My beast Emperor System

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Chapter 151

They watched in confusion as the gray mist surged into the room, filling the entire room until nothing could be seen. Just before they could say anything that gray mist began gathering behind the wooden chair where instructor Han was seated and slowly, Lucien's body began taking shape. They watched as the gray mist slowly transformed into a 6ft tall youth with long silver hair and his face hidden in a blue Chinese dragon mask. He wore a silver sleeveless mage robe, revealing the serpent tattoo on his right hand and a terrifying silver light visible within the openings in the blue mask. His body kept releasing small quantities of gray mist, giving him an intimidating figure that looks more gaseous than solid.

"You did well old man… You can leave the rest to me now" Lucien said calmly as he placed on hand on Instructor Han's bloodied shoulder.

What left Lucien curious was not the fact that instructor Han was defeated. He has always known this Instructor was one of the weakest instructors in the academy since he lacks all forms of combat training and physical reaction speed in battle is only slightly different than that of a powerless human, up to the point where a human realm beast-man is far stronger than him a peak mortal realm expert.

So his defeat isn't something that got Lucien excited.

What caught his attention was the fact he failed to understand how they managed to trap Instructor Han. Spatial mages are by far the hardest people to catch and Lucien was even confident that someone as powerful as the emperor will have a hard time catching instructor Han if he wishes to run from him, so he couldn't understand what method they used to seal his spatial magic. He suspected it has something to do with the formation set around the room and this again supported his point.

Only wealthy noble families can afford something this complicated.

"Old man? To think the kid who needed to hide behind me during battles back then is finally the one saving my ass… Time flies and things change" Instructor Han could barely hold his excitement as he heard Lucien's voice.

Just like the emperor he too has been watching Lucien's progress from a distance and I'm after hearing Lucien defeated Klaus, he knew only a handful of people can defeat Lucien in this empire, so he felt completely confident in Lucien's strength.

"These guys really messed up your face…The chicks won't find you attractive anymore… don't worry, I will get them for you!" Lucien said those words lightly but he was seething with anger.

"Who… Who are you?" A red-haired lady asked as she instinctively leaped backward and tightened her grip on her bloodied black daggers.

Her eyes revealed hints of fear as she gazed at Lucien. As someone who has trained in assassination acts all her life this woman can be considered the person with the sharpest senses in the entire empire! When gazing at Lucien, she didn't see a kid as the others did, instead what she saw was a cluster of powerful beasts glaring down at her.

"Who am I? Are you dumb? You have been searching for a way to lure Lucien Rakuzen out but now you have met him, you still can't recognize him? Trash!" Lucien growled as a gray most exploded from his body and before the three men standing in front of Instructor Han could respond they have already been impaled by the large pointy feet of the Kasir(King tier spider magic beast)

"What the hell?" one of the men managed to mutters while coughing out blood constantly as he watched in horror as the grey mist slowly took the shape of the magic beast, before completely transforming into it

[Beast assimilation revival successful]

[Kasir revived successfully]

"Now then, you are next!" Lucien said as he turned his attention to the woman but was surprised she was gone.

"She's quick, I have to give her that" Lucien complemented with a smile on his face.






Using her amazing perception and sensory skills, Ada ran through the halls of the castle searching for a perfect spot to hide. Thanks to her perceptions she always took the right turns that helps her avoid meeting instructors in the way and luckily for her, classes were still ongoing so many instructors are yet to return.

"There!" she muttered as she jumped off one of the windows of the castle without hesitation and free fell for over ten seconds before hitting the ground hard!


Her feet felt numb and trembled violently but her fear for Lucien was far greater so she leaped forward with a light jump and shot across the years, into an open field not too far from the castle!

Using the shadows to her advantage and after thirty minutes of non-stop running, Ada finally made it out of the academy grounds and dashed into the nearest forest she could find to hide

She sat at the foot of a tree and breathes heavily. Her eyes darted around crazily and after a few minutes, she confirmed that she wasn't followed, and only then did she relax.

"What the hell was that?" she muttered as she gasped for air and began controlling her breathing.

At that moment she noticed something strange. Her shadow thickened and expanded and from it, a figure began emerging. Her eyes trembled in horror as she watched the masked silver-haired demon climb out of her shadows while letting out light chuckles.

"You sure know how to run… no one noticed you… to be able to compliment your assassination skills with the shadow element It seems you are no normal person… your background must be solid… tell me who sent you and I will give you a quick and painless death" Lucien said calmly.josei

"Haaaa!" the lady didn't bother to answer or ask questions.

She instantly grabbed her dagger and struck forward relentlessly but to her greatest surprise, Lucien didn't use any special techniques or moves, instead he simply slapped the dagger with overwhelming strength.

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