My beast Emperor System

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Life after a long night

Lucien slowly yanked his eyes open only to perceive an alluring fragrance, He felt an extremely soft and weightless body laying on him and when he looked he realized it was Alice.

'Why is she here?' He thought but then images of their time together the previous night flooded his head, causing him to shot her another meaningful glance but this time with a more confused look on his face.

If it were a day ago or two, Lucien would stubbornly claim she fell for his good looks but now he didn't know what to make of himself. The edges of his body are blurry as if they were in danger of dispersing like a mist at any time. His once, eye-catching silver eyes and are now replaced with hollow pitch-black eyes that occasionally release a silver light. Lucien wasn't the type to lie to himself and he knew the current him can be considered inferior to his previous majestic look, meanwhile, this one gave him a fiery and mysterious air about his looks.

While many would find something like this attractive, he found it hard to believe that Alice who always gave out a princess, the vibe would fall for the current him. In his opinion, she simply wants to get closer and get him to help her clan someway. He shot the naked lady a glance and pondered on how to deal with her and her clan but after giving the matter some thought, Lucien decided to push those thoughts aside.

The light-born family can be considered one of the most powerful human top-tier noble clans in the empire, so getting on their good side while having the beautiful Alice at his beck and call is not too bad of a deal. As long as the relationship is beneficial to him and they don't ask too much of him, Lucien had no intentions of missing such an opportunity.

"I guess I have really grown" Lucien chuckled lightly as he considered the way he would have reacted to such an act a year ago. The old him fails to hide his emotions and makes sure the enemy knows he hates them. The old him didn't care for consequences, acted impulsively, and missed a lot of opportunities.

"Until I have absolute strength, I cannot act recklessly…" Lucien said as he shot the naked lady a glance and wondered why a noble clan will let a direct descendant of the main branch use her body as a bargaining chip.

He let out a disappointed sigh as his eyes released a silver flash before his body burst into a cloud of gray mist and slowly escaped Alice's grip. Reforming beside the bed without his clothes on, Lucien turned around only to notice something that made even his cold heart tremble. His white bed sheet was stained red with blood. As an expert, he could tell he wasn't hurt and with just a glance he could tell Alice wasn't hurt either. He couldn't help but recount the previous night's activities and he quickly remembered the pained look on Alice's face as he kept thrusting without care. He frowned and took a few steps back, gazing at the sleeping, golden-haired girl on his bed and wondered how to deal with this situation.

He originally felt Alice did this to lure him into working with the Lightborn family but he strongly refused to believe this girl would give up her first time just for something like that. Did she sleep with him the previous night, not because she wanted to use him but because she actually liked him? Lucien was left confused and helpless. He wanted to wake her up this instant and ask her but he advised himself against such thoughts. His body leaned back as his eyes revealed a bright flash with a hint of killing intent.

"I will deal with this later" Lucien muttered to himself with a frustrated look on his face before walking into the bathroom.

While taking a shower, Lucien was lost in thought as he tried to consider so many possibilities but no matter what he couldn't stop his heart from beating madly. He was distracted all through the time spent there, making him spend close to thirty minutes or so in the bathroom and when he finally came out, he realized Alice was already awake.

She laid on the bed and covered her body with the bloody white bed sheet. When Lucien came out of the bathroom with only a white towel, draped around his waist and leaving his upper half exposed, she couldn't help but gaze at his body. His abs and chest seemed perfectly placed. He wasn't too muscular but muscular enough to complement his good looks and make a girl's heart flutter. Seeing his wet silver hair, lie loosely on his shoulders, she felt the urge to feel it. Alice never knew she would be captivated by a beast-man this much!

"You should go wash up I will deal with the laundries later… But first I will make breakfast" Lucien said calmly after glancing at her and seeing the embarrassed look on her face. Even a cold-hearted killer like him found it incredibly cute when Alice proactively avoided making eye contact.

While She gave off an innocent and cute vibe, Instructor Emma gave Lucien a naughty vibe, so he considered this a new experience that he found amusing. Seeing Lucien chuckle lightly, Alice felt even more embarrassed covered her face with a pillow, probably trying to suffocate herself but Lucien didn't pay her any attention and just walked into the dressing room. He picked a casual long-sleeved white shirt and white trousers, both oversized. Even though he looked different, he still looked cute.

By the time he left the dressing room, he realized that Alice was taking a shower and he considered walking into that bathroom and giving her the greatest scare of her life, but he tried as much as possible to restrain himself. He quickly gathered the bed covers and replaced them with new ones. After that, Lucien left the room and went straight to the kitchen.

Even after gaining such a large place and ruling over so many people, he never considered having anyone working for him, and for a while, he couldn't say he felt lonely staying here all alone. Having Alice here made him slightly more cheerful than usual.

"Last night was something" Lucien muttered to himself as he began cooking.

To distract himself he began recounting everything that happened the previous night and he couldn't help but consider the possibility of losing his life the numerous battles he embarked on the previous day. He fought so many people and got so many benefits, he couldn't help but feel anxious but then he soon remembered that yesterday is also the day he got on the bad side of two powerful forces in the continent.

The first is the imperial forces of the empire, stationed at the capital and the second is the Zhao clan of the Libet empire. Lucien could only chuckle when he remembered these people since he considered them dead men anyway. In his opinion, there is a limit to what they can do to him right now and if he should be given enough time to grow, he will definitely reach a level where they can never harm him again.

As soon as Lucien was done preparing breakfast he moved everything to the dining hall and just sat there gazing at a golden inter-spatial storage ring and he couldn't help but feel amused. With Zhao Li dead, his soul print in the ring has faded, allowing Lucien to take ownership of the ring.josei

Normal people can only store and remove things in the inter-spatial storage ring with a thought but Lucien didn't do that. He had the intention of keeping the contents a secret so he spread his sea of consciousness into a storage ring. 

Lucien soon found himself in a navy blue infinite space with countless twinkling stars, glittering everywhere. Gazing at the massive dazzling space, Lucien was mesmerized for a while. While he always felt the Bess assimilation technique he has is amazing, seeing this he realized that the space element is something that no one should look down on.

Maybe instructor Han is not that powerful because he is also a support type mage but then Lucien thought of Leonard's sister who uses the space element and is part of the war mage class. If she succeeds, she will become the first offensive spatial mage in the entire continent and even Lucien couldn't help but shudder at the thought of fighting such a person.

"Maybe it's time I begin expanding the Rakuzen clan…. Recruiting the younger generation experts who do not have any faction should be my focus…" Lucien muttered calmly.

But the problem now isn't just recruiting. To be able to recruit young experts still in the academy, Lucien must be able to compete with the mighty clans in the empire. He had to offer something that the major clans of the empire can't offer!

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