My beast Emperor System

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Terrifying team

"What did you just say?" Emperor Fei asked with a look of shock mixed with confusion.

As far as they are concerned, Lucien has been acting weird today, making them believe this may be the power source messing with his head. Gazing into his eyes, Emperor Fei realized he wasn't crazy, he was just genuinely excited but why?

"Okay, I will talk…" Lucien said.

He went ahead to explain to them what happened after they left, the experience points, the achievements, the tasks, and finally the latest ability unlocked today, Beast assimilation. Listening to Lucien narrate everything, they couldn't help but doubt him at first but after everything, they saw today no one could doubt the fact that something strange was going through his body.

"Gaze of the emperor… The system acknowledges you as a potential emperor… This is an interesting piece of news…" Instructor Han said while rubbing his chin.

"How could you be bothered by that? The beast assimilation part is the crazy thing about this system… That's technically overpowered! Such an ability shouldn't exist…" Emperor Fei blurted out.

His gaze suddenly turned fierce as he shifted his attention to Lucien but even then Lucien showed no sign of fear.

"You don't have to pretend like this, my Emperor… The few days I spent with you was enough for me to know what type of person you are… you won't kill me over something like this… Yes, my existence threatens your position as emperor but unlike others who will just eliminate me… You will just dedicate more time to your cultivation in hopes of making sure I never surpass you… You are no coward… You are cool" Lucien said sincerely, making the emperor blush.

"Well… I can't remain emperor forever… Maybe I will just retire when I deem you ready and have you deal with all the empire issues" Emperor Fei said while scratching his hair.

"Really? You will pick me over your grandchildren? You are too kind!" Lucien smiled deeply.

"Joking! Bi##h ass kid! Don't go around thinking you can take what's mine without a fight… until that day comes, I will consider you my friend" Emperor Fei chuckled while he spoke.

While the two joked and kept throwing insults at each other in a childish manner, Instructor Han sat back and kept gazing at Lucien. His stern looked plastered all over his face showed he was worried about the power Lucien just acquired. If it wasn't for the fact that he has spent enough time with Lucien to know the kind of person he is, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him instantly.

"Let's see what you are like in the future" Instructor Han said nonchalantly.


The empire has been through a lot in recent days. The invasion led to the death of many and in response to all of his, a three-week break was awarded as time for compensation to be distributed to the affected families while giving them enough time to bury their dead and perform their final rites.

In a massive hall filled with freshers, a man walked into the hall attracting the attention of everyone. It was a middle-aged man putting on a bright oversized robe which hid all parts of his body, revealing only his neck and head. His hair was blood red and his bright red eyes complimented his bushy red mustache. His choice of dressing may seem strange and weird but no one dared to make fun of him the moment they saw the phoenix royal family crest boldly imprinted on the back of his robe.

"Dean Xio! Welcome!"

Various instructors standing at the podium bowed respectfully as the Dean of the Fotia academy approached. The massive hall is big enough to contain a small army and based on the laws of the empire, in a state of emergency these instructors are equivalent no different from captains in military rank. Seeing them now to this man respectfully left them asking questions.

Judging based on the crest on his attire, everyone knew he was a member of the Phoenix clan, the ruling family of the empire. What they didn't know is how high is this person's rank in the family.

"I am Dean Fei Xio, First son of emperor Fei… Dean of this academy…" Dean Xio said but then he stopped speaking. His eyes were fixated on the youth below the podium but not even once did he say a word.

This first minute passed and both students and instructors felt like he didn't know what else to say… but then two minutes passed and then ten minutes and finally twenty minutes, yet the dean was yet to say another word. His actions were weird as since he neither blinked nor move many students began considering the possibility that the dean died standing. This thought kept spreading around and whispers could be heard from a corner of the hall, making it noisy. The instructors knew the dean was still alive but they still failed to understand the reason behind the strange pause.


Suddenly a spatial gate appeared at the center of the hall and two figures walked out of it. One was the instructor Han dressed in his traditional white kimono with blue crashing wave design littered all over it. The second was a much younger fellow dresses in a sleeveless black shirt, black trousers, and his feet bare. His silver hair was dyed red with blood and his clothes were covered in blood as well.

The Dean gazed at Lucien's indifferent face for a short time while other students instinctively distanced themselves from the duo.

"You are half an hour late…" Dean Xio said casually. Not minding Lucien's haggard looks.

"Lucien challenged Layla and Raziel of the Raizen clan to a duel and killed them… The battle was spectacular and time-consuming" Instructor Han lied about the last part since he didn't want to mention that the emperor insisted on traveling with the carriage. In his opinion, his relationship with the emperor must remain a secret.

"He did? Even with his magic crippled, he won? Lucien Raizen, you are truly remarkable" Dean Xio said since he was well aware of Raziel and Layla's strength. Those two were amongst the strongest members of the Raizen clan admitted this year and their talent was only inferior to that of Lucien who is considered a monster. No one expected him to be able to kill those two without magic.

Instructor Han had no intentions of going into the details of the battle, at least not in front of all these students. He only nodded in agreement to the Dean's words.josei

"I appreciate the compliment but I request you only use the name Lucien when referring to me… I severed my ties with the Raizen clan before I decided to kill off their two prodigies" Lucien bowed lightly as he spoke leaving everyone including the Dean stunned.

Did Lucien just say that?

Not only did he choose to anger the Raizen clan by disowning them, but Lucien also went further to kill off two important members of the clan. While many may think Lucien was impulsive in his actions, Dean Xio and the other Instructors understood why the kid did this. They are all important figures in their various clans and they have a good understanding of what clan politics looks like and how unfair they can be. No one could blame Lucien for his actions but they really didn't completely agree with his actions.

'This kid just placed a huge target on his back… it will be a miracle if he lives through this year!' Many Instructors speculated and sighed ruefully since they all believe that Lucien is just unlucky.

Born with terrifying talent Lucien had succeeded in stunning the empire with his accomplishments at a young age, leading so many to believe that he was more talented than the current beast emperor, Fei! Not given time to grow, Lucien lost his magic due to the injuries incurred in a battle he shouldn't have participated in and now he has no backing or family. Many human instructors couldn't help but feel pity for him even though they knew who Lucien respects only beast-men.

In their opinion, they are gazing at a dead man.

"Lucien… you have the protection of the royal family… my family… Feel free to contact me through instructor Han… when you are in dire need of assistance... As long as I live… no one can hurt you in this academy" Dean Xio said after giving the matter some thought.

"I appreciate the kind gesture… Allow me to thank you in advance" Lucien said while bowing slightly.

Dean Xio only nodded in response and finally turned his attention to the other students and continued his announcement.

"I am Dean Fei Xio, First son of emperor Fei… Dean of this academy… Over the years this Academy has not only produced formidable mages but also excellent teams with commendable synergy in battle! Do not fail to remember that in war, a single mage or fighter can only do so much but with reliable teammates, a small team of three can challenge an army!" The Dean said.

Before he could continue his speech, he saw Hex and Brian were already standing beside Lucien, not caring he was covered in blood.

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