My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 357 - The Heavenly Palace

Chapter 357 - The Heavenly Palace

Chapter 357: The Heavenly Palace

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Mike followed the voice of Gu Wuya.

The last time Mike had come to the Heavenly Palace, he had not noticed that there were six rooms on the second floor.

Mike walked over to a familiar room.

There was a green sign hanging on the door, but there were no words on the sign.

Mike pushed the door open. The familiar screen and the familiar layout caught his eyes.

Sally observed Mike’s series of actions.

She said, “What’s up, Mike? Do you like this room?”

When Mike heard Sally’s question, he turned around without saying anything. He just nodded to her in reply.

Sally immediately understood what Mike meant and said, “Since that’s the case, then perhaps this room can be Mike’s? What do you all think?”

“I have no objections.”

Gu Wuya was the first to speak.

Sally looked at the remaining three people.

Heavenly Punisher and the Jadeite Moon Tower also shook their heads.

Seeing that no one had objected, Addimus spoke up.

“The room that Mike has chosen is the most dense with immortal qi. It’s the most suitable room for cultivation among all the rooms here...”

Without waiting for Addimus to finish, Sally interrupted him.

“What? Addimus, do you not agree?”

Seeing that Sally was refuting him, Addimus immediately changed his original attitude and said with a smile.

“How can that be? As long as Mike likes it, he can choose it. Why would I object?”

Seeing that everyone had agreed, Sally ran to Mike’s side with a smile.

“Mike, this is your room now!” Sally said as she took down the green sign that was hanging outside the door.

“Mike, since this is your room now, why don’t you give it a name? What do you think?”

Before Sally finished, Mike said first.

“Heavenly Immortal Residence!”

Sally heard Mike’s words and said with a smile.

“That’s a good name. It fits with the title of Heavenly Palace, and it’s meaningful too. Good! Then this place will be called Heavenly Immortal Residence from now on!”

As Sally was saying this, she raised her hand and used her true qi to carve the words “Heavenly Immortal Residence” on the emerald green plate in her hand.

Mike looked at the familiar emerald green plate in front of him, and countless emotions surged up.

Along the way, from the King Beast to the Imperial Capital of Rovidius, and then to the Fierce Beast Tower in the Great Lieluo Desert.

Mike had never told anyone about what he had experienced. No matter what kind of pressure he had faced, he kept it all in his heart.

Ever since he had come to the primordial age, he had been focused on finding the primordial god as soon as possible.

When he met Addimus, he had thought that the answer he had been looking for had already been found.

However, the result he had heard on the first floor was completely different from what he had expected. josei

After all, Mike was only a teenager in his early twenties.

The endless pressure made him feel exhausted.

Suddenly, a tear rolled down the corner of Mike’s eye.

Sally looked at Mike and felt at a loss.

So she asked,?“Mike, what’s wrong?”

Mike still seemed to be in a trance without coming back to his consciousness.

He just stood there in a daze, not replying to Sally’s concerned question.

Suddenly, Mike hugged Sally and the tears at the corner of his eyes became more and more intense.

However, Mike did not cry out loud hysterically.

The three people behind Sally looked at this sudden scene and were a little stunned.

They had not expected Mike to suddenly make such a move.

They just stared blankly at Mike who now appeared to be very child-like in front of them.

“I didn’t expect our Mike to reveal his true feelings one day. Hahahaha, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him this way!”

Addimus said.

Gu Wuya glanced at Addimus and said,?“Mike is just crying. You don’t have to be so sarcastic about him.”

Addimus shrugged and said nothing more.

After a while, Mike finally pulled himself away from Sally’s shoulder.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was in an embarrassing situation.

Mike smiled and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Sally’s face was slightly flushed, but she did not speak for a long time.

Finally, Mike put his hands on Sally’s shoulders and he said to her,?“Thank you, Xiao Zhao!”

Sally was a little flustered by Mike’s thanks.

So she asked,?“Why are you suddenly thanking me?”

Mike smiled and looked at Sally. However, he still did not answer.

Finally, Mike announced to everyone.

“I’ve already chosen my own room. So, everyone should go and choose your own room as well!”

Soon after, everyone quickly chose their own rooms.

Finally, after everything had been settled, everyone headed towards the third floor.

Arriving at the third floor, the familiar iron doors once again caught Mike’s eyes.

However, this time, it was completely different from before. These iron doors did not contain any of the cultivation techniques that had been imprisoned.

Everyone circled around the third floor. Looking at this strange third floor, they could not help but sigh.

“Why is there such a place here? What could the World Deity have created this place for?”

Gu Wuya seemed to have an innate connection with everything here.

Mike noticed that Gu Wuya’s forehead was starting to slowly perspire.

“There doesn’t seem to be anything here! I think we should go straight to the top, all the way to the last floor!”

Addimus said leisurely.

Everyone looked at each other without saying anything. After a moment, they all walked towards the top of the Heavenly Palace.

Mike followed everyone to the top of the Heavenly Palace.

There weren’t any statues of Sally, the Heavenly Punisher, or Jadeite Moon Tower.

However, the familiar bronze oil lamp had been placed on the table.

The place now looked like a room to store groceries.

Mike could not help but feel a little disappointed at the sight of the top floor of the Heavenly Palace.

Although it was what he had expected, it still felt like a surprise to him.

Just then, Sally opened her mouth and said,?“I didn’t expect the top floor of the heavenly palace to be so shabby.”

Before Sally could finish her sentence, Heavenly Punisher opened his mouth and said,?“Everyone, come and take a look! There’s a strange box here!”

Everyone immediately headed towards him.

Mike noticed that it was an ancient box with black patterns. It seemed to have been left behind by a World Deity.

“Why don’t we open it now? Let’s see if it’s something that has been left behind by a World Deity. What do you think?”

Said Heavenly Punisher.

Gu Wuya took the box from Heavenly Punisher’s hands and carefully examined it.

“This box contains a large amount of power left behind by the World Deity,” he said.

“I believe that what is contained in this box is definitely not something simple.”

Addimus laughed contemptuously when he heard Gu Wuya’s statements.

“Since no one knows what is in this box, why don’t we just open it?”

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