My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Drop Off

Caleb put the large suitcase in the trunk of his car when he heard a loud voice. “Wait”! Ashton came down running to him. It’s been several months since he came back from the tour and Caleb not only decided to enroll full time, but he also got accepted to Willmount University.

His family was pretty alright with his moving out, especially after Caleb ensured that the likelihood of running into the supernatural was less. Of course he didn’t tell them about his encounter with Karolyn there.

As for our mate duo, they tried to accept the upcoming change in their lives. That doesn’t mean it was easy on any of them. Caleb had a mix of both excitement and sorrow, but he had promised that they will talk everyday via link. Somehow distance never affected their link, which was comforting to both of them.

As for Ashton, he was sure he would have trouble adjusting, but he was known for his self control and he was adamant on working this out. For this very reason he decided not to be present when Caleb took his leave. His sudden arrival was not only a surprise to Caleb, but also to Ashton himself.

“What are you doing here”? Caleb asked. He didn’t mind Ashton’s presence though. On the contrary he was glad Ashton showed up. “I thought you had practice”.

“I did. I cancelled. We have a whole year to take care of it.” Ashton shrugged. Since they won last year, the coach had confidence in Ashton’s leadership, and pretty much let him do whatever he wanted to do.

“That’s irresponsible”, Caleb reprimanded his mate.


“Don’t worry, I know how to make up for that”. Ashton shrugged. He took a deep breath following which he asked, “Can I come”?

“To the college”? Caleb frowned. Ashton nodded meekly. “Well, that sounds great, but how do you plan on returning? My car will be with me”. Caleb frowned.

“I can take the bus. It’s a longer journey, but I am sure I can find a bus back home”. Ashton shrugged.

“Are you sure”? Caleb scrunched his eyebrows. “It’s a long ride itself, the bus just makes it longer.”

“I don’t mind”. Ashton shrugged. “Come on! Let me come”, he insisted.

Caleb sighed, “Fine”.

The drive was quite long, and if it was not for the fact that this would soon turn into a goodbye, it could have become a romantic long drive. They did various kinds of stuff while en-route. Caleb managed to drag him to an amusement park on the way, they stopped for street meat and they even managed to get the tire leaked in the middle of nowhere. Luckily Caleb had a spare.

By the time they arrived at the premises, it was quite late in the evening. Once he got the key to room number 38, he entered the empty room and gawked at it. It was a much smaller room than the one he had back at Crescent Point. In fact, all the luxuries he enjoyed as the son of pack Alpha were behind him. Here, he would be just another guy. The thought both terrified and excited him.

Ashton remained quiet the entire time and let Caleb have his moment. While for Caleb this would be a small room, Ashton has lived in a smaller space before. Back at the orphanage when he was young he literally had to share his bunk bed.

“I guess this is it”. Caleb mumbled, setting down his luggage.

“I guess it is”. Ashton added. “Nervous”? He asked a minute later once he got a glimpse of Caleb’s face.

“A little,” Caleb admitted honestly.

“Well, this is your first time moving away from home. As someone who has done this pretty often, let me tell you one thing... ” that drew caleb’s attention. “I don’t know what it will be like, adjusting to this new environment. It might be easy, it might be tough, although I think it would be latter”. Caleb chuckled at that, “Whatever it is, eventually you will get used to it. It won’t feel... different anymore”. josei

“Thanks” Caleb smiled. “Who knew you can give a pep talk”. Caleb teased.

“Yeah, I am bad at those”. Ashton agreed. “Well, do you need some help setting up? Or should I leave”?

“Well, I could use some help, but what do you mean leave”? Caleb frowned. “It’s so late already, you would get nothing for your way back home. In fact me and Christian drove last time and yet we decided to stay here”. Caleb’s voice was louder this time, which seemed a bit odd in this empty room.

“Maybe, I can get a room somewhere”? Ashton suggested.

“Nonsense!” Caleb scoffed. “You can spend the night here. My roommate won’t get here until tomorrow, you might as well stay with me”. He offered.

“Are you sure”? Ashton asked to which he received an affirmative nod. “Wait, how do you know about your roommate”?

“The receptionist told me”. Caleb shrugged. “I actually have no idea who he is, but I am guessing that he lives nearby if he is coming by tomorrow. Most of the students are here already”.

“Did you ever have a roommate before”? Ashton asked him skeptically.

“Well, unless the sleepovers with Matt and George count when we were younger, I don’t think so”. Caleb shrugged.

Ashton shook his head, “Well, good luck” he mumbled. Ashton won’t admit to Caleb’s face but at this point he was worried once more. In all the hassle of Caleb leaving he forgot that his mate would also get an assigned roommate. Keeping aside his possessive side for Caleb, he was worried about him adjusting. Not to mention, he was worried what kind of guy Caleb’s new roommate would be.

Ashton remained quiet most of the time, even quieter than his usual self. He helped Caleb clean his room, arrange his stuff and once they were done, they both headed off to dinner. Under normal circumstances outsiders weren’t allowed in the premises. But with so much turnover, with new students starting their year soon, it was difficult for the guards to determine who belonged here and who didn’t. Ashton being similar to their age blended right in.

After the crazy day they had it was hard not to feel tired at all. Caleb took the bed on the left while Ashton decided to sleep in the empty bed on the right for the night. Their bed’s were narrow enough to not accommodate more than one person. Somehow Ashton found it difficult to fall asleep as he was worried once he woke up, it would be goodbye for real. He assured Caleb he was ready to let go, but he was yet to convince himself entirely.

Ashton tossed and turned around in his bed trying his best to fall asleep. He needed the sleep if he were to make it home the next day, and yet somehow sleep evaded him. He even tried to count sheep, but that just made him hungry. “Move aside”, the voice of his mate prompted him to open his eyes.

Looking at the wall next to him he mumbled, “Where”?

“Just lean to the wall”. Caleb insisted. Ashton positioned himself on the side, his back touching the wall while Caleb took a similar position mirroring Ashton on the little space created by him. At this point, their back literally made up the border of the beds.

“You do realise, that you can fall off any minute”? Ashton spoke once Caleb seemed comfortable.

“Then don’t let me fall off you idiot”, Caleb scoffed and pulled Ashton’s hand over his waist, followed by putting his own hand on Ashton’s. “This is okay, right?”

“I guess. I just hope I don’t fall asleep in the middle of the road tomorrow” Ashton joked.

“No! I meant us.” Caleb clarified. “I still keep wondering if this is a huge mistake”.

“Don’t worry too much about it. Like I said, if this turns out to be a bad idea, you can always drop out”. Ashton sighed.

A giant smile crept up on Caleb’s lips and he hugged Ashton even tighter. He gave him a quick peck on Ashton’s lips and stared at him intently while Ashton stared back at him. “I am gonna miss you”, Caleb whispered.

“Me too” Ashton whispered back. “I am just a link away, Don’t forget that”. Caleb nodded at him and closed his eyes. Ashton followed the same suit and closed his own eyes as well. Somehow, despite tremendous lack of space and the possibility of falling down the bed, both of them were much more comfortable like this.

In fact, to Caleb this bed felt a lot more uncomfortable. But somehow despite everything, he managed to fall asleep.

The next morning when he woke up he found his back touching Ashton’s chest and realized amidst their good night sleep he somehow ended up being the little spoon. Ashton’s softs snores reached Caleb’s ears and therefore he decided not to move and remained still.

After almost an hour or so when Ashton finally woke up, Caleb got up and stretched himself. He went ahead to freshen up followed by Ashton, but once he was about to leave they heard a knock at the door.

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