My beast Emperor System

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Could this be love?


Lucien's response was unexpected since he didn't think Lucien will refuse. Not only was Lucien lacking since he had no backing but he has also made powerful enemies from various noble families today and that's aside from the Raizen clan. In his mind, Lucien would feel elated and happy to jump at his offer but that's not what happened.

The Lucardo family head couldn't help but give Lucien another meaningful glance and only then did he see the confident smile on his face. It was like Lucien was silently telling him something! Something like;

'You don't have to worry, I can take care of myself'

"I am truly grateful for your offer and I will never forget your kindness and sincerity towards me… For the sake of my relationship with your grandson, I hope we can build a strong relationship after I take over the Raizen47 clan in no distant future" Lucien said with a face void of any form of emotion.

His words stung the hearts of people deeply and even though they would love to refute his words and send him away, none could deny the fact that he has the means and the talent to make it happen!

"This kid… If all youths were like you, the empire will be filled with a lot of capable younglings" the Lucardo clan head laughed while the others nodded their heads in agreement.

With no other reason to keep him here, Dean Fri Xio had the Crux teleport, Lucien, back to his dormitory.


The next day Lucien woke up with a slight headache and an annoyance that came from the fact that he would have to attend the war mage class again. After losing his magic and getting reduced to the level of no talent amongst mages, Lucien hasn't really been too keen on learning, and even now the system has been silent since the event with the nobles the previous day.

"Damn it, I have no choice but to attend… the least I can do is give it a try" Lucien muttered reluctantly as he dressed up and dashed out of the room.

Arriving at the war mage class, everything was the same according to his memories, except that students kept avoiding him. In fact this time, it looked like they were more terrified to associate themselves with him.

"It seems my meeting with the other noble families must have been exposed… I am sure I made a few new enemies that day… I really have to stop making new enemies every day… there is a limit to what the emperor can do for me" Lucien groaned as he remained seated alone while waiting for Instructor Emma.

Suddenly a bright light flashed on the podium below and Instructor Emma appeared. This time she wore a tight green mage done below the knee level. As usual, her small physique complemented her busty assets that got most male students hard but she didn't pay attention to all of that. Instead, she turned her attention to Lucien who was sitting alone, and bowed slightly before saying.

"Thank you for your sacrifice"


Hearing this Lucien felt his heartbeats quicken while his body trembled. For the first time since the event, someone actually showed appreciation for his efforts. He could feel a lump of saliva stuck in his throat while his eyes got heavy. Lucien could tell his body wanted to let out all the pain he has been going through but he didn't want to cry. At least not in public.

Seeing that Lucien was moved by her words Instructor Emma nodded in satisfaction and then turned her attention to the other members of the class. Soon the class began and Emma gave them tips on how war mage spells are meant to him.

Conjuring a fireball, Instructor Emma demonstrated her theory. While she just let black marks with minor damage at the spot where she tossed the fireball, she then summoned a new fireball but this time she forcefully compressed it, into what can be referred to as a small ring of fire. Upon release, the supposed harmless ring of fire didn't just hit and burn like the others. This time it hit, expanded, and exploded, causing even greater damage to everyone's surprise.

Seeing this, Lucien felt a bit dejected that his affinity for magic has reduced making it harder to practice all of this. He remained silent and didn't even bother to attempt to practice with the others.

According to Instructor Emma, spells are divided into various tiers. Each tier represents a certain stage of expertise in casting spells and controlling the element. According to her, the highest magic that can be seen in grimoires are tier three spells apart from that, higher tier magic is usually only original spells and the creators have no intentions of sharing their creation.

'It will be too embarrassing to show weakness in front of so many people' Lucien thought as he remained seated and watched the others practice with a bored but pained expression in his eyes.

"Here, have this…" A voice echoed from behind, promoting Lucien to turn around and meet instructor Emma's meaningful gaze. His eyes flickered slightly as he noticed she was trying to pass on a grimoire to him.

"In the world of magic, these general spells are quite important too… versatility is needed in battle and the spells here will give you what you are looking for… Original spells are usually used as Trump cards in battle since people know so little about them and have fewer ways of countering…" Instructor Emma quickly said the moment she realized Lucien was planning to refuse. Unknown to her, even after her long and boring speech, Lucien had no intentions of taking the grimoire. He was about to refuse but he heard a familiar voice in his head.

[Take it…] The system's voice echoed in his head.josei

Unsure of why the system would directly try to influence his actions which are usually rare, Lucien took the book, only to hear the familiar notification sound in his head.


[Grimoire acquired… Information recorded]

As he saw this happen, Lucien felt a piercing pain invade his head, causing him to stagger back. His eyes displayed hints of pain as he gripped his head once again while silently wishing that the system would inform him whenever it's trying to do this. Images of every spell of all the elements contained in that book appeared in his head, recording without his permission.


"Damn it!" Lucien dropped the grimoire and fell on one knee as well. His face was covered in sweat and his breathing was heavy.

"Don't worry... I'm yet to recover completely so this happens from time to time…" Lucien lied when he saw the worried expression on Instructor Emma's face.

'Damn it… since the incident, apart from the royal family, the humans are the only ones who genuinely appreciate my efforts… are the beast-men this messed up?' The image of Instructor Emma's worried expression remained fresh in his mind.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Instructor Emma helped Lucien up and he nodded in response.

For a short, while he was enchanted by her alluring body sent and stay so close to her large yet firm breasts, Lucien couldn't help but feel a bit distracted. When did he start losing himself to sexy ladies? She's even human!

However, Lucien's dream world was short-lived as he felt incredible danger and murderous intentions directed towards him.

'What the hell is this' Lucien screamed in his mind as he assumed a battle posture and waited for the worst.

He could feel the hateful gaze of all the male students in the class and some of the female students were giving him the murderous glare, leaving him confused.

'Either way, I refused to be intimidated by a bunch of perverted dogs and lesbians!' Lucien growled as his eyes flared up with power.

The class turned silent as both sides kept staring each other down but none made a move. Instructor Emma on her own was left confused since she couldn't understand why the atmosphere in the room turned violent suddenly.



Lucien shut his door tight and instantly began practicing.


Breathing out lightly, Lucien's eyes let out a silver glow as a wind star pattern slowly appeared beneath his feet. After twenty to thirty seconds, his eyes let out a bright light as a mild twister began forming around him. Soon the strong wind took the shape of a dome.

"Wind magic: Wind dome!" Lucien cried out as the wind dome expanded, creating enough space for two people or so.

This left him thinking. Since they were in the war mage class, only offensive spells should be found in the grimoire given to them but this one had both offensive and defensive spells from the first tier to the third tier.

"Don't tell me miss Emma went through a lot of trouble just to put together something this amazing…" Lucien muttered as he felt his heart he for the first time in his life

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