My Angel system

Chapter 32 Quest Update

Chapter 32 Quest Update

Luis had noticed Tammy's reaction towards the girl in the arena and was now interested in finding out who this wonder warrior was.

"What's a wonder warrior?"

Tammy wasn't standing too far from Luis so he was able to hear what she had said.

"Remember how I told you about there being a group of people who possessed the crystal that could grant three powers?"

"Yes." Luis nodded.

"Well, she's one of them, a group of warriors known as the wonder warriors. They possess three abilities, you have already seen the first two."

"What's the last one?" Ella chimed in, it looks like she two was interested in the topic.

"Teleportation," Tammy said.

"I don't see anything special about her apart from the fact that she has three abilities," Ella said.

"Doesn't aren't just any three abilities, they are the strongest of its kind." Tammy said."Their super speed is so inhuman that someone with a high-level superspeed ability cannot match up with the lowest person in their league.

"Their telekinesis can almost lift anything and their teleportation….. well I don't know much about that one."

"I've never seen a wonder warrior in Crockel Academy before," Pearl said.

"That's what I'm talking about, she's not supposed to be here."

"What do you mean?" Luis asked

"A wonder warrior is not someone you see every day, they have their hidden base where they stay and guess their children train and go to school there too."

"Maybe she's not a wonder warrior, just someone with superspeed and telekinesis, I haven't seen her use teleportation yet," Ella said, taking a glance down the arena.

"I'm sure she's a wonder warrior, let's just watch you may see her."

Tammy speaking so calmly and nervously at the same time, the presence of that girl seemed to have completely changed her attitude.

The reflex test continued with Silvia not having to use her telekinesis this time but still, she was able to make it to the first minutes of level four.

"She's good," Luis said after seeing Silvia complete the reflex test.

"Yeah." Ella scoffed.

The final test wasn't something she would be good at, but with a good guess, she was able to find it after opening one empty container.

Silvia finished the test and a number four appeared on her wrist, with a small h below it.

Ella managed to glance at her watch while she walked back to where she was staying.

'I can do better than that.'

The test continued until it got to Ella's turn.

Her name was called and she walked to the spot and got teleported down the arena.

The test of strength was first and she didn't even waste any time, using lighting to power her hands and pushing the pendulum as hard as she could causing it to hit the drum with a loud bang.

"That was actually louder than the wonder warrior's," Pearl commented.

"Who's your little friend Luis?" She asked.

"I don't actually know, I met her on my first day here and this is the second time I'm meeting her."

"Wait! Your first day was the day the school got burnt down?"

Luis nodded.

The students all heard that the school got burnt down but all they were told was that it was an accident, the staff, Luis and Tammy were the only ones who knew what really happened.

The next test was also easy for Ella as she simply enhanced her leg but that wasn't what helped her to make it to the other side, it was her precision and accuracy when it came to timing the portal's movement.

The third test wasn't always that nice for anybody including her and she eventually got knocked out at a slightly lower time with Luis'.

The last test was easy pickings for her as she just increased her senses and found the egg in no time.

Ella returned to Luis' side panting something that hadn't been seen in other students, she had put too much dedication and effort into trying to pass the test.

A little frown seemed to have settled on her face as a level four higher displayed on her watch.

"Wow, you are a level four higher," Luis said.

"Yeah, that's great."

When she said those words there were no cheers in her voice, she sounded disappointed but Luis didn't notice anything.

The test continued until it reached the level six students, Tammy was awesome and managed to get a level six higher proving that she wasn't a level six for show, the same for Pearl who also got a level six higher.

When the test was done the teacher went on to explain how the classes would be split into three years.

The level one students were the only ones to be left in the first year, the second-year class was filled with the level two and level three students while the last class belonged to the last three levels.

After the teacher was done explaining how the classes would be split she asked all the students to meet in front of their respective dormitories, for them to be given room to stay in.

Not too far from where everyone was standing was the first-year dormitory, so it was a short walk for the first-year students.

"This place is huge," Luis said looking at the second and third-year dormitories ahead.

"I wonder where we are," Ella said looking around.


The first years all stopped in front of their dormitories and started to chatter.

Silvia was standing not too far from Luis and Ella at the back, her face was kept straight as she constantly ignored all the boys that tried to call her attention.

Luis would constantly take a quick glance towards her not because he found her attractive but because he was waiting for her to snap at them but never happened until.

One of the boys who had blonde hair approached the girl, he was the first one to do so, all the boys were just waving trying to draw her attention.

"Hey, there my name's Dylan, what of you?" He said extending his hand for a shake.

"I'm Silvia." She said bluntly.josei

The other boys were jealous that Silvia had said something to Dylan but they didn't know that Silvia was just trying not to sound harsh.

"So Silvia," Dylan said jokingly touching her hand, but he didn't realize the mistake he just made.

"Why did you touch my hand?" She asked with a monotone voice.

"Nothing, I just felt like touching your golden skin."

Silvia was silent for a while before she spoke.

"Why don't I touch your own hand for nothing." She said quickly grabbing his palms and immediately Dylan went down on his knees wincing.

The boys who had been boiling in anger because of jealousy were now glad that Silvia was showing him his place.

On the other hand, the girls had different opinions.

"Is he really that weak?"

"Maybe she's too strong."

​ "C'mon what did I do to deserve this?" Dylan wasn't pleading for his dear hand, the embarrassment was too much for him.

"How can she do that?" Ella said.

She was about to get involved before someone stepped in before her, it was a male teacher and he had immediately pulled Silvia's hand away from Dylan.

Dylan fell to the side rubbing his hand with his eyes closed, when he finally opened his eyes rather than a frown a smile was seen on his face.

"I will never wash these hands again."

"It's not nice to start your time here with fighting you know." The teacher said looking at Silvia who still kept her straight face not fazed by the teacher's presence.

The teacher then walked to the front of the dormitory.

"My name is Mr. Lennon John and I'm here to assign you all to your various rooms."

The students who were talking had suddenly stopped talking after hearing his voice.

Lennon then picked up his tablet which he dropped on the table there and began to scroll it.

"I have all your names here and I will be matching you with your required roommates." He said."To be clear some rooms will get three roommates while others will get two."

With that said Lennon began to call names and of those who will be staying together along with their room numbers.

"Dylan Hart, Ace Brock, and Luis Miles will be staying together in room 10."

Luis didn't pay attention to the names of the ones he will be staying with, well because he didn't know who they were but he did take note of his room number.

After assigning all the boys their various rooms it was now time for the girls.

"Ella Jones and Silvia Cane at room number 33," Lennon called first.

"What?" Ella uttered.

She raised her hands to complain but Lennon quickly waved her off.

The room-sharing was done and Lennon had told all of them to head to their rooms and get a little rest before it was time for dinner.

Luis was the first to enter the room where there were four double bunks, he didn't want to think of sleeping up and decided to pick one of the beds down, while he was unpacking his things Dylan entered the room and so did Ace after.

Luis recognized Dylan because of the little trouble he ran into earlier, but Ace he had never seen before.

Ace was the smallest out of the both of them but he wasn't someone you would call short.

Luis took a glance at the watches and could see that Dylan was a level two higher while Ace was a level three lower, which meant that he was the highest level in the room.

Dylan was one of those people that couldn't keep their mouth shut he kept rambling about one thing or the other talking about how he would have gotten a higher level.

Eventually, he got both of them to introduce themselves not like they wouldn't have done that anyway, after that everyone was left to arrange their pieces of stuff. After a while, they all got a notification from their watch indicating that it was time for dinner.

"Finally," Dylan said rushing out of the door without waiting for anybody.

"Aren't you coming?" Ace asked after noticing that Luis wasn't doing anything about going to eat dinner.

"You can go I'm not hungry."

"Ok then." Ace said closing the door after leaving the room.

Luis didn't know why he wasn't feeling hungry, he had, had a long day but he wasn't feeling hungry at all.


Luis woke up in the morning to the sound of his system.

[ Get eight hours of sleep ]

[ Task Completed ]

[ +10 EXP Gained ]

[ 830/900 EXP ]

[ Quest Update ]

[ Get to level 10 ]

Luis looked at his screen and sighed.

"How do I even get to level 10 here?"


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