My Angel system

Chapter 48 Date Trouble

Chapter 48 Date Trouble

Luis couldn't help but wonder how his two roommates ended up in the situation they were in right now.

"Silvia, what are you doing?!" Ella said quickly rushing to Dylan.

"They were the ones that agreed with the spar."

Hearing that Luis turned to a certain someone who was still conscious after receiving a heavy, he didn't need to tell him to explain himself.

__ __ __

After Luis had left in the morning, Dylan had a good idea of who he was going out with which he was right about.

That was when the idea of what he wanted to do for the day came to him, he wasn't going to go alone though he had to convince Ace to go with him.


"No," Ace stated putting on a white shirt.

"Why not?"

"Haven't you learned your lesson from the time she broke your hand?"

Dylan's cheek had turned red in embarrassment on hearing Ace say that.

"That was because I was a little rude by touching her like that."

The person they were talking about was none other than Silvia. Dylan seemed to have developed an interest in her right from day one.

During the time they took Luis to the clinic after being beaten by George, while the two girls were carrying Luis he was busy thinking of a way to talk to Silvia without getting his wrist broken again.

"And you are not going to be rude now?" Ace asked.

"I'm just going to ask her out nicely."

"And what if she says no?"

"She won't," Dylan replied instantly.

"I just want to know your course of action, when she rejects you."

"Stop saying that because she won't."

"Ok, just don't expect me to accompany you home to sob when she says no."josei

"Does that mean you'll follow me?" Dylan asked, the excitement was clearly in his voice.

"Yeah, just don't expect me to help you with the talking."

Dylan didn't reply to Ace as he was already outside, all he needed was Ace to just follow him, he could do the talking perfectly fine.

Ace sighed and followed behind Dylan who was walking rather too fast, still, he was able to catch up to him as they both entered the female dormitory area.

The duo was receiving stares from every angle from the girls who were probably wondering what they were doing here.

They soon got to their destination which was room number 33, Dylan was the one to knock and it didn't take long for Silvia to show up, she looked at the two wondering what they were doing on this side of the school.

The duo had taken note of one thing and that was that Silvia had make up on one side of her face. Ella had been teaching her a lot lately.

'She looks pretty without makeup.' Ace noted while Dylan had another thing in mind.

'I've never seen anyone like her.'

"What do you want?" Silvia was the first to speak.

"I came to apologize for what happened on the first day here," Dylan said with his head down while touching his wrist.

It took Silvia a while to recall what Dylan was talking about.

"Oh! the boy who touches everyone the way he wishes." Silvia said, at that time her eyes glanced towards Dylan's wrist." Don't worry I didn't really count it as much of an offense."

The old and arrogant Silvia would have just shut the door on these two but Ella had thought her to be more sociable with people.

"Thank you," Dylan said.

"Ok bye." Silvia was about to shut the door when an arm grabbed it, keeping it in place.

"Emm, I wanted to ask you something?" Dylan said, scratching his head nervously.

"Okay." She said letting go of the door.

"Do you mind going to grab something to eat with me, outside?"

"Are you asking me out or something?" Silvia asked, giving him a suspicious look.

"No, I mean yes, it's a date if you see it that way."

Silvia was quiet as she thought of the reply to give.

Ella had already thought about what it meant when boys invited them to things like this, and she was also told to turn their offer down politely if she wasn't interested.

,m "I would love to," Silvia said.

Dylan didn't know whether his ears were playing pranks on him or not but he had just heard Silvia say yes to a date with him.

'I didn't think it would be this easy.' Dylan giggled in his thoughts.

Ace was left dumbfounded, he had expected Dylan to fail so that he could try his own luck later.

"But you will have to beat me in a spar first."

This was enough to extinguish the joy that had already filled Dylan's heart, he didn't want to feel weak before Silvia so he agreed to the spar.

"If I beat you in a spar can I go out with you?" Ace asked, this was his opportunity, he was sure Dylan wasn't going to be able to beat her, but he was confident in his skill and strength to beat her, even though she was higher than him in ranking.

'You idiot, I thought you didn't want to come.' Dylan cursed inwardly.

Dylan had a little verbal fight with Ace while Silvia went inside to wipe her face.

The trio soon got to the training room which was void of anyone at all.

Each time Dylan would look at Ace his heart would burn with anger.

'if I use my ability I might be able to hold up long enough for she to consider me as worthy of going out with her.' Dylan thought, but his hope of winning was soon shattered by Silvia.

"You are not allowed to use your ability, the mark of a warrior is his true strength," Silvia said, standing at the spot cleared out for sparring matches.

'Is she here to give us some sort of training or what?' Dylan thought wondering how he was going to get out of this one

"So who's first?."

Ace looked back and saw that Dylan was sitting on the bench with his arms crossed.

"Go ahead," Dylan said with a smirk.

'Your little scheme won't work because I'm winning this in one go.' Ace thought as he began to walk up to Silvia.

Silvia quickly got in a fighting stance and so did he.

Ace was the first to attack as he wanted to get this done as soon as possible.

He flung his leg with a very powerful kick aiming for Silvia's chest but with just a step to the side she was able to avoid it.

"Too slow," Silvia said, shaking her head but she was still standing in one place.

Dylan folded both of his hands, he jumped towards Silvia ready to release a barrage of punches on her but she was able to avoid them all, Ace's attacks were really slow for her.

"Is that all you got?" Silvia asked as she stepped back from Ace again.

This all seemed more like a training spar because all Silvia had been doing was avoid Dylan's attacks while taunting him.

"Believe me I'm a lot better than that."

Dylan jumped high like his body was being propelled into the air, Silvia could feel the wind on her face and she knew what was coming.

With full force Ace started descending with his hands pointed towards Silvia, but she just stood there unfazed.

Ace's punch collided with Silvia and a large gush of wind rushed past her.

"That fool, she said no abilities," Dylan complained, worried about what might happen to Ace now.

When the wind stopped Ace looked at where his punch had landed to see that it wasn't Silvia rather it was a strange invisible barrier.

"You were the one that broke the rule first." He heard someone say behind him.

Silvia knew that the wind attack coming from Ace was going to be enough to make an effect on her but she wasn't going to let that happen as she created a barrier with his telekinesis before Ace threw out his punch.

Ace received a kick on his back which sent him flying across the room and hitting his head on the wall.

What Silvia had just used was a kick propelled with her speed ability to make it powerful and it didn't look like Ace was going to get up anytime soon.

With Ace down, Silvia turned towards Dylan who was contemplating on what to do.

"You are not going to use that on me right?" Dylan asked, he tried to appear calm.

"If you don't break the rule."

With that said Dylan got into the spar space but this time things were different because Silvia was the one to attack first, she was too fast for Dylan to do anything rather than brace himself for what was to come.

These were the events that led them to the situation they were in now.


When Luis walked into the room from the bathroom he found Ace and Dylan already awake and talking to each other.

"I'm sorry for acting stupid." Ace apologized.

"That's okay she would have still beat me anyway, she's a monster."

"A monster?"

The duo turned to find Luis standing at the bathroom door with a wry smile on his face.


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