My beast Emperor System

Chapter 237

Chapter 237: Damaging the ant queen

With the new revelation, the ant queen was quite scared and cautious of the two. If both of them came only one after the other she wouldn't have a reason to fear but with their strengths combined and their impressive teamwork, it will definitely take hits. Taking hits from them meant sustaining soul damages.

"I refuse" Lucien said adamantly.

"If you feel that way then let me use my martial technique on it, lets see how many blows it can take from me!" Lucien said boldly but Derik frowned.

His theory only applies to humans or beings who are aware of methods of utilizing their souls in battle. As an emperor tier beast, this ant queen may only have a powerful soul and know nothing about manipulating it! Letting her battle Lucien will most likely end in her soul getting utterly destroyed, especially since he can endure her attacks while delivering intense soul devastating blows.

"No... We are not taking chances!" Derik refused to take that chance. Having this emperor tier beast in his team will boost his power.

"Then what do you suggest?" Lucien said with knitted eyebrows.


"Fine! I will stop holding back and focus on destroying her armor... If we join hands it shouldn't be much of a problem" Derik said with a sigh, making the ant lady frown.

Was this human trying to say they have been holding back all this while?

Mere spirit realm masters dare hold back against her? A being about to reach the pinnacle of all existence?

"You do not know how vast the world is... The God realm is only the beginning" Derik said the moment he saw her facial expressions and guessed why she was acting this way.


The ant queen had heard enough! She considered these two threats and that's why she tried as much as possible to send them away peacefully when they attacked even though they has killed so many of her subordinates. She wanted to live in seclusion and focus on her cultivation since her goal has always been to reach the God realm. Not only did these two kill all her subordinates but they also attempted to take her life and now they even dare look down on her and speak to her as if she lacks the vast knowledge of the world!

"ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE!" She growled as her black armor was once again covered in a thick layer of golden armor! Her pitch-black eyes shook slightly as her wings sprouted once again!


Lucien was left speechless as the figure shook and vanished in an instant! Her speed far surpassed his expectation!


Before he could react he heard a loud explosion by his side, only to see the ant Queens leg flying towards his skull but Derik appeared and blocked it with a kick of his own;


His left leg was blown away making the ant queen smile at the foolish human attempt to block her attack but the smile soon froze as she noticed something wrong!

Derik wasn't bleeding!

Derik wasn't showing signs of pain either!

"Ha!" Derik growled, ignoring torn-off limb and struck forward!

His fist was engulfed in black death aura, taking the form of a claw as he assumed his Lycan form, striking at the ant queen!


As expected his claw attack did not even leave a mark on her body, going as far as to bounce off!

'Sure enough, my God beasts creature is completely inferior in this world... In my old world, it granted me enough advantages to challenge stronger foes but here, it is almost useless' Derik lamented in his heart as he watched the ant queen grab the hand he used to attack!


A tearing sound mixed with bone-breaking sounds could be heard as Derik's hand was torn off brutally!

"DIE!" The ant queen growled as she struck at Derik's chest, leaving a massive gaping hole where his heart should be!


Derik's body was sent crashing down, while she turned her attention to the blue blur behind her!

"Don't you dare forget about me!" Lucien growled but this time there was no dragon scale, instead, his entire body was shrouded in lightly and he had two silver daggers in his hand!


Lucien struck forward, quickly as the lightning daggers struck the ant queen's golden shell, leaving both Lucien and the ant queen shocked!

'It penetrated!' They both screamed in their hearts while displaying shocked expressions on their faces.

Lucien has always thought the lighting element was famous for its speed but he failed to remember that the lightning element was also known for its lethality and incredible piercing ability!


Releasing its aura as a means of throwing Lucien back the ant queen struck at Lucien fiercely.


Controlling the wind around him to balance himself, Lucien stomped the air and shot back, going out of the ant Queens reach. His eyes let out a bright blue light as his body turned into a bolt of lightning and vanished!


Seeing the blue blur behind her, the ant Queen didn't hesitate to strike in that direction but what she met was nothing!josei


Lucien struck again but this time he aimed for its slender waist, striking it so hard, visible cracks could be seen on her golden armor but the daggers were not long enough to penetrate deep enough!

"DIE HUMAN!" The ant queen reacted quickly as she sent a kick towards Lucien's skull without hesitation!

Amongst the two, Lucien is the one with the highest possibility of harming her! As long as she kills him, she shouldn't have much problem with the almost dead Derik!

"DON'T MOVE!" A voice echoed like a divine decree and surprisingly she couldn't move!

She could see golden divine letters hovering around her, making her shiver in fear!

It can't be!

I left him in a miserable state, how can he still be alive?

Lucien could be seen rising above with his hands placed behind him and a golden halo around his head. His eyes lacked any form of emotion and two scrolls could be seen levitating by his side.

He was making use of Cyrus' famous 'The word pathway!'

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