My beast Emperor System

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Contractor path!


Lucien let out a low growl as he approached the magic beasts, expecting to engage them in a heated death Marc but to his greatest surprise, these magic beasts lowered their heads in respect. Although he couldn't tell what they are saying exactly but he could feel it.

"This?" Lucien turned his gaze to those hiding behind the bushes behind but they too wore astonished expressions on their faces.

"What's going on?" He muttered but this time the question is directed to the system with hopes of getting a reasonable explanation.

[Host has defeated the leader of the pack and with the host bearing the aura of their former leader, its only natural the succumb to your will]

Seeing this Lucien found this reasonable. Since the strongest beast amongst this pack. Is only soldier level and he bears the aura of a general level beast of the same bloodline, it's only natural they obey him. But the problem now is that he has no way of communicating with these beasts. According to the books he studied in the past, magic beasts begin developing a certain level of intelligence only when they reach the general level. At this point, they start experiencing emotions like hate, fear, anger, and all that. Lucien confirmed this when he battled the hell hound, he could tell it had deep resentment for them for harming beasts under its Care and that's why it chased them far and wide.

"Shop!" Lucien muttered as a plan popped up in his mind.

It is said that those who follow the contractor path are bestowed with the ability to interact with magic beasts and many more. Even though he had no intentions of signing a soul-binding contract with magic beasts as common as the Flame hounds he could still use the ability to interact with them and have them do his bidding.


[Shop section activated]

[Basic Creation path: 2000exp]

[Basic Contractor path: 2000exp]josei

[Basic Illusionist path: 2000exp]

[Basic Seeker path: 2000exp]

[Basic Guardian path: 2000exp]

[Basic Warden path: 2000exp]

[Basic Seer path: 2000exp]

"Purchase basic contractor path" Lucien muttered calmly and waited for the system to respond.


[Purchase successful..]



Lucien staggered back as his eyes turned dull and his bulging muscles loosened. It felt like he was thrown into another space with thousands of images passing through his head. He could feel lots of information, forcefully getting registered in his mind. He could feel qualitative changes take place in his body as if something new was getting added. When the process was complete, Lucien couldn't help but stagger back a bit with a face covered in sweat. His eyes looked dull but he was sure something has changed.

"Spread out, make sure no beast gets close to this camp!" Lucien ordered and surprisingly he watched them disperse, ignoring Lenard and the rest.

"Isn't that a contractor ability? I know he can intimidate the magic beasts with the hell hounds aura but communicating with magic beasts is a path only available for those in the contractor path!" Lenard said firmly and the others couldn't help but agree.

With his enhanced hearing and physique granted by the hell hound, Lucien heard this and only shot them a smile before waving them over. Reluctantly both teams returned to their camp while gazing at the numerous orange glowing eyes in the dark forest around.


"Does this mean you have the fire magic?" Susie asked as he gazed at the fist-sized ball of fire in Lucien's hand.

Even though she has seen Lucien in action and she has seen what he can do on numerous occasions, everything is still fresh and stunning in their minds. To think Lucien would possess the fire element just because he killed a fire-type beast.

"Don't get this wrong… I don't gain an affinity to an element because I killed a magic beast with that affinity… instead, I gain their skill sets and that's all… nothing new, nothing special…" Lucien said with a frown on his face.

"Even if that's the case it's still overpowered man…. Judging based on the tattoos on your body I can guess you have the powers of only three magic beasts… the wind creek, the black devil, and now the hell hound… yet you are already super strong….relying on your magic beast powers alone you can hold out against stronger foes and even win! I don't think the second year will be a match for you!" Lenard said.

Listening to this, Lucien knew they weren't wrong. He felt incredibly stronger when he summoned the power of the hell hound. Right now the thought of facing another general-level beast is not that terrifying. He turned his attention to the purple eyes outside and chuckled softly. To maintain their obedience Lucien use the module Q1 to retain the aura of the hell hound around him, even if he should fall asleep. That way he was sure they won't attack in his sleep.

"Do you gain a person's strength if you kill them? I mean humans and Beast-men" Logan finally spoke after observing Lucien for a while in silence.

'This dude is more observant than that others… I should watch out for him' Lucien muttered in his mind.

'But that was a good question though… Hey, do u assimilate the essence of humans if killed by me?' Lucien asked.

[Negative… This ability is limited to beast men and magic beasts] The system replied quickly.

"No don't think I can do that… I haven't confirmed yet since I am yet to kill a human since I acquired the artifact… as for beast-men, it's the same as that of the magic beasts… I acquire their god Beast blessing by killing them" Lucien said leaving them stunned.

His words sold him out since it made others understand that he has killed both humans and beast-men in less than two months since they joined the academy. Rumor has that Lucien killed eight of the weaker invaders alone while the emperor and instructor Han killed the two stronger invaders Clovis and Blink!

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