My beast Emperor System

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: First test

Lucien's recovery and advancement to a higher realm was a major blow for all those who dared to cross him during his short period. Back then, they all hoped that he would remain in that condition till he graduates from the academy, or at least most of it. That way they can exert vengeance on him but now Lucien had not only recovered but he had grown stronger by jumping to the second sky of the human realm and considering the rate at which he's growing these noble families are sure that when he graduates that Lucien will most likely be at a level where they can no longer harm him.josei

His recovery was a major blow to the Raizen clan especially and his grandfather Lucas. Since Lucien left after killing off the two most prominent clan members only inferior to him. Now he has recovered his power and has gotten even stronger, the clan had fallen into despair, blaming the clan head for their current predicament and also reducing his approval ratings.

As for Lucien, he took his classes seriously and also took his time to observe the system properly. After the voice vanished he stopped getting tips and hints making him feel incredibly lonely. One thing he noticed about the system is that when he first got the system, it never considered him a cultivator and that's why it showcased stats like strength, agility, and so on since they are all considered relevant for normal humans but after the curse of the God of life and creation was dispelled everything changed.

His magic circuits that have been suppressed by his injury were healed instantly and as a result of this, it expanded thereby increasing his mana reserves. Right now, Lucien had at least two times the mana reserves of the average mage his age, and his proficiency in casting spells had increased as well.

The slayer path classes focused on fighting techniques, foot works, and stances for different situations in battle. Just like the mages that were presented with grimoires with basic spells, Fighters were also given scrolls containing records of different types of pre-existing fighting styles, stances and foot works. While people just practiced what was already there, Lucien just touched the scroll and the system instantly recorded everything. With the knowledge acquired, Lucien quickly came up with an original fighting style of his own which he named 'Hayai Ken', meaning swift fists.

This fighting style focused on swift attacks, aimed that pressure points in the body as well as fatal spots in the body. His style was aimed at killing the enemy as quickly as possible without hesitation.

As for the war mage class, Lucien already knew every spell in the book and since he already had spells that focus on increasing his mobility in battle, Lucien decided to focus on creating original destructive spells. While others were focused on mastering spells in the grimoire, Lucien focused on creating a new destructive spell.

And finally, the forge master class had kicked off properly, teaching students the basics. Unlike the wind creek blade which Lucien created which had three cores, enough to house three abilities, they were thought how to draw a single pseudo core magic circuit within a weapon. Since Lucien already knew everything he needed to know about this, he didn't bother attending the class and since the Instructor in charge is a Fei, she didn't bother him either.


After his breakthrough, the emperor and Instructor Han concluded he should stop cultivating and focus on what other people in his class do. They were trying to hide their involvement in Lucien's life and because of that, they also concluded that he should avoid making contact with any of them unless extremely necessary.

Today, everyone was called over to the assembly hall where their first test would be dished out!

"Hey, you are late" Brian said as he and Hex watched Lucien approach.

In just a month his silver hair had grown longer. He allowed the hair to flow loosely with the front tied in a topknot as seen in ancient Chinese times. He wore his trademark silver kimono which even hid his hands and while he walked forward it looked like his feet barely touched the ground and this was as a result of the Haya Ken style he has been practicing.

"Traffic" Lucien lied without remorse, causing a vein to top on Brian's forehead.

Hex could only watch and laugh. He could remember when Brian was the one who knew how to piss the hot headed Lucien off but after Lucien's encounter with the invaders, he had changed drastically into another person entirely! His calm yet nonchalant attitude to life was just the perfect remedy for Brian, pissing him off at every possible moment while Hex plays the spectator as usual.

"Welcome" Dean Fei Xio's voice which was amplified by magic coughed everyone's attention.

He was standing on the high podium, looking down on the students, and after he was sure he has gotten everyone's attention he nodded and continued.

"Today will mark the very first day you all will take part in an event that will add to your grades… As you expect it will be a team mission and it will also be dangerous… You have formed teams and it's been a month now, I strongly believe you should know enough about yourselves to help you survive this test…" He said before waiting for another minute or two for the message to sink in.

"This class will be sent over to the beginner area filled with low-level magic beasts, with the little you know I am sure you can survive if you work together… The main goal of this test is to survive, as long as you can survive for a week, your team will receive the passing mark… If a member dies, the team is disqualified… If a member forfeits the team is disqualified as well… Now as for those who wish to know how to get better grades, this is for you… In the beginner area, there are four hills occupied by beasts considered powerful when compared to students at your level… at those hilltops are acknowledgment badges placed there. Each hill has a different achievement badge and at the top of a hill there are about 10 badges each… a team only needs one of each of the ten badges…" Dean Xio explained with a straight face.

He waited for the message to sink in again and after a short while, the students noticed strange formations appear beneath their feet! The whole hall has the teleportation symbol carved into it.

[The Crux is trying to forcefully teleport you to an unknown location… Do you wish to resist]

Gazing at the notification that appeared, Lucien shot Dean Xio a glance and with the other instructors present he decided to showcase a little bit of strength.

'Delay my teleportation by three seconds' Lucien replied.



The other students vanished leaving behind only one youth. The light of the teleportation formation beneath his feet shone brightly and it was clear it was activated but Lucien was yet to leave.

"Is something wrong with the teleportation formation?" Dean Xio was the first to notice Lucien.

"What the hell?" Instructor Kane frowned as he watched Lucien's body resisting.

His body kept losing and regaining its color and judging based on the calm look on his face, everyone was assured that Lucien was resisting this on purpose.

"I know this is a surprise test, catching students off guard and all that… this I understand but I would appreciate it if you all inform me beforehand… You see, I have lots of things to do and I hate it when someone or something interrupts my busy schedule… Bye!" Lucien said before he vanished, leaving everyone stunned.

"Was he really resisting teleportation, is that even possible? " Instructor Emma asked and all eyes were pinned on Instructor Han who didn't know how to react.

He didn't know how to explain this since Lucien told him nothing about this ability.

"I have seen the emperor do this once… Back then I thought this was something that can be done with overwhelming power but after seeing someone at the second sky of the human realm perform do the same, it looks more like a cheap trick now" Dean Xio said thoughtfully.

Instructor Han didn't know if he was trying to cover for him or just expressing his opinion, however, it was enough to take everyone's attention of Instructor Han, giving him the chance to slip away with his spatial magic.



Lucien appeared in a small clearing surrounded by huge trees and bushes. With a glance he could tell they were in some sort of jungle and since only he and the members of his team, he concluded that others could be sent to different locations in the beginner area. A smile appeared on his face appeared as the thought of gathering magic beasts to help boost his beast assimilation progress.

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