My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Further Investigation

“I am sorry for what happened back then. I am sorry I failed to protect your daughters and all the omegas who were taken. I understand why you are scared, but don’t you think this would be over once and for all if we manage to catch the culprit”! Mr Wrisberg insisted.

“I do. But it’s been months and you still haven’t able to catch anyone! In fact, you are celebrating with the banquet and everything as if you want to ignore everything that happened”. Quentin accused.

“I am not celebrating. I am still looking for who did all those while trying to avoid any further danger. I wanted to cancel the banquet this time, until my son showed up with a pureblooded Alpha mate. If I cancelled it, they would think I am adding a pureblooded Alpha to our pack and hiding him so that I can use him as a secret weapon. Word spreads, and I am sure they knew about my son’s mate even before they announced.” Mr Wrisberg explained himself. “Like you said, it’s my job to protect the pack, and each and every decision I make, I think of them before I do so”.

Sebastian who was furious a moment ago felt a tinge of guilt in his heart as he witnessed the scene unfold. He still hated how he got caught up in all this mess, but he understood why that man did what he did. In fact, he wished that he could have helped him instead.

With that being said, it was clear that despite Quentin’s actions, he wasn’t the major culprit here. Someone out there manipulated him, someone who won’t hesitate to manipulate another family member of a previous victim. Someone, who deserves to be in that cell instead of Quentin.

“Look, you can’t change what happened. But you can help us catch this culprit. Help us take this person down once and for all”. Mr Wrisberg insisted.

“How? It’s not like he sent me those letters with a return address!” Quentin snapped. “If he finds out I blurted, my family would be doomed”.

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“Then he won’t find out, I would make sure no one does”. Mr Wrisberg declared. “You told me that you received a packet? You threw it away right? But clearly you managed to retrieve it”. Mr Wirsberg hinted to which he received a nod. “Do you have any of the samples left”? Mr Wrisberg asked.

“I used all of it. They sent me the exact amount that was needed for drugging”. Quentin sighed. “But, I used my study table to spread the drug in that glass properly. I used a cotton swab for it, which I did not throw away”. Quentin whispered. “I think it’s in the mini can below my drawers” Mr Wrisberg frowned, so Quentin clarified. “I use it temporarily to throw work related junk. It takes time to fill, so I throw it out in long intervals. No stinky stuff, just papers and all”.

“O..kay” Mr Wrisberg voiced. “We will check that then. What about the letters and the photographs”? Mr Wrisberg asked.

“I.. burned the letter, because it was instructed. But I have the photographs in my desk”. Quentin answered.

“I will check them out then”. Mr Wrisberg announced.

He and his son along with Sebastian were about to take his leave when Quentin stopped him, “Wait”! They halted. “Why am I still kept here? I agreed to cooperate”.

“Because, like you said. Whoever did this should not find out that you blabbed. If you are kept here, he would think that you refused to utter a single word. That would also give us a very good excuse to search your house. I will get back to you when I have more information”.

“And my family?”Quentin asked, hesitantly.

“I will figure something out” Mr Wrisberg nodded and took his leave.

Once they were out of that corridor Mr Wrisberg instructed his son. “Go to his house, if possible scavenge his entire study. Apart from the suspicious things, take out anything which seems suspicious to you. Understood?” Christian nodded at his father. “Good, and if anyone asks why you are there or what, just tell him Quentin forgot some important file so you volunteered to deliver. Let’s keep the actual events under a hush for the time being”. Christian nodded and left.

Sebastian stood there dumbfounded and waited for Mr Wrisberg to give him any kind of instruction, but when he simply started walking, Sebastian called out, “What am I supposed to do”?

Mr Wrisberg halted and frowned, for now, stay put. “Christian will come straight to the office, once he is done. Feel free to wait there”. Sebastian nodded and followed Mr. Wrisberg.

Christian returned to the office after an hour and half. He had a large folder in his hand, which gave the idea of carrying some documents. “Found everything you needed”? Mr Wrisberg asked him. Christian nodded in affirmation before unpacking the folder.

“Here is that packet that contained drugs, I think. I wanted to go to the lab and get it tested, but I wasn’t sure if that would be a safe move” Christian informed his father.

“Good call. We would need someone to test this and run these through the system though, to find out which drug it is”. Mr Wrisberg sighed.

“Yeah. But see this, the photographs”. He laid out around 30 pictures, 15 of each sibling. Most of the pictures denoted their daily activities, like walking on some road, taking the bus, buying something from the shop. Meanwhile, two of the lot had them tied and blindfolded in the background of the same cave where they found the abducted omegas.

“Whoever did this, we need to find him no matter what”. Mr Wrisberg mumbled.

“Doesn’t something feel familiar”? Christian asked his father. His father scrunched his eyebrows as he looked back at him, wondering what he was trying to indicate. “The pictures. Don’t they resemble the ones that were sent to you, that revealed that Ashton is a pureblooded Alpha”.

Mr Wrisberg’s face glistened up for a moment as the realisation hit him, an expression which was soon replaced by horror. “Do you think he knows about...” He trailed off. He wanted to mention Caleb, but he refrained from doing so at Sebastian’s presence, who himself witnessed the exchange with a mix of realisation and confusion.

“I think so” Christian, who didn’t fail to decipher his father’s words, mumbled.

Mr Wrisberg immersed in his deep thought while he tried to decipher all the possible reasons that the culprit could have for exposing Ashton. The reason doesn’t seem like ‘for the pack’s sake’ anymore. Did he expect Mr Wrisberg to throw Ashton out or something so that he can get to Caleb? Male omegas were rare, and thus considered a prized possession by many Alphas during ancient times. Even though times have changed, there are places where the conservative thoughts prevail.

At this very moment he considered that maybe having Ashton beside Caleb was a good thing. No one would be crazy enough to fight a pureblooded Alpha just like that. Whatever Ashton’s true intentions behind marking Caleb might be, that bond was bound to make him possessive. Every alpha is possessive of their mate, even more so in pureblooded ones. Maybe at least Ashton would protect his son when needed.

“Dad”! A voice interrupted him from his reverie.

“What”? Mr Wirsberg looked up.

“What do you think”? Christian asked.

“About what”?

“His plan”. Christian pointed at Sebastian.

“Can you repeat the plan once more?” Mr Wrisberg asked Sebastian.

“I was saying, if you are willing to wait I know this guy who knows of drugs that most of us have never heard of. Problem is, he lives out of state. Going there, and coming back can take us at least three days, but at least I can guarantee that whoever is stalking won’t find out about it.

“Sounds like a plan”. Mr Wrisberg nodded. “Take Christian with you. I will take care of the pack until then. If anyone asks or suspects, I will make sure to make it seem as if you had some urgent business to attend to, but since you are our suspect, I am sending my son as well”.

“So what? I will be cuffed or something”? Sebastian scoffed.

“That’s actually not the worst idea, but everyone knows that cuffs are useless on werewolves. I like the idea though” Christian prompted earning him a glare from Sebastian.

“Just stay close to him. Make it look like you are keeping an eye on him if you can”. Mr Wrisberg instructed his son before he turned to Sebastian. “Meanwhile you can pretend to be annoyed by his presence. You know, make it seem like you hate his presence, since he is supposed to be tailing you”.

Sebastian snorted hearing those words. “I won’t have to pretend”. This time, it was Christian who glared at Sebastian. It was bound to be a fun trip indeed.

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