My Angel system

Chapter 54 The Green Necklace

Chapter 54 The Green Necklace

"Am I really going crazy?" Ella said.

She was still looking at the necklace, which without any doubt was now brighter than it was once, but she still couldn't make out anything from the voice in her head.

"Hurry up, your friend won't last any longer!"

Ella could notice the light of the crystal getting dim and then brightening up again as the voice spoke in her mind.

Without any form of hesitation, Ella picked up the necklace.

'I've picked you up. Now how are you supposed to help me?'

'What your friend is fighting there is a starved incubus.'

"I don't need your explanation, just help!" Ella almost screamed.


Silvia was struggling to hold the possessed man off as her face was beginning to turn red, as for her hands they were in pretty bad shape.

"For a human, you are really trying to match up to my strength." The man said with a smile. "But that still changes nothing."

The man pulled his right hand back and was about to smash his hand right into Silvia's head when a long green vine grabbed him by his hand and yanked him back, away from Silvia who suddenly fell on the floor breathing heavily.

When Ella hurried the necklace to help she expected something less that may help them be able to escape, but to her greatest surprise, plants started to pop out from underneath the building, different types of plants, plants she had never seen before.

The possessed man got up and growled at who he thought the problem was coming from, with his feet floating in the air he dashed towards Ella but he had failed to take notice of the vines by the side which grabbed him at both arms and smashed him on the ground.

Ella couldn't believe what she was seeing, the same person they had struggled with was now easily receiving a beating and it was all being done by the necklace.

"What are you?" Ella asked, rubbing the stone on the necklace.

"I think the question now should be, what have you been fighting?"

"Yeah just tell me."

It felt like the necklace was more inclined to tell her about whatever this man was than anything else.

"The man you have been fighting is possessed by an Incubus."

"What's an Incubus?"

"A demon who feeds off women."

"He eats women?"

"Not in the literal sense but yeah." The necklace said. "He's going on a rampage now because he has been starving for a very long time and seeing two pretty girls just made his hunger worse."

"Do you know how long the Incubus has been inside the man?"

"I don't know but if I were to guess I would say a year or two."

Ella could hear groans as the man was now getting up, as he got up the vines also rose above him.

"What happened?" The man said, rubbing his head.

"I think the demon is gone," Ella said, taking a step forward.

"Don't be fooled, that's the demon trying to trick you."

As if the demon could hear the necklace, the man's eyes suddenly turned golden yellow.josei

"I can't let you do that." The necklace said.

Before the man could take a step forward a large plant with a sucker covered the man's head, the man struggled to break free as he began to scream in pain.

"What are you doing?" Ella asked, sounding panicked.

From the little explanation from the necklace, she knew that the person fighting them wasn't the man but the demon inside him and it wouldn't be right to just kill the man.

"Sucking the demon out."

Unable to get the plant off its head the man let out a mighty scream.

"Are you sure he's not getting hurt?"

"Emmm, this is for his good."

A yellow light began to fill the plant's sucker and it didn't take long before the thing blew up, revealing a yellow humanoid figure that was floating in the air.

"You will pay for this." The demon said, pointing at Ella.

"Kill him?" Ella ordered, the vines were ready for attack and reached for the demon but he was just too swift and fast for the branches and eventually escaped through the door.

"I don't think he will be much trouble unless he finds another male body to possess."

"You mean an Incubus can't fight in its true form?"

"They can, just that a human body grants them more strength depending on the strength of the person possessed."

"Ella." Ella turned to her left to see Silvia staggering towards her, her sleeves were all torn up. "Who are you talking to?"

Ella didn't know that Silvia was still conscious which was why she had been talking so openly to the necklace.

"Nobody," Ella said, putting the necklace into her pocket. "I was just trying to remember something."

Silvia looked around and then finally her eyes stopped at the man who was passed out on the floor.

"How did you….."

Silvia was beyond amazed, she couldn't believe that Ella was the one that knocked out the man that almost killed her.

She had been partially passed out that she failed to notice any of the actions taken towards defeating the man, the only thing she could remember was a green vine pulling the man away.

"I just hit him in the right place and he passed out."

The reason Ella was lying about the necklace was simple, the necklace had told her to keep it a secret, for now, it stated that it wouldn't have even helped them, only that he couldn't stand watching innocent girls getting mauled by an incubus.

"I should finish him off then."

Silvia summoned her sword and was about to strike the man's head when she heard Ella scream.


"But he tried to kill us."

"I know but he wasn't exactly in control."

"What do you mean?"

"I think he took a really bad drug, by the time he wakes up the effects will be over and he will be back to normal."

Silvia didn't exactly buy Ella's explanation but she unsummoned her sword reluctantly.

"Come on, let's go," Ella said walking through the door.

While walking out Silvia took notice of one of the necklaces which was no longer there.

"You know you are terrible at lying?" The necklace said.

'Yeah, let me see you try.'

The walk home between the duo was a silent one as none of them even had the strength to speak, it was more evident on Ella, who had been in a near-death situation twice now.

Ella crawled onto her bed immediately after entering the room, Silvia figured that she needed a bath ASAP and headed to the bathroom, immediately she was gone Ella pulled out the necklace from her pocket.

"Now can you tell me what or who you are?"


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