My Angel system

Chapter 50 Tania's Investigation

Chapter 50 Tania's Investigation

Luis lay on the floor without moving, he was still conscious but that water attack had taken a lot out of him.

[ Water ability points: 0/20 ]

[ Water ability level: 1 ]

This was the main reason why Luis had come here and he was glad that he had accomplished his mission.

"Oh no!"

Pearl quickly rushed to Luis who was still lying on the floor unmoving.

When Luis had punched and sent her flying she didn't exactly crash into the tree and got covered like Luis thought, rather she used her water ability to cushion her fall and had immediately gone to hide behind the tree from where she attacked Luis with her Jetstream of water.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you like that." She said, kneeling beside Luis' body.

'I'm okay.' Luis wanted to say, he was still conscious and hearing everything that was happening only that his eyes were refusing to open.

'I must have suffocated him.' Pearl panicked in her thoughts.

Luis had his aura vision activated and could see clearly everything Pearl was doing, and he immediately became uneasy when he saw Pearl's face come towards his.

"What does she want to do? My attraction is at 10%."

With Pearl's face getting close Luis quickly shot his eyes open causing Pearl to stop midway as they both looked into each other's eyes.

"What is going on here?"

Pearl quickly got away from Luis' body on hearing that voice.

Tammy had come looking for them immediately she came out from the bathroom and that had led her here.

"Are you guys training or having a playdate?" Tammy asked with her hands crossed.

"We were but then I hit him with my water ability and thought I had suffocated him, so I tried to use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation before he opened his eyes." Pearl tried to explain the situation as her cheeks turned bright red.

'Resuscitation? But my heart was beating normally.'

Luis had failed to take notice of how insignificant his heartbeat had become since he turned into a Demi-Angel.

Luis managed to lift himself off the ground, Pearl was already standing and was cleaning the dust off her clothes.

Looking at her Luis had only one description for her.josei


There was one girl which Luis would never forget how nice she was to him, he wondered how she was doing now.


The sun was setting as the population of people in Asaka's marketplace was decreasing.

Leo was trying to finish up with patching up some tents before he closed for the day.

After Luis went missing he had refused a lot of abuse from people, they called him all sorts of names like; thief harbourer, thief trainer, and all sorts of names which he didn't find appealing. He would have lost all of his customers if he wasn't the only tentmaker in Asaka.

Despite not losing any of his customers his situation had still gotten worse because of the order from the king telling people to reduce whatever they were paying him before for his services by fifty percent.

The money he was getting before was merely enough for his family and now that the little he earned had been reduced, who knew how he was going to survive.

Leo was busy with his last tent when he saw a figure approaching him, he wouldn't have been worried if he could see the person's face, but the figure was wearing a large hood and had his head down.

'Have they come to take me away now?'

Leo pretended not to notice the person as he walked to one of the benches and sat down.

"Can I help you with anything?" Leo asked politely.

Luis was surprised to see a pretty girl with long black hair when the stranger brought down her hood.

"Yes, you can help me with a lot of things," Tania said.

After introducing herself and how close she was with Luis, Leo understood how she would be here but for what reason he didn't know.

"Have you heard from Luis?" Tania asked.

She guessed that somehow Luis had escaped and Leo knew where he was.

"I know what you are thinking but I don't know where Luis is," Leo said, shaking his head.

"Are you telling me that those rumors are true?" Tania was keeping her voice low to avoid being overheard by anyone.

She wasn't supposed to be here in the first place which was why she had put on a hoodie before coming.

"Actually I don't know what to believe, because he did fall into that hole but how he disappeared no one knows."

"Or maybe they killed him and paid everyone to say that."

"Why would they do that when they were already planning to kill him?" Leo asked.

Thinking about that Tania saw that it made no sense.

"Are you sure the hole didn't have something like a cave?" Tania asked.

"I don't know because I wasn't there but according to the reports given there was nothing like that, the hole didn't look like anything man made."

'He just fell into a hole and disappeared.' It was really hard for Tania to believe what she was hearing now.

Tania had been thinking that Luis had managed to escape and was hiding only to discover now that that wasn't the case at all.

'Something is definitely off about that hole.' She thought. 'If only he didn't lose the money I gave to him.'

With that thought in her mind Tania's eyes glanced at the large tree which provided a shade for Leo, she could see a little rope sticking out from behind the tree.

Walking to the tree she picked it up and discovered that it was the same size of pouch she had given to Luis, she slowly opened the pouch and counted the number of coins.

'It's exactly the same.' Her eyes were wide in amazement.

Leo had been watching her closely and was about to say something but she didn't let him.

"I know you didn't take it." She said, "Who would take something and keep it somewhere like that for many days?"

Tania walked to where she was sitting and dropped the coin on Leo's lap.

"What are you doing?"

"I want you to keep it." She said,

"No, I can't just take this from you, take it to the king."

Tania took a deep breath before she let out what was on her mind.

"Listen, sir, I know that to you it won't be right to just accept something like this from a little girl, but I also know that the job you are doing now is paying you next to nothing that will be enough for taking care of your family.

"This is my money, I was the one that gave it to Luis before he lost it and now I want you to take it and help yourself, you know you need it, so stop being hesitant and just take it," Tania said, pushing the money into his hands.

When Leo showed no more signs of refusing the money a little smile appeared on her face. She pulled down her hood and stood up ready to leave.

"Thank you." Leo said, which Tania just nodded to in response.

Tania left Leo to close up but she didn't go home as she sat at the fountain in the park waiting for the sun to completely go down before she continued with her investigation.

Immediately the sun was gone Tania sneaked into the forest, it was easy to locate the hole because a path leading to it had already been made.

Tania lit her torch as she walked deeper into the forest and with the help of it she was able to pinpoint the exact location of the hole.

'It's just an ordinary hole.' She thought after looking inside. 'Luis shouldn't just go missing after falling in there.

While in the middle of her thoughts something strange began to happen as she could see three blue lights coming from the sides of the hole, then three beams shot out from the lights forming a triangle with the last beam going through the middle.

As Tania was trying to put together what she was seeing the lights began to fade and before she knew it everything was gone.

"What just happened?"


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