely from the stumps that were left of his arms.

The others that attacked were not in good shape either.

Any part of their body that they used to attack was dismembered. One of the Mutators immediately died with his head was missing.

"I remember you."

They heard Mark speak. He was looking at Hyena that was staring at him in both shock and fear.

"You're the other one that tailed behind us, right?"

Hyena's eyes turned wide. His already pale complexion from the loss of blood became even paler.

From the start, their targets knew that they were being tailed. No wonder that their leader would appear here.

Then, what of Wolf, who stayed to keep an eye on them.

Then, as if reading his mind, Mark spoke to Hyena.

"Are you thinking about the other guy you left behind?"

There, everyone was already shocked, but still, they could not help but have their hearts beat louder.

A black hole appeared in front of their enemy and took out something from it.

"Don't worry, you will follow this guy."

Mark said to Hyena as he held out Wolf's decapitated head that was still dripping with blood.

These people were Mutators. He could take their abilities. However, since Mark rushed here, he had no time to get this guy's Mutator ability yet. Thus, he took the head and put it inside his [Space Ring].

Nevertheless, even though it was not his intended use of it, the decapitated head was able to inflict more mental damage to these people.


A loud sound from behind was heard, making Mark look above his shoulder. He was not surprised that the fat pig was still alive since he could detect him. What was unexpected, however, was the fat pig's current appearance.

His whole body was covered with a metallic sheen. Despite that, however, unlike other Mutators with metalization ability, Sir Kesser's movements were not hindered. Not even in the slightest.

In fact, his movements were as smooth as if his body was just covered in metallic paint. Still, that was not the case. Sir Kesser's body definitely turned into something metal like.

"Ptui! You BASTARD!"

Sir Kesser shouted in rage as he spat the dust that entered his mouth.

Without any other words, the fat metallic pig charged towards Mark like a racecar. These agile and smooth movements were not something that anyone would expect from a person with that body stature.

The problem with most heavily overweight people was that their bones and muscles could not handle their weight. Thus, it felt heavy, and it was slowing them down. However, none of those side effects were present with how Sir Kesser Moved.

"I see," Mark murmured as he calmly dodged the charge of Sir Kesser.

Mark looked at Kesser, who ended up crashing his own military jeep, with interest.

Sir Kesser's ability did not only metalize his skin or muscles. Even his bones were the same, even in his regular human form.

Furthermore, Mark could feel some difference from this fat metallic pig compared to the other Mutators, something that felt similar to him, and partly to Arnold.

It was the feeling of an enhanced Mutator.

Sir Kesser was a Mutator that already mutated further after turning into one.

In that case, this fat metallic pig's ability was a good catch.

Shouting and cursing after breaking his own vehicle, Sir Kesser glared at Mark.

"Just who the f*ck are you!"

Sir Kesser finally came to his senses. They kicked a steel plate this time. Looking at the Mutators and Evovers lying on the ground, he started thinking that it was better not to risk anything more.

But then, a reply came. Something that even though sounded normal, it was definitely saying that Mark would not let them go.

"The leader of the group that you scumbags are targetting tonight?"

No one would be able to deny that. After all, everyone here saw the head of Wolf that was sent to stalk the targets.

"T-Then..." Sir Kesser stuttered. What he was about to say would inflict a great deal of damage to his ego and reputation.

"You already killed some of us. We won't bother you, people, anymore. If you want supplies or women, I will give you what I have. Isn't it better to let it go?"

The remaining raiders looked at Sir Kesser in dismay. However, they could not say anything. It might be pleasurable for them to take the lives of others. However, what they feared the most was their lives being taken away from them.

To that proposition, everyone stared widely at Mark, who only let out a smirk filled with ridicule.

"Don't bother." Mark's eyes stared at them widely with a murderous look. "I can take all those after I'm done with you pieces of garbage."

Mark then turned at the already weakening Hyena.

"That guy you left to keep an eye on us already confessed. You bastards are targetting my wife."

"Now, tell me."

"Why should I let anyone of you go?"

The murderous intention spread throughout the surroundings.

It became difficult for everyone to breathe.

Many of them fell to their bottoms, causing loud clattering sounds as they accidentally let go of their weapons.

As if that was not enough, two pairs of bat wings sprouted behind Mark, filling everyone's minds and hearts with deep fear.

Unlike the others, Sir Kesser was able to endure the pressure better. Sure enough, he was on a different level compared to his men.

"Don't look down on me!"

Sir Kesser shouted as he charged forwards once more.

This time, everyone saw a crystal fly above the right wrist of Mark as he pointed his right index finger towards Sir Kesser.

A blinding beam of light suddenly fired, depriving almost every one of their sight. The hot, bright laser fired towards Sir Kesser's body.

Sir Kesser could not help but stop and cover his eyes. But then...




Sir Kesser's clothes were immediately burned, revealing his disgusting metallic body. However, the mirror-like properties of his metallic body caused the beam of light to scatter in many directions.

The scattered beams of light burned and tore holes in the bodies of the blinded people in the surroundings.

Seeing that, Mark smiled as he changed the angles of his arm, directing the scattered beam of light to the remaining enemies.

Soon, only Mark and Sir Kesser stood alive. The only ones with intact heads were the dead Mutators.

However, the beam of light had not stopped, and Sir Kesser tried to resist it as much as he could.

However, even a mirror would heat up after bouncing light constantly, not to mention metal.


Sir Kesser's wails were heard as a hole was melted through his metallic body.

After dying, Sir Kesser's body fell down without making too much mess. His whole body was still in its metallic state.

With everyone gone, Mark turned towards the building.

It was time to deal with the others.

But then, several people went out of the building.

The man with chains made Mark frown.

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