My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Chapter 182: In your dreams...

When Caleb opened his eyes he found himself sleeping in the empty dark room as the moonlight peeked through the small opening in between the curtains. How long was he asleep? Caleb wondered. Taking out his phone he realised it was almost 2 o’clock.

Staying up till late night was kind of his thing, and after the nap he had he wasn’t sure he could fall asleep again. That’s when he recalled that Ashton didn’t contact him at all since he landed. Gazing at the clock once more he thought that maybe it was not an appropriate time to link Ashton as he usually sleeps at this hour. Not to mention he didn’t catch a good night’s sleep last night.

He still decided to see if he can link him or not. Turns out he can, and he could see what he was dreaming. They changed faster than he could comprehend before things got more clearer. At first Ashton’s dreams were abstract. Like a concept with no context.

As time passed by they started to get more personal. He saw a person who was way taller than him talk to him while fixing cars. He didn’t know who he was until he heard a childish voice say which seemed to be coming from himself “thanks Dad”.

Wait, was that how Ashton sounded like before his voice changed. It was so adorable that now he wished he could see how he looked like when he was young. Like his prayer was heard or something he suddenly saw Ashton stare at a mirror. He looked quite the same except his features were more round and adorable. Never having seen pictures of baby Ashton this was definitely a treat.

He didn’t have his usual glasses on and with the way he was dressed he definitely seemed like he was the cool kid around. Then when did Ashton start to dress up like dorks? He wondered. Maybe Ashton did really put in a lot of effort when he moved to camouflage himself.

Ashton changed his angle a little bit and froze as he noticed someone behind him. Turning back at an instance he glared. “Who are you?” This time he could see Ashton directly without any mirror. Wait what just happened? Looking back into the same mirror he saw his own reflection.


How is this possible? He was not supposed to exist in his head separately like that? Or is it a trick Ashton’s head was playing on Caleb sensing his presence. The link thing was definitely more mysterious that he thought, and as he noticed his young Ashton’s eyes turn red he realised he needed to do something as soon as possible.

“Calm down Ashton” he mumbled.

“How do you... know my name?” Young Ashton asked him.

“Well...”Caleb tilted his head as he pondered upon how to explain. It was not like he was in the past or something, so admitting the truth won’t change history or something. Then again, convincing Ashton that he is saying the truth is trickier. “You know my name too, you know” Caleb teased.

“I don’t! I have never seen you in my entire life. Tell me before I call my parents. What. do. You. want?”he spat his words. The way his anger was taking over was a proof that Ashton has always dealt with his anger issues. No wonder he is so concerned.

Never having met Caleb in his life when Ashton was this old was probably the reason why Young Ashton didn’t recognise him, “I am not here to harm you. I promise.” He raised his hands as if he was surrendering himself. “How about this, what do you think my name is?” Young Ashton frowned at his words, “Come on, tell me”

“I don’t know...” he whispered. “Caleb”? He guessed.

“Yess!!” Caleb jumped up in excitement. “You do recognise me! I knew it! That’s right, my name is Caleb Lucian Wrisberg!” He chuckled. “It might be hard to believe this but I am your mate”.

Young Ashton frowned at him as he looked at him curiously and with suspicion, “Stop lying! I don’t have any mate. How can you know you are my mate if I don’t”? He retorted.

“You do know, how else do you think you recognise me?” Caleb challenged.

“Stop playing games with me”! Young Ashton huffed at him.

Bending down Caleb looked at him, “I am not playing games with you Ashton. If you are confused as to what is happening let me tell you” He smiled. “This is a dream. Look around, everything is so hazy.” he showed him. Young Ashton looked around but failed to accept the fact that it was not real, “I am here because I was worried about you. And I missed you” Caleb smiled. “Do you really think I am dangerous?” Caleb asked softly.

“You look like...” Young Ashton trailed off, “you are not” he mumbled. Taking a few steps in front he touched his cheeks gently. Caleb presented him with a smile encouraging him to continue. Young Ashton traced the angle of his face with his eyes before looking him in the eye. “You are an omega” he mumbled.

“I am” Caleb nodded.

“You don’t look like one” Young Ashton mumbled.

“Yeah, I know. Sorry about that.” Caleb pursed his lips.

“Don’t be” Young Ashton whispered.

“You trust me?” Caleb asked after a whole minute.

Taking a pause young Ashton replied, “No” Caleb’s smile faded until Ashton continued, “but I want to.” and his smile was back on. After a minute young Ashton asked him “You are a lot older than me”.

Caleb’s eyes widened, “No!” He screamed. “I am less than two years older than you.” he defended.

Withdrawing his hand, he cleared his throat, “Whatever” He didn’t seem convinced, but he didn’t care either. Suddenly Ashton grabbed his hand and pulled him, “Where are you taking me?” Somehow even if the dream Ashton was young, he found it difficult to resist. It was as if he was stronger than regular Ashton.

Ashton didn’t answer him and dragged him to the front yard where his Dad was working on the Car. Caleb simply stood there stunned by Ashton’s actions. What was he planning to do, “Dad, this is my mate” he announced earning his Dad’s attention and Caleb’s wide eyes.

Caleb felt weird as if he was meeting Ashton’s father for real. For some reason he was glad that this was all a part of a dream and not reality. Telling someone that you are/ will be dating his son whom you are meeting for the first time was kind of nerve wracking. He could finally understand why people felt so frightened to meet the family.

In his case, he knew the whole family before he started to date Ashton, but in this case it was different. Is this how Ashton felt when he met Caleb’s family? He wondered, “So... you are my son’s mate” The man who looked quite young for his age narrowed his gaze at Caleb.

“Yes,” Caleb replied in a groggy voice before clearing his throat. “Hello Mr Parker” Judging from Young Ashton’s age and the stories he heard earlier he was sure this was his adopted father.

Ashton’s Dad took a few steps towards him while maintaining his stern gaze at him. The closer he came the faster Caleb’s non existent heart beat worried about the reaction of this unknown man.

He put his arm on Caleb’s shoulder and mumbled, “welcome to the family” a smile appeared on his face and Caleb finally let out his breath which he didn’t realise earlier that he was holding. “Also, call me Dan” he patted his arm. “I am making barbecue, stay for lunch” he ordered before getting back to his car.

Somehow hearing those words made him smile. Sure, it was not exactly Mr Parker, but it was simply his mirage. It was how Ashton remembered his Dad to be and seeing the kind of person he was, Caleb felt glad that Ashton found this tiny family when he did. Caleb couldn’t help but wish if only his own family, especially his Dad, was accepting of Ashton.

Ashton dragged him back to his house and introduced him to his whole family who were more than delighted to see him. Given how in the real world he had already met them he was more sure of himself than he was earlier.

When he was done meeting everyone and he was alone with the younger version of Ashton once more, Caleb waited for Ashton to ask something. From the looks of it he appeared curious. Somehow the masking of expression which Ashton is pro at seems like is yet to develop for him.

Ashton glanced at Caleb and asked, “You like being my mate, right?”

“I love it” without skipping a beat Caleb answered. “I chose you, on purpose” he smiled. josei

Suddenly a pair of arms surrounded his torso as Ashton hugged him tightly, “I don’t have a lot of family, thank you for being mine”.

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