My Angelic System

Chapter 73 Black Feathers

Chapter 73 Black Feathers


'Here it is!' Kye exclaimed once he saw the snake's brain. He was so happy to see the light at the end of the tunnel that he pierced the brain without remorse.

[2 HP left]

'Come on die already!!!' Kye thought as he kept thrusting his sword deeper into the brain.

[1 HP left]

[You killed a rare rank seanake]

[Quest completed]

[Instant level up]

[+ 1 free stat]

Kye immediately put this 1 free stat into his stamina with such a speed that it even surprised him.

[Host's stamina has reached 17]

[The poison in your body is nullified]

[Be careful, your HP is dangerously low]

All those notifications, instead of the usual golden color were flashing in red as if to show how important and dangerous the situation he was in was. Though Kye was so happy to have killed this seanake that he didn't care about those notifications and immediately went out of the snake's mouth.

The blood that stained him washed quickly, making him feel refreshed. 'I can't believe I did it. I managed to kill a rare rank monster alone,' Kye was so happy that even his wings were flapping a little, exactly like a dog's tail when it was happy. However, what he saw next shocked him greatly.

Since his wings were big, he could easily see them. And when they flapped a little, Kye was so shocked to see some black feathers in his wings that his brain stopped working for a moment, even though he knew how dangerous it was to stay idle in the middle of such a dangerous place.

'W-why are some of my feathers black? And an ominous black at that? They were so pretty earlier. Completely white,' He then searched for the notifications he received to read them since he didn't have the time earlier, and stumbled on one that made him a little perplexed.

[The emergency protocol will begin once HP reaches 0]

'What does that mean? Is this why my feathers became black? But there's still a lot of them which are white,' As he observed his black feathers, he could see that some which were earlier pitch black were now turning into a gray color, indicating that they were returning to their earlier white color slowly. Since the notification talked about his HP, he checked them, and he was even more surprised to see that as his HP was regenerating, his feathers were slowly becoming white again. 'It- It's strange. I don't feel any different now, and even earlier when they became black. But maybe it doesn't have anything to do with my strength? Or maybe it is? Arghh I don't know,' Kye thought as a black shark approached him, which Kye killed immediately with a single holy ray that pierced its brain because of how defenselessly he swam toward him.

'I guess I can only theorize for now. It's not like I will purposely let my HP hit 0 just to see this emergency protocol,' He then thought about something else. 'By the way, system, didn't I basically lose all my hardly acquired EXP because of your quest? Give them back to your demon,' He cursed the system because even though he was happy to have leveled up instantly, he was also quite down to have lost almost a thousand EXP because of the quest. '*Sigh* I guess in the end I still earned much more EXP this way than if I didn't get the quest.

'And what's up with this ridiculous amount of EXP needed to level up again?' He shouted internally to not attract attention after seeing that he had to obtain 6,400 EXP to level up. 'It will take too much time if I only kill black sharks and tentadogs. But rare rank monsters aren't easy either. Or maybe it was this snake that was particularly hard? After all, the black sharks and tentadogs have the same rank, but the latter gives me more EXP than the former.

'Yeah, that must be it. I will try to search some rare rank monsters as well or I'm going to take an eternity to level up,' Kye was conscious that it would take time to reach level 10 and be a real angel. However, if there was any angel out there who were to hear him, they would have already killed him because of what he thought right now. He could become an angel by just killing monsters for a few days, whereas the angels in the heavens needed sometimes centuries to perform their duty as an angel, thus being recognized as real angels.

Though, since he was alone and nobody could hear his thought, he didn't have such problems or enemies that would want his life because of his thought

So after resting for a while to recover his lost HP, while killing some ordinary rank monsters since they didn't want to let him rest in peace, he finally went in search of other monsters to hunt and kill them.

He searched for quite a time without finding any other rare rank monster. So much that he could see the first rays of the sun coming through the surface of Supi's sea. He even managed to level up again just by killing low-rank monsters. As for his free stat, he decided to keep it for now. He didn't know if a situation that looked like his fight with the giant snake could happen again, so it was better to keep his free stats in case of emergency.

Just as he killed another monster, Kye received another notification from his system.

[Your friends are praying for you]

p [+1 Strength]

'Seriously? Should I play dead a little longer?' Kye immediately regretted what he thought. He was so ashamed that he wanted to enter a hole right now. 'What type of person am I? They all think I'm dead and must all be sad, and I'm thinking about such a thing,' His eyes even became wet a little. 'Yugo and Ven must feel quite alone now in our room. They were always teasing me or wanted to play with me, be it to video games or more spicy games. Enzo's mood must be bad right now. He told me about his issues so that I could forgive him if he did something bad. And he seemed to have gotten better after staying with me. But now....' Tears couldn't help but flow from his eyes as he slashed another black shark. It became a lot easier now that he has more strength. 'Sylvia must feel alone now that she can't play VR with me. I hope she didn't pierce another's person ass like the last time,' He chuckled a little. 'And Lidi probably just staying in her room without doing much. She always wanted to hang out and do some shopping with me. But now...' There were even more tears flowing down now that he remembered all those good memories.

'No Kye, instead of thinking about that, go and kill monsters so that you can come back sooner to their side,' He looked ahead with conviction as he felt a stronger pressure coming from a monster a kilometer away. "Please guys, wait for me," He said as he swam toward the monster that was without a doubt a rare rank monster.


Kye was right regarding his friends because they all felt like how he described them. However, they all suddenly smiled at the same time as if something in their heart relieved them.

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