My beast Emperor System

Chapter 247

Chapter 247: Shadow Dragon lord!

Hearing Lucien's words the aged dragons seemed to be in shock at first but they soon calmed down and analyzed the situation. If these two are not from any clan, neither did they come to antagonize them, who are they?

By this time, Derik had calmed down but that didn't mean he didn't feel a bit annoyed each time he laid his eyes on these people. His opinion may be bias but Derik always felt that where ever he went the dark arts should be at the top, or at least not oppressed to this level. He hated the fact that the dragons wielding the powers of the dark side had been oppressed to this level and swore deep down to make sure that the other dragon clans pay for their mistake!

"Tell me the situation here" Derik said calmly as he waved his hand and two bone thrones emerged from the ground beneath them and they sat down.

Seeing the two invaders sit comfortably, ignoring the fact that they are in the enemy territory, these shadow dragons couldn't help but feel annoyed! They were getting looked down on by mere invaders but of course, they also took it into consideration that these two exuded an incredible amount of confidence, so they definitely wouldn't be easy to deal with. It meant they were really strong but then they only have the cultivation base of a spirit realm master.josei

Where was all the confidence coming from?

It is through they both possess incredibly unique and terrifying aura but can that stranger power they have bridged the gap in the cultivation realm?

"If you are feeling very confident, you might as well give it a try... But I must war you, if you can last three moves against me, I will personally let you have my head!" Derik said coldly while restraining his aura.

Hearing this Lucien didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Derik's challenge was quite cunning since nothing is really on the line for him! Even if they chop his head off, he would still regrow another one, so whether he failed to defeat them in three moves or he succeeds, he will still leave the enemy surprised and impressed by his ability.

Meanwhile, the faces of the elders darkened. Behind the large black doors were different shadow dragons of various sizes watching as their authority is getting challenged but the problem was that the person challenging their authority carried an aura that made them feel like submitting to him. As far as they are concerned, the two are royalty in their eyes but the question is, from where and why are they here?

"Identify yourselves!" The oldest elder said in a vicious tone in hopes of making Derik and Lucien fearful but even then Derik had no intentions of talking he simply chuckled and muttered


His words were simple but they carried a lot of weight. For some reason, these people remained silent unable to speak. It wasn't because of the word pathway but because they felt like they were talking to a superior being!


The oldest elder roared as his body exploded into a massive purple smoke and a massive dragon purple dragon appeared.

Compared to this dragon, Derik and Lucien were like dwarfs looking up to a 7ft tall man!


It took in a deep breath and breathed out blazing purple flames! The purple flames filled the hall, surging towards Derik and Lucien but even then, none of them moved! Many assumed they were took shocked by fear to move but the elders saw something different in their eyes! Something even the clan heads of the other dragon clans won't show!


These people were treating the attack like air as if it is not something worth mentioning! This attitude is something only people with overwhelming power would have!


Just when the purple flames were a few meters away Derik pointed a finger forward and a powerful suction force could he felt! The entire purple flames surged into his finger, vanishing in an instant!


What the hell is this?

What kind of power is that?

Who are they?

Countless questions were thrown around but that didn't phase Derik and Lucien.

"You can have your fire back" Derik said as his eyes revealed bright purple light and the purple flames poured out from that finger again, surging forward!

Seeing it the elders were too stunned and they quickly transformed into their true dragon forms!


The explosion rocked the castle and when the dust cleared the elders were in their dragon form gazing at Derik and Lucien fiercely! That attack was aimed at testing Derik and Lucien so it wasn't a full-powered attack, so they walked away with just bruises and minor blisters!

Gazing at Derik now they couldn't understand what type of power Derik used and they weren't sure what would happen if they tried again! Would he return another attack?


The eldest dragon roared and moved in a flash! Even with its massive body, it crossed a lot of space in a single breath, appearing in front of Derik and swiping down at him viciously!

"Futile attempt!" Derik said with knitted eyebrows as a figure shot past him, reaching the dragon in an instant!


People watched the massive dragon flying backward in shock and the person responsible for throwing him was Lucien covered in blue dragon scales and a fierce dragon aura around him!

Dragon emperor inheritance!

What the hell?

Aren't they just spirit realm masters?

How can they be this strong?

Many had their doubt's now and believed that Derik and Lucien were not as simple as they looked! The strength these two just showcased far surpasses what people at their level should have!


Suddenly a voice echoed and the ground trembled violently! All the shadow dragons lowered their heads in fear while Derik and Lucien felt a cold pair of purple eyes gazing at them! It must be the being hiding within the massive egg above the structure!

"Shadow Dragon lord, Belize!!' Many cried out in fear!

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