My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Chapter 165: It’s you

“”? As if he was trying to speak from his choked throat, he blurted. “You’re messing with me aren’t you?” He asked carefully.

“Trust me, I wouldn’t joke about something like this”

“But, I...?” Warren found himself as a loss of words. “Why...?”

“What do you mean why”? Karolyn frowned.

“Um...” Warren hesitated. He opened his mouth, but closed it immediately as he failed to make a response. He wasn’t sure how to feel about this. Suddenly turning into a vampire doesn’t seem so bad to him anymore.

“You know what. I should probably go.”

“Wait”?... “I mean...”


“Take your time to process it. I know what a confusing thing it might be for you.”. Karolyn said softly. “Take some time to wrap your head around it. Call me when you have figured it all out”. She mumbled and left.

He wanted to stop her, but he didn’t know how. He didn’t know why. What was he supposed to do? Should he just let her go just like that? Should he run after her? He wants to, but... he is confused. He doesn’t know what to tell her anymore. josei

Was it a proposal? He never got proposed before. He had proposed to people and he finally understood why some of the girls were taken aback like that. Remembering those, he also recalled how rejected he felt by their response. Is that how Karolyn felt right now? If yes, then it was even worse than what he was hoping for.

He left the party immediately as well. Ever since he turned into a Vampire he realised he didn’t really need sleep anymore. Sure he slept, but that was more out of habit than necessity. It was no surprise that in a moment like this sleep evaded him completely.

His mind was highly distracted and despite taking a stroll he failed to come to a proper decision. He wasn’t sure what the right response was. He wasn’t sure if he had feelings for her. Sure he was grateful for her help, but he didn’t feel that strongly about her. Wasn’t it odd?

When after two days when Caleb finally showed up he tried to ask him for his help, “Caleb... did you know about Karolyn”?

“What about her”? He asked him back, clueless.

“That I am supposed to be...” Warren hesitated once more. He suddenly realized that if Caleb was unaware, he didn’t want to be the one to inform him.

Caleb’s frown deepened once more, but it widened soon enough. “You mean... how you and her are supposed to be related”? Caleb prompted.

“So you know”! Warren exclaimed.

“Yeah” Caleb told him awkwardly.

“Why didn’t you say something before. If I knew I could have reacted better when she told me”! Warren let out a groan.

“It’s not my thing to tell”! Caleb retaliated. “Why what did you do? Did you reject her”? Caleb deadpanned.

“What!? No!!” Warren clarified. “I don’t understand most of it, but I know rejection is suppposed to be pretty bad”.

“It’s true” Caleb nodded. “I remember when I confessed, I was beyond terrified that Ashton would reject right away”.

“Really?” Warren frowned. “That guy seems obsessed with you”.

“Being a mate does that to you”. Caleb chuckled.

“So you are saying... if I end up being her mate I will be like that”? Warren asked carefully.

“I don’t think so. Ashton is... different”. Caleb tilted his head.

“Yeah I know, he is a werewolf, I am a Vampire.” Warren rolled his eyes.

“No I know.” Caleb chuckled. “What I meant was he is quite different even for a werewolf.”

“Oh”? Warren asked. Before Caleb could explain Warren prompted, “Nevermind, first help me out”! He shrieked

“How”? Caleb gave him an odd look

“What how? Tell me what to do”! Warren argued

“Why would I tell you? Do whatever you want to do”! Caleb argued back.

“I don’t know what to do, what I want. I am so fking confused”. Warren let out an exasperated sigh.

“Do you like her”? Caleb asked after taking a deep breath.

“She is nice, but... I don’t think I feel about her like that” Warren admitted honestly

“Okay...” Caleb nodded, “Are you attracted to her”?he asked

“She is quite attractive, I would be blind not to” Warren huffed.

Caleb rolled his eyes at him before asking, “just what do you feel?”

“I don’t know. I... I don’t know. Shouldn’t I feel about her too, if I am supposed to be her mate. Like, even if I am not a werewolf, shouldn’t I have at least some feelings for her”. Warren asked. His words were filled with desperation.

“Let me ask you this, do you feel, repulsed by her”? Caleb tried to take a different approach.

“Noo”! Warren declared immediately without skipping a bit. “She can be annoying, I agree. But she means well”.

“No, I meant instinctively. Do you get a gut feeling that you should get away from her”? Caleb clarified.

“No” Warren frowned.

“Well there you have it” Caleb replied. Warren’s frown deepened further. “As a Vampire, her scent should bother you. Drive you apart from her. But since you are her mate, it doesn’t”.

“I guess... that’s something.” Warren’s expression softened as he considered it for a moment. “But, your scent doesn’t bother me either.” He recalled

“Do you get any scent from me” Caleb smirked.

“” Warren replied, confused by his roommate’s weird response.

“Yeah, cause there ain’t one. Perks of being Ashton’s mate. He can control his scent and as his mate it works with me too”. Caleb’s smirk deepened.

“Wolves can do that” Warren’s eyes widened with excitement.

“No, but like I said, Ashton is special”, said Caleb.

“Just how special is he”? Warren asked, amused. Caleb replied to him with a simple smirk.

“Look, I know this is a big decision and you are trying to be careful. But maybe don’t overthink it”. Caleb patted his shoulders before he disappeared.

Warren pondered upon his roommate’s word for a while. Maybe it was not really that much pf a big deal as he was making it to be. For god’s sake his life already turned upside down when he turned into a Vampire. Even if being in a relationship of Vampire and Werewolf might be a challenge, he won’t know unless he tried it.

Summoning the courage he sent a text to Karolyn to meet up. He wanted to call, but he realised it was way too late and maybe not the appropriate time for it.

The first thing he received as a reply in the morning was, “who is this?”

He was surprised to find out that she didn’t have his contact info, then again why should she? He replied to her and they agreed to meet after the class.

He was waiting for her by the dance terrace they went to the other day, the perfect place to finish the conversation they started. The way to the terrace was usually locked but with his newfound super strength it was barely an issue.

He reached there early to make sure he was prepared to say whatever he had planned. He constantly revised in his head how to address it, each time a different variation. However when she finally walked in through the door his mind went completely blank.

She stared at him for a moment while he stared right back at her, “Hi” after a long awkward pause Karolyn mumbled.

“Hi” Warren let out a nervous chuckle. There was yet another awkward pause. “Thanks, for agreeing to see me”.

“Of course” She gave him a smile.

“I’m sorry, for reacting like that. The other day.” Warren mumbled.

“I didn’t mind. Finally you reacted the way I expected you to”. She chuckled.

“Well, I thought for a while. And... I wanted to ask you what do you want to do about this situation”?

“Me”? She looked at him surprised.

“You said fated mates right? Doesn’t seem like you had a choice either”. Warren clarified.

“Wow” She gulped. “Well, I think we should try to get along, for now. As much as I was open to the idea of fated mates, I didn’t expect you to be...”

“A vampire”?

“A human who turned into a Vampire” She smiled nervously. “I can’t believe I let something like this happen to you. I was trying to be careful about how to tell you, but now I regret it”

“Well, it’s not like you would have known” Warren consoled her.

“I should have anticipated.” Karolyn argued. “I had a fight with a Vampire a few weeks before this happened to you. Honestly I am just glad you didn’t end up dying” Karolyn managed to say as she found it difficult to breathe with each passing minute.

“Calm down” Warren put his hand on her shoulder. “Honestly, I am not that thrilled about being a Vampire either. I don’t want to hurt anyone and the urge to attack someone is driving me crazy. But no matter what I can’t change who I am now. So...” he sighed. “I’m trying to make the best of it”.

Karolyn simply smiled at him.

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