My Angel system

Chapter 16 Get Stronger

Chapter 16 Get Stronger

Luis was perplexed by what just happened, the man was out of sight now and that feeling of being in danger was gone.

'Just what was that?' Luis thought while rubbing his head which felt sour after that terrible ache, the messages that had appeared on his screen earlier were still there.

He tried to read the first message again but the only word he could make out was detected, the rest were completely blurred out, he went on to the next message which was very clear but he couldn't understand what it meant by interference with mind being blocked.

'What was trying to interfere with my mind?' He thought but still, there was nothing he could make out from the messages that had appeared when the man showed up, the only thing that was clear to him was the feeling of being in danger that he felt when the man was in his presence.

With all these going on in his mind he had finally reached the door that the man had pointed at before leaving.josei

He placed his hand on the doorknob." I sure hope this isn't another restricted area for me" he said and pushed the knob down.


In a dark room with the only source of light coming from the flames surrounding the room, a man can be seen with help from the flames, he is sitting at the very end of the long room, he is rubbing both of his hands while watching the flames burn at both sides of the long room.

The flames seem to be burning calmly but not showing any sign of burning out sooner or later, looking at the man's eye you could see a clear reflection of the flames then suddenly a man appears in front of him with one of his knees on the ground and his head bowed.

"My lord"

"What have you learned this time Rafa? and stop it with the formalities" he sounded irritated but that was just Lucifer, he tells his servants to stop being formal and when they start being getting used to it he cuts off one demon's leg for lack of respect and casts fear into the heart of the others.

"I cannot explain it" Rafa, said raising his head but he still had his knees on the floor, confusion was clearly shown on his face.

"Sure you can," Lucifer said getting up from his throne


"I tried to read his mind but I couldn't, it was as if there was a strong barrier, keeping me from getting in"

"Strong barrier?"

"Yes my lord"

"And who is this person that you speak of?" he forced himself to sound calm.

"I don't know, he's a young one, I've never seen him before"

"Young?" Lucifer said."Do you mean he's human?"

"Yes my lord"

"And you haven't seen him before?"

"Yes," Rafa nodded.

"What could this mean?" Lucifer turned back to his throne.

"I suggest we destroy him as soon as possible my lord"

Lucifer was silent for a moment after hearing those words then he turned back to Rafa.

"Just keep an eye on him for now, who knows if he'll be useful to us in the future"

"At your order," he said and immediately vanished.

Lucifer fell back on his throne, he was looking disturbed now.

"The only person capable of blocking a demon's mind read... No!" he refused to believe what he was thinking.

'Maybe he's using some kind of mind read blocker' he thought."But still, that won't work against someone like Rafa'

Being able to block a demon's mind read could be someone's special ability but such a special ability had never been seen before and if that was to be the case that would mean that there wasn't anything special about this person except preventing demons from reading his thoughts and know his next move or mind control him.

"I will quench any troublesome flame before it grows to the same height as me"


,m Luis was glad when he opened the door and found a few students who wear the same uniform as him sitting at their desks while a male teacher was standing in front of the class.

"Should I remind you to take your seat?" the teacher said, Luis turned to find the teacher looking at him and that was when he realized that he was talking about him.

"Oh," Luis said and slowly took a seat beside a girl who was sitting at the back, he felt embarrassed.

"Are you new here?" the girl asked immediately Luis took his seat, Luis didn't pay attention to who was on the desk beside him when he took his seat and now shifted his gaze to where the question was coming from.

He was greeted by a pair of sky blue eyes, her hair was dark red and tied back like a ponytail but a few strands were allowed to run down her face and her skin was golden.

"Yes," Luis nodded.

"Then you'll need this," she said handing him something like a pamphlet, which was holding before he entered."I'm also new here but I've already gone through it" she smiled.

"Ok" Luis took the pamphlet, feeling awkward with the whole situation.

The teacher cleared his throat so that the murmurings would stop, then he started with his teaching.

"You are all aware that you are in level one of the world power level system, which means that you are the weakest" he tried to sound polite when saying the last words." But that's why you are here to get strong and advance to higher levels" he paced back and forth while speaking.

The teacher was telling the students about getting strong, he tried to explain how those with special abilities could grow and become stronger, then he moved on to those without any special abilities, while he was speaking Luis' attention soon fell on the pamphlet he was holding and he started to go through it immediately, the first thing he saw was the section for level explanation.

"Level one, orange" he muttered.

The book contained a detailed explanation of all the levels, Luis just read the power level title and skipped to the next one until he came across one that caught his attention.

"Level six, white" he muttered while running his fingers through the words.

Level six was one of the top levels in the school, those at level six were respected by other students because their special abilities were stronger now and their soul weapons would be really strong by now, Luis read the information with great interest until he came across something on the very bottom of the page.

NOTE: A level six student is not meant to be running around with a low level.

'So that's why she treats me like crap' he thought.

Luis was pissed off because Tammy was treating him like this, just because she saw him as a weakling as the school hierarchy had explained, he had only one thought in his mind now, get stronger and prove her wrong.

As the teacher was still speaking, he saw someone raise his hand at the back.


The student was silent for a while then he finally spoke."How fast can someone get to level six?"

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