My beast Emperor System

Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Lucien vs Lukas

[Golden reach activated!]

From afar people saw two powerful beams of light collide fiercely, causing the entire forest to shake violently. 


Both sides blew past the other and both sides landed gracefully, without making any sound. 


Lucien's blue dragon mask fell off as he spat out a mouthful of blood and his kimono slowly turned red around the chest area but a cruel smile remained on his face.

"To think you will sink so low as to work with these humans in this little coup! Old man, you disgust me!" Lucien staggered as he tried to regain his balance.

"The emperor has lost focus and put his faith in a fool like you… He doesn't understand the old ways and believes all men are born equal! There can never be a world where everyone is equal! Those are childish dreams!" Lukas said coldly. Unlike Lucien, he had no injury but his robe was a bit roughed up.

"Hehehehehe! Who said we are trying to create a world where everyone is equal? All the emperor wants is a world where everyone can live together… A place where everyone is given equal opportunities…. You and the old fools who claim to be nobles are blinded by your greed… You wish to put everyone under your feet, that's why you all constantly suppress the poor and kill off anyone with enough potential to match you! You are one sorry old man…. It's a pity you will die here without realizing how short-sighted you have been!" Lucien said as the bird crying sound erupted from his body and the figure of the Argos appeared above him.

"Hmph! You dare seek the aid of a low-tier magic beast? I made a mistake kicking you out of the clan! I should have killed you back then!" Lukas growled as the image of the mighty Raizen god beast appeared behind him.

Unlike Lucien's version of this god beast, that of Lukas was so life-like, even Lucien trembled while gazing at it. This is the first time he has seen his grandfather fight so he was oblivious of the old man's strength all this while. Seeing his god beast standing behind him, Lucien realized that the Raizen god beast image had an aura of its own that was completely different from that of Lukas. It was like an independent being of its own, making Lucien wonder what the completion rate will be if he had the beast assimilation system!


With each step he took, the ground beneath his feet shattered and the debris began rising into the air. The skinny old man who relied on a staff to stand had never looked so terrifying with his silver eyes and the massive bird god beast following him tightly behind.

At this moment time paused for Lucien. He felt his resolve waver for the first time in his life. At this point, he began asking himself what he actually wants in life and why he is doing all of this. Why is he putting so much effort into his cultivation, trying to reach the peak of the cultivation world? Would it be so bad if he just gave everything and lived a quiet life? 

"No…" Lucien muttered as he took a step back with his trembling foot but then his vision was assaulted by the images of all those he has met up to now. He began relieving his entire life in just a single moment!

Would he be able to live with himself if he let all these bastards that prevent the empire from moving forward?

Will he be able to sleep at night, knowing he let the emperor die when he could fight to protect him?

All this while he was afraid of failure but now Lucien realized the mistake he has been making! 

What he should be afraid of isn't failure but not giving it his all!

What is death? 

What is life?

It all ends only when you stop fighting!

"LUKASSSSS!" Lucien growled madly stunning even the old man.

His eyes let out a bright rainbow light as his aura exploded!  His aura slowly took the shapes of all the magic beasts he has assimilated from the beginning up until now!

[Beast assimilation revival successful!]

At that moment, a silver light shot out of Lucien's body and took the shape of the Azure blue dragon! With each step Lucien took illusionary blue dragon scales appeared on his body


"Old man… Only one of us will leave this place alive!" Lucien declared boldly, making Lukas frown!

Right now Lucien is giving him the same look he despises so much. Ever since Lucien left the Raizen clan, each time he gazed at him, Lukas felt like Lucien was gazing at a lesser being! A dead man!

"You… I will pull those eyes out and torture you for a thousand years! I will show you that there are fates worse than death!" Lukas growled before charging at Lucien!

His body turned into a silver beam as he shot towards Lucien.

"Argos! Raizen!" Lucien leaped back and growled as two of his beasts shot past him.

[Golden reach activated]

[Wind creek dive activated]

Argos and Raizen turned into golden and silver beams respectively but Lucien wasn't going to let them charge in all alone. He took light steps forward before bursting into a full sprint.

He was no fool as to believe that those two will be able to stop, Lukas. The fact remains that Lukas's strength far surpassed that of a king-tier beast and only an emperor-level beast can pose a threat to him but that didn't mean Lucien would flee...

"HELL NO!" Lucien growled as his body was engulfed in blue flames as he began flying, turning into a blue searing beam of flames!

In his heart, all that mattered right now is killing this old man! If he can just win this battle, he will definitely make things easier for the emperor when the main battle begins!

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