My Angel system

Chapter 401 You're One Of Them

Chapter 401 You're One Of Them

Tania had a stunned look on her face as she stared at his brother who was sitting in between Layla and Tuchel in the row of seats.

''Jude.'' She muttered with a baffled look on her face.

''Hey, sis,'' Jude said, slowly getting up from where he was sitting.

Tania didn't even wait for him to say what he wanted to say as she quickly wrapped her arms around him and sank her face into his chest.

''I've missed you so much.''

''I've missed you too,'' Jude said.

''How did you get him to come here?'' She turned her gaze to Bryan to ask.

''Umm….I wasn't the one that got them to come here.'' Bryan said.


''Yeah, I came with my friends Tauriel and Tuchel,'' Bryan said, pointing back at the elf twins.

''Hi,'' Tuchel said with a little wave.

''They came through the portal when we tried to send the drone through bringing the drone down in the process and destroying it,'' Layla said.

''The day we left for the tournament?'' Tania said.

''Yeah,'' Layla said with a nod. ''Who's your friend?'' She asked, turning her gaze to Luis.

''This is my friend Luis, Luis Miles,'' Tania said, introducing the Angel to everyone there who didn't know who he was.

Of course, they've all heard about him thanks to Tania but this was their first time seeing him.

''Oh, the Luis Miles,'' Layla said.

''Madam Elsa's nephew,'' Jude said, looking directly at him.

"You're the one that disc competition." Tuchel said.

''Yeah,'' Luis said with a nod.

''I'm Lieutenant Layla by the way since nobody bothered to introduce me,'' Layla said.

''How are Mother and Father?'' Tania asked, turning her gaze to her brother.

''They're fine,'' Jude replied.

''Okay.'' She said, ''I'm so sorry I had to disappear on the day that we were supposed to celebrate your return from the knight academy.''

''You don't have to be, you were looking for your friend and fell into the portal by mistake, it's not exactly your fault.'' The young knight said.

''I know you came looking for me the second you found out that I was missing.'' She said,

''Why wouldn't I?''

''And he was careless about it,'' Tuchel muttered.

''Maybe now, we can all go home after the tournament,'' Tania said.

''I don't think your home is a safe place to be at this point in time,'' Layla said.

''What do you mean?'' Tania asked, turning her gaze to her with a confused expression on her face.

''Come closer.'' The Lieutenant said before picking up her tablet from her seat and dropping it on her thighs.

Tania did as she was told and drew closer to the Lieutenant and Luis' curiosity led him to follow her to see whatever the Lieutenant wanted to show her.

As soon as she was close enough to see the tablet's screen, the Lieutenant turned on the tablet to reveal the view of Asaka's sky, the sky's red color was brightly visible now as the sun was halfway through setting.

''What is this?'' Tania asked.

''Asaka,'' Layla replied before sticking her hand into her pocket to bring out the drone's controller.

She used the controller to control the drone so that she could get a view of the buildings around the area but there was no one walking around the area.

'It is Asaka.' Luis thought with his gaze fixed on the tablet's screen.

''Aren't people going to see the drone as it is floating in the air?'' Tania asked.

''If it was the drone that we previously wanted to send that would have been a problem but this drone was built by Michael and it has a special stealth feature.'' The Lieutenant explained.

''Michael,'' Luis muttered.


''Yeah, an invisibility feature,'' Layla said.


''Why is the sky red?'' Luis asked as he found the color of the sky to be really strange.

''I was coming to that,'' Layla said. ''The sky was like that when I flew the drone through and I thought that was the normal color for the sky in your world until Tauriel confirmed that it wasn't.''

''That still doesn't answer the question,'' Tania said

''Let me finish.'' The Lieutenant said. ''We tried to find out why the color of the sky was like that

And that was when we confirmed again from two women that the color of the sky was indeed strange and as a matter of fact, the sky was only like that in Asaka. It didn't take long before the people were summoned in front of your king's castle where we found out that everything was linked to your king."

"The king?" Tania said with a confused expression.

"Roy has strange magical abilities now, he ordered the people to make cuts on their fingers and let their blood drop into a container filled with a strange black liquid," Jude said, continuing from where Layla left off.

"Black liquid?"

"Yeah." The young knight said with a nod. "Matilda's master tried to find out why he needed them to drop their liquid into the liquid and instead of answering him, he pulled closer with his strange powers and killed him before dropping his whole body into the strange liquid."

"No," Tania said with a shocked expression on her face.

"What does he need their blood for?" Luis asked.

"To open some kind of dark portal." The young knight said.

"Dark portal?"

"Yeah, let me show you," Layla said before driving the drone to the area.

It didn't take her long to get the drone to the area and looking at the dark portal now, both Luis and Tania had horrid looks on their faces.

"Fortunately, nothing has come through the portal yet because I don't think anything good can come from that portal," Layla said.

'That's not good.' Luis said subconsciously.

'No it isn't.' Lena said.

________ ________

"They weren't kidding in any way," Ashburn said as he looked at the red light being shot into the sky at Asaka. "Who would even dare joke with me?"

He was standing in the open land that you had to go through to get to the goblin kingdom, the dwarven kingdom, and the hidden elven kingdom from Asaka.

"But why would he want to open a portal to the dark dimension, how does he even know about it and the procedures required in opening it?" The elf king pondered. "I have to get direct answers to this." He added before hitting his staff on the ground and getting covered by a mix of red and bright purple lights and when the lights cleared up, he was no longer there.

The guard watched him with a terrified look on his face as he slowly took a sip from the cup of wine that he had offered him.

He was the third guard who had been told to bring wine for him today and if the king didn't like what he had brought, he was going to suffer the same fate as those before him.

His feet were visibly trembling now as the king began to slowly lift his head and he could swear he felt his heart jump off his body as soon as he made eye contact with him.

"What is this?" Roy asked, looking into the cup.

"That's the best wine in the whole kingdom, my lord." The guard stuttered.

"pfffff, in the whole kingdom don't be silly." He said before blasting him back with a purple energy blast from his hands.

The guard flew straight toward the wall beside the entrance and crashed on it.

"But it was good compared to the other ones so I'll let you live." He said before taking down the rest of the content in the cup.

"Thank you, my lord." The guard said before quickly getting up from the floor and heading toward the door but just before he could leave the room, his feet got frozen on the floor.

"I never said you could leave," Roy said with a wry smile on his face. "You almost made it out alive but you were rather too hasty."

"Please my lord, I thought you didn't need me anymore." The guard cried.

"You're right, I don't need you anymore." He said before snapping his fingers as the large sword hanging by the side quickly flew toward the guard and took his head off.

His head fell to the floor and his blood splattered all over the floor before his body eventually crashed to the floor.

"I thought you would be considering my offer but it seems you no longer care." Ashburn's voice was heard as a strong rush of wind entered the room. "You're finally showing your true self, the tyrant within you, the tyrant within every human."

"What do you want, wizard?" Roy asked, relaxing back in his seat.

"I don't care about how you got these strange powers of yours," Ashburn said as his body materialized in front of Roy. "But why are you opening a portal to the dark dimension?"

"It's none of your business," Roy said.

"Of course, it's my business," Ashburn said, moving closer to him. "Do you have any idea of what those evil demons would do to this world if they are set to be lose once again, do you know what they would do to my kingdom?"

"I think there's enough room for two kingdoms, that is if you obey."

"Room for two kingdoms?" Ashburn muttered with a confused expression on her face. "You're one of them." He said in realization as a horrid look suddenly appeared on his face.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter?josei

I want to apologize for the scanty updates, my schedule's been tight recently but I hope by next month, we can return to two chapters daily.

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