My beast Emperor System

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Bradford town

Two figures were seen walking through the halls of the royal palace, while both wore silver robes and had silver hair, one had a blue dragon ask on and his robe had a blue dragon design on, meanwhile the other wore no mask and his robe had the crashing waves design.

They were Lucien and Instructor Han!

Since Lucien is still a student of the academy, he had to follow Lucien to his new domain and create a few teleportation platforms, that will link that remote town with the empire.


Taking the secret teleportation platform, they were instantly transported to the academy, from there both of them flew toward the empire's western gates. With his mask on, no one could tell Lucien was only fourteen years old, due to his body physique. While they flew silently, Instructor Han stole a few glances at Lucien but all he saw within the cold blue mask were a pair of cold silver eyes.

"Do you resent us for what happened?" Instructor Han asked calmly after contemplating for a while.

He still couldn't forget the fear he felt when Lucien joked about killing him. Even when Lucien claimed it was only a joke, he knew that the killing intent Lucien exuded at that moment was real. His hatred for them was real.

"Yes, I hate the fact both of you were too powerless to do what is right… That's why I am doing this… I will surpass all of you and make sure no one has to go through that again…" Lucien answered casually as if it was nothing but Instructor Han could feel his killing intent rising once again.


Lucien was already extremely popular within the empire walls so those at the western gates naturally recognized him and Instructor Han and after flashing his noble crest, they let them through.

After a journey that lasted about thirty minutes, they arrived at the Bradford town. Compared to Lucien's expectation, the town was relatively big, almost comparable to the territory of the other noble families that have existed for centuries or even more due to the combined populations of beast-men and humans.

Lucien and Instructor Han stood above the town, gazing down on them silently. They didn't bother to conceal their presence so the town naturally took note of them, so many people gathered outside with weapons in their arms, gazing at the two peerless figures looking down on them. Seeing this, Lucien didn't take it to heart, it was only natural for the weak to protect themselves in such a manner. In fact, he found this act interesting since it proved that these people are yet to give up hope! They still have the will to fight in them.

"Interesting…" Lucien commented with a slight hint of interest.

From the crowd, a weak old man and a vibrant young man stepped out of the crowd.

"Good days peerless warriors… We are the people of the Bradford town and I am their town chief… May I know why you are here?" The old man said respectfully.

Lucien and Instructor Han descended, before handing presenting the royal decree to these people. Seeing this, a flash of joy flashed in their eyes as they gazed at the masked youth meant to be their new leader. His aura was restrained to the point that they could barely feel it yet he gave off a dangerous vibe. Since they couldn't tell his strength, what he looks like, or anything, they assumed their new master is the mysterious type and silently prayed he would be powerful enough to deal with their magic beast problems.

"Set up a teleportation formation here and leave… Come back in a few days… The situation here should have stabilized" Lucien said to Instructor Han calmly.

Hearing this, Instructor Han was taken aback. He had thought that Lucien may request his help in dealing with the magic beasts and the people here believed so too, so everyone was stunned.

"Lord…" the voice of the old man trailed off as he did not know what to call Lucien.

"Rakuzen…" Lucien said.

"Lord Rakuzen… This town is surrounded by territories belonging to powerful beasts! General level beasts are common and a few have claimed that even king level beasts reside here… I humbly suggest the lord seek help from more experts to deal with this issue…" The old man said humbly with a bowed head.

Hearing that King-level beasts were present here, Lucien's eyes flashed slightly with surprise, and a smile spread across his masked face.

"Gaze at my face when you speak…" Lucien said calmly as he took a step forward and the old man unconsciously took a step back.

"As for the magic beast issue, I alone will be more than enough to deal with them" Lucien's voice was calm and filled with confidence, stunning these people.

Instructor Han and the people gazed at Lucien with a hint of shock in their eyes! They found it hard to believe that someone so young is this strong!

[Hehehehe! Using my name now… You must feel honored] Rakuzen was enjoying the show.

"Where are the magic beast nests located?" Lucien ignored their stares and asked the question calmly.

What the hell is he planning to do?

Does he wish to attack now?josei

He must be young and impulsive!

"We don't know… We are yet to venture far enough to go, but heading south from here you should be able to find something" The old man said apprehensively while monitoring the eyes within the mask hoping to see some sort of expression, but there was none. Those eyes remained cold as always.

"Instructor Han… I will have to ask you to stay here after you finish setting up the teleportation platform until I return… I should be back in a few hours… This won't take long" Lucien said calmly.

Instructor Han wanted to refuse but right now, by law Lucien's status is higher than his in the empire. He is only an instructor while Lucien is a Baron, a noble!

"Yes, lord Rakuzen…" Instructor Han cupped his fists and bowed slightly while he said those words.

With a slight nod as a reply, Lucien shot into the air like a missile heading south of the town!

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