My beast Emperor System

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Common paths?

"Is it possible that this was done without the academy's knowledge? Maybe someone or some people added these monsters here for a reason?" Lucien muttered as he considered the possibility of one of the many clans that want him dead doing this.

In normal circumstances, he would have given up and returned to the Academy with his team but what if his suspicion was wrong and they end up losing because of mere theories.

"Students dying in the Academy is no new thing… Once in a while, difficult tasks are given out… students die almost on weekly basis… that way everyone that graduate from the academy is always at a level.." Hex spoke with a stern look on his face.

The other two would have loved to argue but they knew that Hex is right. The moment they stepped into the Academy they knew what they were signing up for. They had the choice of living a long and peaceful life as normal citizens with just a basic grasp over magic but they chose to get stronger.

"Hehehe! If we go around complaining we will only end up looking bad" Lucien said with a bitter smile on his face.

He was seriously injured and even now he had only a little over ten health points. His mana was also too little to perform a single tier two spell. If they get attacked by another soldier-level magic beast, they might end up dead this time.

"We can only get stronger and work on our teamwork if we plan to get out of here alive" Brian said after giving the matter some thought.

The other two nodded their heads in agreement before feasting on the roasted black devil. Surprisingly, it tasted nice but they all assumed that this is solely because they are really hungry.

With the help of the system, Lucien's recovery ability is far greater than that of a normal beast-man. Using a clean white piece of clothing to wrap around the wound, Lucien was allowed to sleep first with Brian while Hex kept watch.

Activating the exploding sun array he set up earlier, countless red seals appeared all across the campsite before blending in with the environment. After three hours, Hex proceeded to wake Brian and have him watch for another three hours after which it was Lucien's turn.


"I hate this life" Lucien grumbled when it was his turn to keep watch.

He wished he could sleep a bit longer and recover a little bit more but not everything goes as planned.


[Host: Lucien]

[Race: Beast-man]

[Realm: 2nd sky of the Human realm]

[Charisma: 20]

[Hp: 15/30]

[Mana: 20/50]

[Condition: Stable]

[Exp: 170]

"It's not too bad…" Lucien felt satisfied with his health points and mana points restored with just six hours of sleep.

Although he wasn't at his peak, he could still take on another soldier-level magic beast with the help of Hex and Brian.



[Shop section activated]

[Basic Creation path: 2000exp]

[Basic Contractor path: 2000exp]

[Basic Illusionist path: 2000exp]

[Basic Seeker path: 2000exp]

[Basic Guardian path: 2000exp]

[Basic Warden path: 2000exp]

[Basic Seer path: 2000exp]

[Module Q1: This allows the user to keep a spell or a system ability active but at the cost of one mana point per hour! While this is in use, the host will not be able to replenish mana points by resting]


Lucien decided to summon this section again because the last time he had the system bring up the shop section, he was too busy looking for a means of saving his life, so he didn't get to observe everything properly.

"Does this mean I can learn the other paths if I have enough experience points? Isn't that a bit too overpowered?" Lucien couldn't help but complain.

[Affirmative… The host can acquire the knowledge of the other paths as long as this information is bought with experience points…]

Seeing the system reply, Lucien was a bit shocked since this was the first time the system has given him a response to a question after the voice faded. He couldn't help but consider the possibility that upgrading the system is someone strengthening the system. Not the type to trust so easily, Lucien considered the possibility of the system forcefully taking over his body once it reaches a certain level thanks to his upgrades!

"Commando mode…" Lucien muttered that word with a hint of distress in his eyes.

The system is already capable of taking control of his body when he's incapacitated, what of upgrading it would strengthen it more, giving it more control over him.

"I really need to calm down" Lucien said when he felt like exploding.

After presenting so many conspiracy theories, he concluded that he's an idiot for worrying too much without any solid proof.

Sitting down, Lucien's eyes wandered towards the section where he saw the basic seer path and he couldn't help but wonder what that was.

All the paths known to mankind are already available in various academies. Seeing a new path presented by the system made him wonder if the system is more informed than the peak experts of the world but he soon pushed aside the thought the moment he remembered that the person that created the system was once a celestial being! A being even stronger than the current gods the humans pray to!josei

"Are these all the paths available?" Lucien asked skeptically.

[The paths available at the moment can be considered basic and considered common… Upgrade the system for more paths]

Seeing this message, Lucien's body trembled with excitement, and for the first time in a long while he felt the urge to go beyond his limits!


The next morning, the trio agreed to limb the first hill and search for the first badge, but to do that they had to walk through the thick forests of the beginner area filled with numerous magic beasts of different types. They wouldn't be so confident to do this if it wasn't that Lucien gave the go-ahead. He assured them that he had recovered enough strength to take on another soldier-level beast and even though this was a lie he was confident he could do it with their help and he also wished to kill more magic beasts and assimilate their powers.

"A month as a contractor and you are yet to acquire a magic beast pet… you are lame" Lucien was blunt with his words, causing Brian's face to turn red in anger.

"One more word from you and I'll forget you are hurt and beat the crap out of you!" Brian growled, making Lucien and Hex laugh to their hearts out.

The trio kept heading north, where the first hill is located, and surprisingly, after a journey that took the entire day they failed to come across a single magic beast. While normal people would be excited and happy, Lucien and the other members of their team felt like something is wrong! Why would a forest filled with various magic beasts suddenly turn silent?

"If only you had a magic beast that specializes in tracking, just like we agreed we won't have to deal with this" Lucien lampooned.

"Can you just get off my case? Please!" Brian screamed causing Hex and Lucien to laugh out loud.

They gathered enough wood for a campfire before watching Hex set up the scorching sun array around them. Hex brought out the leftovers of the black devil and some water from his space storage ring.

"I really need to get one of those" Lucien said even though his mouth was stuffed with meat.

"Hahahaha…It costs a lot... I don't think you can afford it considering your current situation" Brian sneered while flaunting the silver space ring worn on his pinky finger.




[New Quest…]


Lucien was about to retort but then the series of notifications reached his ears and his visage turned cold, stunning everyone.

"It's a joke man…" Hex said trying to defend Brian.

"Not that… we are surrounded" Lucien said in a low tone as he stood on his feet and threw away a black robe, revealing his bare upper half.

'Did he always have those tattoos?' Brian asked as he noticed the black devil was drawn on Lucien's back and on his chest was an incomplete tattoo of the wind creek magic beast.

"What do you plan to do now?" Hex asked in a hushed tone as he and Brian got on their feet.

"What beast is meant to be at the top of that hill?" Lucien who has been silent for a while asked.

"Judging based on what I know, the hill located at the northern part of the beginner area should be the flame hound, a soldier-level magic beast" Hex answered skeptically. He couldn't understand why Lucien would ask such a random question.

Lucien on his own part remained silent while gazing at the latest notification he just received with a hint of fear in his eyes.


[Three soldier level Flame hounds detected!]

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