My Angel system

Chapter 379 Another Way To Hurt Him

Chapter 379 Another Way To Hurt Him

"So, this person gets into people's minds, makes them see you as someone they have a burning hatred for, and then they will start attacking you," Orah said as he walked back to the dormitory area with Luis.

"Yeah," Luis stated with a nod.

"How many times has this happened?" Orah inquired.

"Three times, it would have been four if it had worked on you," Luis said.

"I wonder who I would have seen if it had worked on me because I don't think I have the burning desire to kill anyone like those people," Orah said.

"You don't?" Luis uttered with a surprised expression on his face.

"No," Orah said, shaking his head.

"Like you don't have someone who has treated you badly or done something terrible to you and when you remember that person there's this feeling that makes you want to fly over to that person and kick her off a high cliff?" The Angel vocalized with a hint of anger in his voice.

The two had stopped a little distance away from their dormitory as Orah stared at him with a weird expression on his face before deciding to reply.

"No." The young Demon said, shaking his head. "But that's deep."

"What?" Luis asked.

"What you just said," Orah stated. "Did someone do anything terrible to you?"

"It's a long story," Luis said, letting out a deep sigh. "And besides she's not even anywhere close by."

"Oh, okay."

Hearing Orah say that he didn't really have somebody he wanted to hurt badly and then, later on going on to pour out all the things he wanted to do to his aunt Elsa sort of made him feel like the demon.

It seemed like Orah was the pure Angel who didn't have anything against anybody while he was the evil demon who still had a grudge against his wicked aunt and wouldn't hesitate to pay her back tenfold for all the things that she had done to him.

Lena would mostly comment in situations where he had these kinds of thoughts ravaging his mind but he was surprised by how quiet she had been.

"So what are you going to do about this person, do you have a suspect?" Orah asked. They had entered their dormitory area now.

"Oh, I have my suspects." Luis said.

"You do?" Orah asked.


"Who?" The young Demon inquired.

"Do you know anything about George and his gang?" Luis asked.


With the puzzled look on the Demon's face, Luis thought he didn't know anything about George until…..

"You mean the third-year student who has a string of members that runs from the third years to the first years and they all help him to bully students and get coins for him." He uttered flawlessly, leaving a shocked expression on the Angel's face.

"You know about all these things?"

"Yeah, I've been doing a lot of research on a lot of strange students since I arrived here and I've done a fair deal of research on him and some of his third-year members," Orah said.



"That means you know a lot about him," Luis said.


"I don't think we should continue talking about this outside, come inside," Luis uttered quickly, opening the door and heading inside the room.

Orah entered the room and shut the door .Looking around the first thing that had caught his eyes was Dylan who was sleeping on his bed.

"Dylan." He called but there was no response from Dylan who was already fast asleep. "And I was wondering why I hadn't been seeing much of him, I guess this is what he has been doing with his time."

Luis didn't say anything as the Demon turned away from Dylan and walked closer to him.

"What is wrong with him?" Orah inquired pointing back at Dylan.

"I'll tell you later, that is after you tell me all you know about George," Luis stated.


All Orah had said so far was things that Luis already knew with little added details that was until he got to the part which Luis had no idea of.

"George's father has a whole supply of demonic weapons," Orah said.

"How?" Luis asked with a shocked expression on his face.

"My guess is that he's working with someone on my planet," Orah said.

Luis was aware that general Freelyn had a couple of demonic equipment, he found that out after the day he wore some demonic armor to the academy but how wrong he was to think that it was just a couple, now everything was beginning to make a little sense to him.

"He's working with a demon?"

"Probably one of my father's demon lords because they are the ones in charge of the weapons," Orah uttered.

'If he's working with the demons and they are giving him weapons then that means he must be doing something for them.' Lena said, finally breaking her long spell of silence.


"If he's working with the demons and they are giving him weapons then he must be doing something for them," Luis said, relating the idea to Orah.

"Yeah, but I don't know what he's doing for them," Orah said. "But I am still trying to find out."

"Okay, I'm just glad that Michael has gotten rid of George's demonic weapons," Luis said.

"He did?"


"I don't understand what you mean by Michael getting rid of his weapons but George is here with a very powerful demonic sword," Orah stated.


"Yeah, that sword when charged to its maximum power can take out a master Demon with one slash and deal great damage on a Demon Lord."

Luis didn't know what to say as he stared at the young Demon with mixed feelings of shock and fright.

____ ___

"I don't know what came over me, something just tripped off inside me and I let the words fly out without even realizing," Ciara said as she shut out an arrow toward the target board which was quite a distance away from her.

She was currently in one of Phoenix academy's training rooms, this one was the one that was mostly visited by first years. None of the training rooms weren't meant for a particular class but for some reason, about ninety-five percent of the students that always showed up here were first years.

The room was quite large with all the equipment needed for training and a few gym equipments.

Currently, there were just a few students in the room including Ciara and her two friends Lily and Cassie.

They were sitting on the mat behind her with their legs crossed in meditation postures while Ciara was trying to shoot her frustration in the form of arrows but that didn't seem to be working too well for her.

"Just go to him and say you're sorry," Cassie said.

"I went to his dorm room to apologize," Ciara said, fitting another arrow in her bow. "But he told me he had something urgent to take care of before running off to go see Ella." She said before the arrow was sent flying toward the board and hit the main target.

"Don't you get it, Ciara?" Lily asked.

"Get what?" Ciara asked, turning to her.

"There's something probably going on between him and Ella," Lily said.

"He said she's just his friend," Ciara said.

"That's what he will tell you," Lily said.

"Huh?" Ciara said with a confused expression on his face.

"Let me ask you a question," Lily uttered, straightening her legs.


"Do you like him?" Lily asked.


"Like do you have feelings for him?" Lily said, making her question clearer.

Now that was a tough question for Ciara to answer, she knew she felt something for him, that's why she had gotten close to him but the feeling was a bit confusing and she was just starting to understand it but she still wasn't clear about it.

"I mean…."

"Shut up!" Lily screamed to cut her off from what she wanted to say.

"Huh?" She said with a confused expression on her face.

"What is wrong with you Lily?" Cassie asked, turning to her friend with the same puzzlement Ciara had on her face.

"Don't speak like you don't know what I'm talking about," Lily said with a serious tone as she slowly got up from the floor.

"Lily, are you okay?" Ciara asked as she was beginning to get the idea of what was going on.

"Yes, but you won't be once I'm done with you," Lily uttered as she quickly raised her hands and blasted Ciara with some serious waves of Sonic blast.

"Lily stop!" Cassie yelled as she quickly brought her down with a sliding kick.

"Get away from here," Lilly said as she quickly got up and blasted her back with her sonic waves before turning to face Ciara who had her back against the wall while breathing heavily.

"Lily this isn't you, someone's in your head," Ciara said as water bubbles were slowly forming in her hands.

There was no response from Lily as five more students pulled closer to her and were all staring at Ciara now.

'Why is he coming after me?'

"Lily, snap out of this!"josei

"She can't hear you!" The five students and Lily said in unison.

"Who are you?" Ciara asked.

"Nobody that you should know!" They all said in unison.

"What do you want from me? Why are you attacking Luis?" Ciara asked.

"I've tried to hurt him, four times now and nothing, maybe hurting him in another way will be more satisfying!"

There were still a few first-year students including Cassie who were standing by the side watching what was going on.

"What is wrong with them?"

"Someone is definitely controlling their minds can't you see that?"

"Lilly please snap out of this," Cassie said as she was yet to fully get up from the floor.

"What other way?" Ciara asked.

"Hurting you and there's no way anybody will be able to come to your aid!" The students said in unison before their soul weapons appeared in their hands and the door to the training had slid shut by itself locking them all in there.


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