My Angel system

Chapter 266 Difficult Terrain, Difficult Demons

Chapter 266 Difficult Terrain, Difficult Demons

George was surprised to hear the student deny that he didn't know who Dylan was and now he was beginning to think that they had made a mistake.

He turned his gaze to Chad and gave him the sign to stand up and make things clearer.

"You were in a hoodie yesterday evening when we were trying to get answers from Dylan," Chad said.

"I threw an earth spear at you and used that same skill you used at the arena to send it back to me in the form of tiny blades."

"What skill?" The student asked, looking around. "I was in my dorm room after the tournament and had only left in the night to eat dinner."

"But you used the same skill today when that student threw that earth spear at you," Chad said.

"I was taught that skill by my father and besides I'm not the only one who can do it." The student said. "I don't know any Dylan and I can't remember beating you guys up yesterday, I'm not the one you're looking for."

"You're a liar," Chad said, pointing at him.

"You can sit down now Chad," George said.

He had his gaze on Chad as he took his seat before turning it back to their suspect kneeling in front of him.

"I believe you and all this seems to be a misunderstanding of some sort," George said.

"That was what I was trying to say, now let me go." The student said.

"I don't think it's as easy as you think," George said.


"You have seen our faces and this hideout and you may go out there and start spreading the news," George said.

"I promise I won't tell anyone, just let me go." The student pleaded, trying to pull his hands free.

"You don't have to make any promises, you will be allowed to go only under one condition," George said.

"One condition?"

"Yeah, and you won't find it funny if you go against it." His voice had suddenly gone deep as a terrifying look appeared on his face sending shivers down the student's spine.

_____ ____

[ Welcome Demon Slayer ]

Luis heard the female monotone voice as soon as he had entered the white space.

He didn't waste time in bringing up the weapon tab to choose his favorite flaming sword but after opening the ability he had gotten stuck on which one to choose.

He wasn't going to choose wind because he had already tried that out and he wanted to try out something new.

His three elemental abilities were also out of the choices to make because he could use them in the game and that meant that he had to choose between ice, metal, and lighting ability.

'Why don't you try lightning out first, it's stronger than the other two in my opinion?' Lena said.

"Ok, it's not a problem since I will still get to try the other ones out later." He said as he chose the lightning ability.

"I wonder how this works." He said as he stretched his hand and activated his lightning ability as a stream of lightning shot through his hands.

'I have a feeling that this isn't going to be as interesting as I thought it would be.' Luis thought.

'Have you forgotten that every ability has special skills and moves linked to them?' Lena asked. 'You just have to figure out that of lightning.'

"Yeah," Luis said thinking back to what Ella had done with her lightning ability the two times she had fought in the arena.

'She's really scary in that form.'josei

'Yeah but I don't think her lightning ability is that ordinary.' Lena said

'Nothing was ever ordinary in our world, in my world before I came here, we had witches and wizards and in this world, almost everybody has special abilities.'

'I don't think you got my point.' Lena muttered.

Luis brought up the battle-type option and immediately turned his gaze to the ten thousand demons option.

'You should take things slowly and steadily.' Lena said.


'I mean why don't you start from the six hundred demons option since you've conquered the previous one and slowly advance until you get to one thousand?' Lena said.

"You have a point and I'll still get more exp battling the demons and the stronger demon bosses," Luis said.


Luis chose the six hundred demons option, chose the six waves option, chose his terrain, and finally clicked ok.

His body began to disintegrate as he found himself on a leveled terrain but it wasn't just any leveled terrain as he was in a forest with a lot of really tall trees.

'I've always wanted to know what it would feel like to fight lots of demons in this kind of terrain.

He walked around the forest for a while before the trees began to move in quite a violent way until one of the trees had been brought down.

It didn't take the young Angel time to realize that he had been surrounded as more trees fell around him.

'They are bringing down the trees like they are nothing.' Luis thought as he summoned his flaming sword.

'The trees could be weak given that this is just a game.' Lena said.

The demons jumped out and just like he thought he was surrounded by the demons who were all armed with axes.

Five demons ganged up on him and tried to slash down at him with their axes.

Luis knew there was no way he was going to block those attacks with his sword as she shot out a stream of lightning from his hand to knock out two demons before slashing the other three's heads with a water-blade slash.

He didn't forget the fact that he was going up against a hundred demons here as he equipped his main flaming sword and activated the flame skill in both of them.

The demons were coming at him from every direction as he swung his blades, taking them out before they got close to him.

When the remaining demons numbering up to forty discovered that they couldn't get close to the young Angel, they drew back and began to attack him with fireballs.

"That's not good," Luis said as he quickly formed earth walls all around him and covered the top.

"I'm going to admit, these demons are tougher than the ones from the five hundred demons option, and fighting them in this terrain makes things really difficult," Luis said.

The fireballs were hitting the wall and were starting to create dents on it but Luis placed his hands on the walls to reinforce them and make them last longer.

'Yeah but you're still holding back.' Lena said.

'Why won't I? I have to save my special attacks for the boss which is going to be really tough from what I've seen so far.'

'You still have five more rounds after this one, don't you think their cooldown time will be over by then?'

Fireballs hit the walls from both sides as they were beginning to crack now.

One blast from each demon was all it had taken to break the earth's walls but Luis had already made it out.

The demons on one side didn't even see him as a long water blade slash took them all out, taking their heads off in the process.

The rest of the demons had spotted Luis as soon as the smoke from their fireballs had cleared up and had quickly begun to throw fireballs at him.

Luis quickly returned his flaming swords to his inventory and summoned his double Katana blades which he was using to block the attacks while avoiding the ones he couldn't block with his Katana blades.

The red mark on the gauges of both blades rose with each fireball blocked until they had finally filled up.

There was no escape for the demons as Luis turned the blades towards them and their fireballs began to return to them with greater force and slightly increased power.

The attack had taken out all the demons with one hit and had even taken out two demons with one hit.

The gauge had gone down really low and Luis, knowing that the next blast was going to be their last blast, pointed them towards the five demons that were still standing.

The blasts were able to take out four of the demons while blasting the other to the side.

The demon didn't last long though as Luis had immediately taken it out with a water blade slash.

"One down, six more to go."

____ ____

Sony and Max were both in their rooms when a ding sound sounded from Max's watch.

He checked his watch and turned to look at Sony on his bed on the other side of the room.

"He's online," Max said.

"What's the point? We don't have our headsets." Sony said with an expressionless look on his face.

"But we know who has it and how to get it," Max said.

"Are you implying that we accept her conditions?" Sony asked.

"We have to, she said it was only going to be for one week during the tournament," Max said.

Sony stared at him for a while before letting out a sigh.

"Fine but you're going to do most of the work," Sony said.


Mass release goals...

Normal update: 2 chapters daily

1 magic Castle or 300 power stones= 1 extra chapter

2 magic castles or 500 power stones= 2 extra chapters

3 magic castles or 700 power stones= 3 extra chapters

4 magic castles or 1000 power stones= 4 extra chapters.

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