My Angel system

Chapter 396 Mind Controller Revealed

Chapter 396 Mind Controller Revealed

Level five was really tough and nobody needed to tell you that, all you had to do was look at the way Mirinda was struggling and see for yourself.

Three discs were shot out towards her at the same time as she quickly zoomed to the side to avoid the first one before spinning herself horizontally in the air to avoid the other two that were already upon her.

She was still trying to catch her breath when six discs were shot toward her at the same time.

She was out of breath with six discs heading toward her, what could she do? Nothing, she could do absolutely nothing to get out of this one.

She quickly got on her knees to avoid the first disc but before she could do anything else, two discs came flying toward her and slammed her on her lower jaw.

"Owww." She groaned before falling on the large disc with her back.

As soon as she hit the disc, the light on its edges immediately lit up red.

"Mirinda Kerr of Eukerion academy has just been eliminated from the competition which leaves us to the last two participants from Phoenix academy and Crockel academy." The sergeant.

"At least she got this far," Rosa said with a shrug.

"Mirinda please step down from the disc." The sergeant said but there was no response from the blonde-haired second-year student who was still lying on the disc. "Mirinda."

The sergeant called her again but still, there was no response from her.

'Did those discs really knock her out?' Luis thought, moving closer to her.

When he got to her, he could see that she had her eyes closed and he would have thought she was unconscious if he couldn't hear her breathing from where he was standing.


As soon as he said that, she shut her eyes open like she was waking up from a frightening dream.

"Hey." She said with a muffled voice.

"Are you okay?" The Angel asked.

"Yeah, a little pain in my jaw but I'm okay." She said, pressing her thumb against her jaw.

"I knew that would hurt," Luis said. "Do you need help getting up?"

"Yeah." She said, raising her hand for Luis to pull her up.

Nova had been scanning the stadium with her aura vision and returning her gaze to Luis who was helping Mirinda up now, she was shocked by what she was seeing.

"That's not good." She muttered with a gasp.

'Luis, get away from that girl.'


It was already too late for the Angel to get away unharmed as a dagger quickly appeared in her left wing and she stabbed it deep into the Angel's shoulder.

"Arghhh!" He groaned before pushing her far away from him.

"What's going on?" Tania asked with a confused expression on her face.

"She just stabbed Luis," Chloe muttered with a baffled look on her face.

[ -10 HP ]

[ -5 Energy ]

[ Healing process has begun ]

The Angel let out soft groans as he slowly pulled the dagger out from his shoulder.

"What's the problem, Luis?" Mirinda asked with a cheeky voice as she walked toward with a long Katana blade in her hand.

"Why can't you just fight me in person and stop hiding behind people that have nothing to do with this?" Luis said, trying his best to stay calm.

"What is wrong with you Mirinda?" The host sergeant asked but there was no response from Mirinda who seemed intent on getting to Luis.

"What are you asking questions for? Just knock her out already." Nicole complained. "Oh, forget it."

She dipped her hand into her handbag which was lying on the floor and brought out a bracelet decorated with dart tranquilizers.

She quickly put the bracelet on, got up from her seat, aimed toward the blonde, and shot out one of the tranquilizers.

She had not gotten to Luis yet as the dart flew straight to her neck and sunk in there.

As soon as the tranquilizer hit her, she dropped her blade and acted dizzy for a few seconds before dropping to the floor.

"What was that?" Mike asked with a confused expression on his face.

"I have no idea," Ella said, shaking her head.

"That girl wasn't in control of her body." Mia Slash said.

"You say that like you're certain about it," Chris said.

"Of course, I'm certain about it," Mia said. "The boy is a first-year student which means that this is his first tournament so there's a ninety-nine percent chance that they don't know each other and if they don't know each other, there's no way they could have had any problems that would make her attack him like that."

"I don't think there's any need for your detailed explanation Mia, he helped her up before she stabbed him, that explains a lot." Levi Breeze said.

"No, my point is that even if she wanted to hurt him for whatever reason, she wouldn't attack him in the open like that," Mia said. "It was clearly someone else's doing."

"What's all the fuss about?" Commander Coaster asked. "We're going to get a report of everything that happened at the end of the day, have you forgotten?"

"Yeah, but the reports from your team aren't always honest are they?" Devon Winter said, turning his gaze to the commander.

The competition had been paused for the meantime as the medical team had made their way into the pitch to carry Mirinda out and have a look at Luis' shoulder.

"I told you I'm okay," Luis said once again to the female medical staff who was standing behind him.

"I saw what happened to you, that dagger went deep into your shoulder, there's no way you're okay." She said,

"I'm okay," Luis said.

"No, you're not." She said with a little bit of aggressiveness in her voice this time as she got closer to get a clear view of the Angel's shoulder and that was when she realized that he wasn't bluffing when he said he was okay.

"How is this possible?" She said with a shocked expression on her face as she drew away from the Angel.

"I told you I was okay," Luis said, covering up the area with the part of his uniform that wasn't torn.

"How did it heal so fast?"

'You're starting to expose yourself bit by bit Luis.' Lena said.

'It's not my fault that she stabbed me on the shoulder with everyone watching.'

"Hello." The nurse said.

"'s my ability, fast healing." The Angel muttered to her.

"Fast healing? I haven't heard of it." She said squatting down beside him.

"Yeah, it's a rare ability and that's why I was keeping it a secret until now." The Angel said.

"You were keeping it a secret?"

"Yeah." He said with a nod. "Can you please just wrap my shoulder with some bandages and pretend like you don't know about this?" He requested with a smile.

The nurse stared at him for a while before opening her first aid box and pulling out the bandage roll.

"Sure." She said with a nod.

"I'm nurse Camilla by the way." She said after wrapping the bandages around his shoulder.

"I'm Luis." The Angel said already aware that she wanted him to say his name.

"Luis." She said before picking up her box and getting up on her feet. "You have a very special ability and I don't think you should keep it a secret but I guess you have your reasons and I respect that, your secret's safe with me."

"Thank you." The Angel said.

"You're welcome," Camilla said with a smile before she began to walk off the pitch.

'You know that was risky right?' Lena said.

'I wouldn't have said anything to her if I couldn't read her mind.'

'Hey, Luis, I think I've found who this mind controller person is, no I'm certain I've found him.' Nova said.

'You have? Who is it?'

'Before I tell you, you'll have to promise me something.'

'What?' Luis inquired.

'You won't make any irrational decisions and calm down till the competition is over, that's the promise you have to make.'josei

'Okay, I promise.'

'Look straight, the student standing in front of you.'

Luis did as he was told and raised his head to see that there was only one student standing in front of him, the student that was still in the competition alongside him.


'Yeah, that's him.' Nova said.

'Why didn't I think of it?' The Angel said subconsciously as he gritted his teeth and folded his hands into fists.

'Remember, no irrational decisions.' Nova said. 'Just calm down, we know who he is now, we'll just have to deal with him later.'

'And all this while I've been thinking it was all George.' He said subconsciously. 'Just because I forced him to pay up to the end of his deal, he decided to start an attacking spree on me and my friends.'

'Wait, that's what this is all about?' Nova said with a surprised tone in her subconscious voice.

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