My Angel system

Chapter 133 Nika

Chapter 133 Nika

There was no doubt among the students about who was going to win the spar, Natasha was really tough and could even beat most of the boys in the room but Tania, sure she had developed good technique and fighting skills during her time here but trying to implement the things she had learned in the right order most times made her slow and quite easy to beat.

"I thought I was going to face someone tougher but anyone can go," Natasha said with a shrug.

The arrogant miss was the first one to charge in as Tania was trying to come up with the best way to avoid getting injured, she knew winning was impossible so she was going to try and lose in the safest way possible.

Natasha sent a kick towards her face but by stepping to the side just in time she avoided that as the wind from the kick blew across her face and hair.

'That could have been fatal.' She thought with a gulp.

Natasha didn't stop there as she immediately turned and began sending a barrage of kicks and punches toward Tania who was only defending.

She was doing well to block the fatal blows while allowing the light ones to hit her, at some point Natasha got frustrated and decided to unleash her frustration on the cause.

"Enough!" She screamed as she sent a matching kick at the Arsakan, she formed an X with her hands to block that but it was just too much impact for her as she was sent back before eventually falling on the floor while clutching onto her hands.

"Ohhhhh." She groaned on the floor.

There was a series of gasps among the students after seeing what just happened.

"Don't you think that was a little too brutal Natasha?"

Natasha turned to see Todd behind her with his hands folded and an unpleasant look on his face.

"Oh, so now winning is brutal because she's your girlfriend," Natasha said with her usual mocking tone.

"Tania." A girl rushed out from the rest of the students to the groaning Tania. "Are you okay?"

"Chloe."Tania said with a frail voice. "You're not supposed to be here."

"Yeah, but I heard you were having sparring matches today and I decided to come witness the action," Chloe said without breaking for one second. "I just didn't expect you to be matched up with that psychopath."

"I think that's enough for today." Madam Nelly stepped up to say.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Chloe said as she helped Tania up.

"Aww, my arms." Tania winced.

"Sorry," Chloe said.

She was able to get to the door with the help of Chloe and just when the duo was about to walk out they were stopped by someone.

"Tania wait," Todd called from behind.

"Can't you see she's hurt?" Chloe turned to him with an aggressive look.

"I have to get some rest, Todd," Tania said without turning to look at him and then gave Chloe the sign to continue moving which she was glad to do.


Today's training was quite draining for all of them, the tiredness was visible on their faces as they all walked back to their dormitories.

The group eventually split as Ella and Silvia walked to their dormitory in the girls' section and the boys walked to their own section.

Orah was the first to get to his room leaving the two roommates to continue to their rooms but immediately Orah shot the door, Luis began to walk out of the dormitory section.

"Where are you going?" Dylan asked.

"To work," Luis said without even looking back.

"You're not going to eat and get some rest after all that training today?" Dylan asked.

"I don't feel like it," Luis said and continued walking until he was out of sight.

'I don't feel like it.' Dylan repeated in his mind. 'That's a weird statement to make.'

Luis walked into the library to meet a very busy library, almost all the seats were occupied. The working receptionist today was the strict red-haired Rose who hardly had any expression on her face.

Luis didn't even bother talking to her as he walked into the maze of bookshelves straight away. He checked to make sure there wasn't any book on the wrong shelf.

When he was done with that he decided to head to the secret library room, he was excited he was going to have it all to himself today because Michael wasn't going to be around today.

He walked into the first room where there wasn't really anything exciting to see and headed for the elevator but he was met with disappointment.

[ You have been denied access ]

This was the message that displayed on the elevator's glass window when he pushed the button to go down.

"This makes me more certain that those books are there," Luis grumbled as he walked out of the elevator. "Guess I have to find something fun to do here."

He stood there for a while staring at the numerous monitor screens until something clicked in his head.

"That weapon cabinet." He said.

He walked to the side of the room where he had seen the cabinet appear the day they battled the demons in the open land.

"Now how does he bring it up?" He said rubbing his chin. "Yeah, the remote which I do not have."

He stumped his feet on the floor out of anger and that was when something surprising happened. He felt the part of the floor on which he was standing begin to move and he quickly stepped out of the way.

The floor opened and up came the cabinet of weapons.

"I didn't think that would work." He said.

The first pair of equipment his eyes caught was a pair of grey gauntlets with green fingertips.

He tried to take it but it seemed like some sort of invisible barrier wouldn't let his hands go through.

[ Access denied ]

A red message appeared on the invisible screen.


He tried to punch through whatever was blocking him but his hands just bounced back without making any effect.

"What the heck is that?" He said looking at his hands.

He tried to punch it open again but was still met with the same effect.

"That's no normal glass."

"You're right, that is Wondnium reinforced glass, you can never break it with a normal punch like that." A female voice echoed inside the room.

"Who are you?" Luis asked, he was suddenly alert.

"I'm Nika Michael's assistant."

"Assistant?" Luis was confused.


"I can't see you," Luis said.

"That's because I'm a software built to take care of everything here."

"So you're the one denied my access to the elevator and the weapons cabinet."

"That is correct."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because Michael did not authorize your access."

"Ok, but please open the cabinet, I just want to test a few things out, I'm not leaving with anything," Luis begged.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that," Nika replied.

'I don't know if this will work on software but it doesn't hurt to try.' Luis thought.

[ Compel activated ]

"Nika, open this cabinet." He ordered.

"I'm sorry but I cannot."

Luis let out a sigh of defeat as he turned to face the numerous monitor screens and that was when his eyes caught someone approaching the library.

'He's coming back and no doubt he's going to take another book about Angels.' Luis thought. 'Today you're going to tell me what you're doing with those books.'

The Angel stood up and headed for the exit door.

"Are you leaving?" Nika asked.

"Since you won't open the cabinet for me I don't see any use in staying here.

He pushed the center button and the door twisted to the side giving him the opening to leave.

[ Program rewrite terminated ]

"I was getting my program rewritten?" The software assistant sounded surprised.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter?Hope you enjoyed the chapter?josei

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