My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: The Location

Author’s note: I am uploading this chap twice after a 24hour interval, as it failed to appear last time. If you are seeing two of this chap lemme know, I will replace one of it with the so that you don’t have to pay again. If not, here is the next chap! ENJOY!


“Like, right now” Christian asked, flabbergasted.

“Yes”, replied Sebastian with a baffled expression. “But you know, change first. You look like a homeless person.”

Christian shot a glare before he asked, “Exactly where are we going”? josei

“You will see”. Sebastian smirked.



Christian looked around his surroundings while the realisation dawned upon him where Sebastian brought him. “So, the place where the exchange happens is a gay bar”. He remarked skeptically.

“Yes. Well, given how we are both guys, I am sure we will fit right in.” Sebastian snorts while Christian simply shakes his head.

“Do you have any idea whom to look for”? Christian asked.

“I just need to find the supplier”. Sebastian mumbled.

“What if... what if our scents tip em off”? Christian expressed his concern.

“It’s possible that they might not show up.” Sebastian nodded. “Let’s see”.

Making their way through the crowd they made it to the counter that was situated right in the hub of the entire dance floor. It was a great vantage point for keeping an eye on everyone and everything that was happening here.

“Should we order something”? Sebastian wondered out loud.

“I doubt that’s the best idea”. Christian replied to him.

“Why”? Sebastian frowned. “We have to blend in. Right now we look like we are here because we are looking for something don’t you think. We need to appear as if we are here to have some fun”.

“I agree. Except, drinking strange stuff is what got you in this mess in the first place.” Christian reminded him. “You really want to drink something from here? A place where the presence of Worenzine is confirmed”? Christian raised his eyebrows.

Sebastian considered his prospect before sighing. “Fine”.

“Excuse me, did you just say Worenzine”? The bartender prompted.

“I so hate communicating out loud”. Christian mumbles so low that even Sebastian, with his wolf hearing, almost didn’t hear him. In his pack, Christian used the advantage of links for sensitive stuff like this, however since Sebastian was not a part of their pack, the linking was not possible.

Before Christian could say something, Sebastian huffed. “It’s none of your business”!

Christian turned around and glared at Sebastian with confusion. Weren’t they here to dig about the drug? “Well, in case I heard right, and you are looking for it. Let me know”. The bartender replied before he went to serve someone else.

At that moment the music in the bar got even louder. As much as Christian would have preferred to keep his voice low, it was useless at this point. “What the hell was that? He was clearly interested in telling us” Christian scolded.

“I know, and if we had reciprocated the same enthusiasm, do you think he would have offered to help us”? Sebastian raised an eyebrow earning a frown from Christian. “We need to make sure that he thinks we are potential buyers. Do you think the drug users will easily talk about it considering how illegal it is”? Sebastian clarified further.

“You are shadier than I thought”. Christian mumbled suspiciously.

“You are gonna thank me when we are through. Trust me”. Sebastian smirked.

That bartender reappeared and stared at Sebastian with a curiosity and excitement. Sebastian didn’t notice that since he was busy looking around, but Cristian did, and it irked him. “Wait, aren’t you Sebastian Kyles”? He asked, earning Sebastian’s attention.

“That would be me”. Sebastian confirmed reluctantly.

“Huge fan” the bartender declared. “No wonder you looked so familiar. You know, I would have never guessed that you were gay”. The bartender snorted.

“You know how it is with celebrities. Public image and all” Sebastian sighed. Indeed he was good at acting, because even Christian, who was well aware of the truth, was convinced at this point.

“Don’t worry. I am good at keeping customer’s secrets.” The bartender smirked. “How about you give me a token of appreciation?”

“Are you, blackmailing me”? Sebastian narrowed his eyes.

“I am simply asking for an autograph. That’s all”. He replied.

“Tell you what, I will give it to you the next time here if you don’t spill this little secret”. Sebastian smirked. He never planned on coming back here. He simply didn’t want to leave the suspicious bartender his autograph in case he ended up sharing it in social media or something. Not that he would mind being outed or something, but he wasn’t gay for real, then why spread false information.

Christian who was creeped out by the interaction decided to take himself away from this interaction. He roamed around the dance floor when a scent, seemingly of an alpha, hit his nose. The scent was unfamiliar, but it sure belonged to an alpha. He looked around and tried to trace it’s source, but unfortunately it was everywhere.

He decided to look around further when a guy stopped him in his course. “Hey hottie”. He tried to flirt.

Christian wouldn’t mind getting hit on under normal circumstances, but he had a wolf to find, so to get out of this situation quickly, he mumbled the one thing that usually stops people’s advances. “Sorry, I am taken”.

“Then why are you here all by yourself?” That guy challenged him. “You sure you don’t want to have some fun”.

This guy’s persistence irked him. The scent had already faded, and now he was stuck in this situation. “I am not interested”. He clarified boldly.

“Really?” He challenged further.

Christian was about to throw a punch at him when suddenly he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders. “Hey babe” Sebastian smirked and kissed his cheek. Christian frowned, taken aback, and looked at him skeptically before realising what he was trying to do. “Everything alright?” he asked in a sarcastic manner before he glared at the other guy.

“Told ya” Christian smirked at that unknown guy who stood there dumbfounded. He looked back and forth between Sebastian and Christian before he left with disappointment.

“What the hell are you doing”? Sebastian whispered, shouted at him.

“You tell me? Since when am I your ‘babe'”? Christian challenged him back.

Sebastian rolled his eyes before he replied. “I heard your conversation, so I stepped in. You are welcome by the way”. Christian shook his head before explaining to him why he was wandering around.

“Are you sure”? Sebastian asked.

“I am, but now it’s gone.” Christian sighed.

“Do you think... that wolf could be a lead”?

“Well, guessing that a wolf is here, it’s plausible. I mean, this drug doesn’t seem to kill wolves, so they can easily get it”. Christian explained.

“Then let’s look for who it is”. Sebastian declared.

Christian pointed at his left and mumbled, “Let’s look there”.

Sebastian immediately pulled his hand and scolded him, “Are you crazy”!

“What”? Christian frowned.

“Don’t point”. Sebastian huffed.

“Okay, sorry”. Christian sighed before looking in that direction.

“You know what”? Sebastian spoke up after a moment. “Let’s dance”.

“Excuse me”?

“It’s a dance floor. Let’s pretend to be dancing while we scan the area”.

“You are good at pretending aren’t ya” Christian snorted.

“Well, my job depends on it, so yes” Sebastian clarified before he started to move. Truth to be told, his movements were quite good, not that anyone was looking except for Christian. He chuckled before he joined in himself.

“Did you learn dancing or something”? Impressed Christian asked.

“I played the role of this dancer once. I mean, I knew a tad bit, but I received professional training just for that part”. Sebastian informed him. “What about you”?

“As the future alpha, I have learned a lot of stuff.” Christian boasted.

“Like what”? Sebastian challenged.

“Well, I am fluent in at least 10 languages, english is definitely one of them”. Christian boasted. “I also have black belt in taekwondo. And as you can see...” Christian switched their positions, “...I am very good at dancing”.

“Oh yeah”? Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “You can’t cook though? Does the future Alpha plan on starving in the time of crisis”?

Christian snorted at that comeback, “I agree I am not a professional cook, but I can cook enough to avoid starvation”. He snorted. Sebastian ended up chuckling at that.

“How did you get time to learn all this”? After a moment Sebastian asked. “Every time I have to learn a new skill for a role, it irritates me. I can’t imagine learning all that let alone 10 languages”. He scoffed.

“Well, my life had been quite busy since I was a kid. Never noticed that what I am doing is supposed to be tiresome”. Christian shrugged.

“Boy, I am so glad I am not a part of your pack. It sounds horrible”. Sebastian remarked.

“That’s just me. Not everyone is forced to learn all this stuff. You can learn anything you want. But yeah, a basic training is given to everyone so that can at least protect themselves at the time of crisis”. Christian clarified.

“Even the omegas”?

“Recently, yes”. Christian smiled. He looked around to catch anything suspicious while they danced their way to a separate location. Till now, there was no alpha scent that reached their nose. While it was possible whoever it was, left, Christian’s gut told him otherwise.

“I have to admit, for someone who is not an actor, and who has never been to a gay bar, you blend in quite well”. Sebastian teased.

Christian looked back at Sebastian with a serious expression, before he declared. “It’s not my first time”.

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