My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Chapter 184: That thing

“Ashton, is that you”? He spoke out loud despite feeling that Ashton was connected to him via his link.

“Were you... trying to link me? I think I felt your presence”. Ashton mumbled.

Caleb remained quiet unsure of what to answer as the entire incident flashed through in front of his eyes. Unfortunately for him though, Ashton saw everything, or at least enough to comprehend what just happened. [Why were you in my head?] he asked in anger.

“I was just making sure if you were asleep or not,” Caleb retorted. “I got caught up in all the dream things” He mumbled out loud. “I am sorry” He mumbled.

[Sorry?] Ashton huffed. [What if my wolf was right? What if you would have been trapped in there?] Ashton shouted in his head.

“Then you would have let me out! I know I will be fine!” Caleb declared with confidence. “And it’s not like I went to that creative prison inside your head on purpose! I lost my way!” Caleb shouted back. “You are equally to blame! You told me that you’ll link me once you’re settled in, but you never did”!

[I tried, but you were asleep back then. I didn’t want to disturb! I saw your dream too right, but unlike you I left!] Ashton retorted.


“Okay fine! I am sorry for staying. I was curious to see your childhood okay, it’s not like I know a lot about your past”. Caleb mumbled.

[I guess...] Ashton trailed off. [I am sorry too, for yelling. I just... freaked out okay!] Ashton admitted sheepishly. [It’s hard enough being apart, I don’t want something to happen to you when I am away]

“I know...” Caleb mumbled. “What did you see in my dream”? He asked after a minute.

[I didn’t stay there for long, so...] Ashton tried to divert the question but just like Ashton earlier he saw and couldn’t help but blush.

“I can’t believe I... I dreamt that” Caleb sighed.

[Well... if that’s something you wanna do for real, I won’t mind] Ashton shrugged and let out a fake cough making Caleb press his tongue against his cheek.

“No!” Caleb protested. “I am not doing that. That concept is bat crap crazy”! Caleb protested.

[How would you know without trying] Ashton chuckled.

“I just do... we are not having this conversation”! Caleb cleared his throat after declaration. “Now go back to sleep, I will talk to you tomorrow” josei

[Good night] Ashton mumbled softly and once more Caleb was left all alone by himself. Caleb sat up on the bed and imagined what he saw when he was in Ashton’s head. It was a bit embarrassing, and considering that it was actually Caleb’s dream he felt even more embarrassed.

He saw himself lying on Ashton’s bed, which was for the most of it true. What was different was what he was surrounded with. There were clothes lying everywhere around him that belonged to Ashton. They were not just any clothes, they were the ones recently worn by Ashton which had his scent loaded in it. That’s right, in his dream he was nesting.

Nesting was a common practice for most of the omegas back in the days who were separated from their mates, specifically the alpha ones, for some or the other reason. There wasn’t anything inherently impulsive about it, unlike most of their actions, like their behaviour during heat or rut.

Caleb had heard of it back when he was young and found the notion a bit weird. The primary goal of the nesting process was to make the omegas feel safe. Being surrounded by the scent of your mate was reassuring to the omegas back then, or so he heard.

He found this ridiculous for many reasons. For instance, even if he loves Ashton’s scent there is no way this is similar to having him around for real, so how the hell was this supposed to make him feel better? As for Caleb he felt pretty safe no matter what, so he was sure he didn’t need any fake reassurance of his safety. Then why did he dream of that? He failed to comprehend.

The whole night he struggled to fall asleep once more. Given how he barely slept the night before it was a miracle he wasn’t drowsy at all. A lot of thoughts ran through his mind as he stared at the bland dark ceiling over Ashton’s bed.

More often than not his thought drifted off to the wolf he met in his head. Caleb was sure Ashton saw him communicate with the wolf, but he was surprised that Ashton didn’t bring it up given his history of jealousy over his own wolf. This was the first time he communicated properly with the wolf, and it was a bit hard not to think about it at all.

When there was a change of the color of the sky, Caleb groaned and washed up before heading out for jog. He wasn’t this bummed about separation when he came to college first, and part of the reason was he was too busy to miss Ashton. So that’s what he needed now, an activity, a distraction to keep his mind off his mate.

When he went back he headed for his own room. He considered whether or not to knock before just knocking. He was too tired and frustrated to ponder too much. A very sleepy and mostly naked Warren opened the door for him. Feeling better about the decision to leave those two alone last night Caleb cleared his throat, “I need my wallet. I need to buy some stuff.”

“Come on in” In a groggy voice he replied and moved away from the door. Caleb could still see Karolyn lying on Warren’s bed but didn’t pay much attention to her. He was not happy about being around a happy couple anymore.

“By the way, do you need anything?” Caleb asked him before he left.

Warren thought for a moment before replying, “No, thanks. I am flying back home the day after tomorrow” He smiled before closing the door.

In order to avoid the happy couple, Caleb brought all the stuff to Ashton’s room. The way he was using Ashton’s room was as if he was the owner of this room. Seeing how the campus was getting emptier, Caleb decided he will head back home after a few days. At least there will be a pack to distract him.

He was almost done making the pancake when Ashton linked him. “How are you”? Caleb asked him the very first thing. Trying to get a proper image of the area he realised that he was stuck in some kind of snowstorm.

[Guess what, it’s minus 2 degrees here... and I can still go without a sweater.] Ashton scoffed. [I am starting to think maybe I am one of them.]

“Can I ask you something?” Caleb mumbled.


“How long do you plan to stay there? I know you are looking for those secretive wolves. But in case you don’t find them... how long are you willing to search?” Caleb asked.

[I...] Ashton thought for a moment. [A month? I can’t go more than that] Ashton groaned. They spent the rest of the evening chatting in their link. Due to the unexpected snowstorm it was hard for Ashton to move beyond it and thus the evening turned out to be much better than Caleb anticipated. Ashton told him all the crazy things that happened to him till now which kinda made Caleb jealous for missing out.

“Well, lemme keep me updated” Caleb chuckled after almost two hours.

[Will do] Ashton agreed before letting go of the link.

Feeling elated he had his dinner (Which was supposed to be his lunch) and ordered a bit more takeout as he was way too hungry. He was so bored in between that he even called his brother to check how everything was at home. Too bad his brother was busy with some unexpected situation, so he couldn’t continue to chat.

He briefly considered seeing what his friends were upto, but he didn’t wanna be a third wheel in two nights in a row so he spent the rest of the time catching up to his fav series on netflix. After almost seven episodes when he saw the clock hit 2:00 am he decided to go back to sleep, but again sleep continued to evade. “Ughhh”! He groaned out loud. “If only I had sleeping pills... and they worked on me” Caleb sighed.

That’s when an idea struck him which he was adamant to push aside. There was no way he would try Nesting as he was sure that it could never work. It was never for sleeping, it was to make them feel safe. There was no chance it would work... right?

Looking around he realised that no matter what he did, no one would ever find out. If he was careful while linking with Ashton, his secret will be perfectly safe. Letting out an exasperated sigh, he took out a few outfits that Ashton didn’t take with him. Most of them were summer outfits, but surprisingly of a darker theme.

Ashton didn’t exactly wear them recently, but somehow there was still a bit of his scent left which he found himself inhaling. He tried the same thing with a few more clothes before he decided it was probably not gonna work. When he was about to put them back he received a call back from his brother, and that is probably the last thing he remembers for the night.

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