My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: In the Wrong Direction

“I must say, I am surprised” Axel mumbled and suddenly both of them were free from pain. ” It would be a shame for someone as resilient as you to die. I’ll let you go”. Both Caleb and Ashton looked at each other as if they wanted to recheck they didn’t hear wrong, “But, there will be consequences.”

“Consequences? We didn’t exactly harm anyone! If-” Caleb started to defend them when Axel raised his voice.

“You really think you will get a choice after you tricked one of us, manipulated Lily to get to me?” Axel scoffed. “I am not that easy. You think you can just go ahead and play games with me? You don’t know whom you ended up messing with” His smirk turned into a glare. “Your friend must pay for what you did”.

Before Ashton or Caleb could say something Axel vanished in a blink of an eye. It was so fast that even with their heightened senses they missed it. “What do you think he meant by that?”Ashton asked.

“Are you out of your mind”! Caleb screamed at him. “You told me you will wake me up! What the hell were you thinking by going after him all by yourself?” He shouted. Ashton was taken aback by Caleb’s sudden outburst. Thinking back, Caleb was not someone who lost his cool so easily, and never had he ever been this mad at Ashton. The rarity of the situation only made it difficult for Ashton to decide what he should do or say next.

“I was in a hurry,” He mumbled. “He would have disappeared”

“Hurry my ass!” Caleb screamed at him. “You really think I didn’t realise how gently you set me down. That’s right, I knew. I woke up at that moment. I am a light sleeper. Who does that in a hurry”.


“If you woke up that very moment, then why did you show up late”? Ashton accused back.

“I... Before I could catch up with you, you had already started chatting with him. I stayed back so that I can be of help if required”. Caleb admitted.

“Well, your plan succeeded” Ashton gave him an awkward smile only to receive a glare.

“I wouldn’t have needed that plan if you didn’t go ahead without me”! Caleb shouted at him.

Ashton took a deep breath, “I’m sorry for that, but we have bigger problems now. He said a friend will pay for what we did. I can’t help but think of Warren immediately.”

“Of course it’s Warren. His life was the deal we made last time. And now I.... I screwed up” Caleb felt his breath hitch at his throat. “Warren... his life is in danger” Caleb felt himself panic.

“We need to tell him. Maybe we can find a way to save him” Ashton suggested.

“But what if we can’t? Axel is too good for us to beat. He knows about us better than anyone we have ever met. Can we really can’t hide Warren from him?” Caleb panicked as his voice raised a certain pitch.

Aston could tell that his mate was freaking out. Putting his hands over his mate’s shoulder he whispered, “Well we have to try. Let’s go”!

On their way back to the dorm Caleb was quiet the entire way. When Ashton is the quiet one, it’s natural. But when the quiet one is Caleb, it’s downright freaky. What made the ride even more scary was the increased speed of the car that was being controlled by Caleb. Ashton was certain that Caleb was upset, but he didn’t know how to make him feel better so he remained quiet.

Going towards his room, Caleb rushed as if his entire life depended on it. Ashton followed the same suit. Two guys running like this was definitely an eye catcher. Many people wondered what was up with those two.

The moment he reached the door, Caleb barged into his room only to find it empty. Given the situation it made sense that Caleb panicked even further. In fact, even Ashton could feel the panic within himself raise, “Did you see Warren somewhere?” Caleb asked the guy who was passing in front of the room. Ashton didn’t know the guy, but from the looks of it, it seemed Caleb did.

“Sorry bud, haven’t seen him since biochem” That guy shrugged and continued with his pursuit. Caleb’s face was graced with pure horror as he imagined what could be happening to Warren right now. Ashton who saw Caleb’s reaction suddenly recalled that maybe he should try calling him first.

Ashton dialed his mate’s roommate and waited for him to pick up. When he didn’t Ashton tried once more. Luckily this time after the fourth ring someone finally picked up, “Hey Ashton, what’s up”? Luckily it was Warren.

“Oh thank God, where are you?” Ashton asked.

Before he could hear his reply Caleb snatched away his phone and spoke, “Are you safe? Where are you? Wherever you are just come back to the dorm”! Caleb shouted.

“Okay... calm down buddy. I am fine. I am with Karloyn actually, at that old library.”Warren informed. A wave of relief washed over Caleb and Ashton and Caleb finally let out the breath which he didn’t know he was holding. What’s wrong? Why are you freaking out like this? And.... Why would I be not safe”?

“I’ll be there. Just don’t get yourself killed” Caleb informed and gestured Ashton to follow. This time Ashton was relieved that Caleb didn’t drive as if he was headed off to kill them. Nevertheless his speed was still pretty high to make Ashton clutch onto his seat belts firmly. In fact, they were the ones that were almost on the verge of tearing.

On reaching the old library, he found both Karolyn and Warren sitting there just outside the room where Lily was kept. Meanwhile Lily inside the room was still passed out, “I think she is claustrophobic. She was freaking out the moment she woke up, and I think that’s why she passed out again” Karolyn informed them.

“What is going on?” Warren asked.

“Why are you here?” Caleb asked back.

“She told me what you did. So I came here. I didn’t wanna be left out” Warren smiled. Caleb let out an exasperated sigh. “What? I am a Vampire now, you can’t just leave me out just like that” Warren huffed.

Taking a deep breath Caleb said, “We screwed up”. A frown appeared on both Karolyn and Warren’s face as they glanced at each other for a moment. Caleb explained how things went down with Axel and how he could deduce everything. As the story passed the shock on the duo’s face intensified.

By the time Caleb finished horror appeared on their faces as well and Karolyn shouted, “Are you crazy! You had to screw this up didn’t you”

Ashton who was standing right next to Caleb held his hand the moment Caleb flinched at her words, “It wasn’t his fault. I was the one who didn’t follow the plan.” Ashton defended him.

“Axel knew what was up whether you confronted him alone or together.” Karolyn spat with anger. “It was Caleb who came up with this plan to get to him so it was clearly his fault” She shifted her gaze to Caleb and glared at him.

“No, it wasn’t his fault, he-” Ashton started to defend his mate but he was cut off in the middle.

“No!” Caleb screamed. “She is right, it was my fault” He mumbled. josei

“Caleb...” Ashton whispered as he saw Caleb on the verge of breaking down.

Warren who saw everything got up from his seat and spoke, “Guys, calm down. What happened cannot be undone. Pointing fingers isn’t really gonna help us.” Warren tried to calm them down.

“Your life is in danger, how can you be so calm”? Karolyn asked in a quivering voice.

“It’s because my life’s in danger that I am so calm. Panicking and lashing out on each other won’t help us. I think we need a proper plan to deal with this. So please, can we move on”? Warren asked.

“Sure” Karolyn sighed. “But I am not getting involved in any plan that involves him.” She spat at Caleb who simply looked down avoiding her gaze.

“Karolyn”! Warren scolded.

She shot him a glare before grabbing his wrist, “I don’t want anything to do with you. Stay away from me, and if possible stay away from both of us” She spat and left leaving both Ashton and Caleb all by himself.

Seeing the situation turn up like that Ashton had a strong urge to defend Caleb, but the way Caleb refused to be defended is what made him so helpless. He was so angry that he simply wanted to punch the wall in front of him. When he looked at Caleb, he saw tears brimming at his eyes about to fall. Unable to see his mate in pain Ashton hugged him and patted his head to soothe him.

Caleb stood still and didn’t even bother to hug back. It broke Ashton’s heart to see his mate like this, but he still didn’t let go as he needed to show him that no matter what, Ashton was there for him.

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