My beast Emperor System

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Soul Bind contract!

[Soul binding contract activated!]

Lucien felt his body trembled as his mind and that of the flame pup's merged and all their secrets were revealed to each other… 

He watched the magic beast's entire memory and couldn't help but notice how dumb these flame pups are. They are no different from domestic animals who just go with the flow and live life. They attacked Lenard's camp just because the hell hound was doing the same and the other soldier-level flame hounds join in. Right now the magic beast was still at its purest form and even now it doesn't feed on flesh, rather it feeds on fire root seed, flame orange seeds the size of a thumb. The seeds grow to become fire root grasses, an important ingredient for alchemists and cultivators.

[Soul Bind contract Successful!]


[Congratulations, the Host has gotten his first partner! +500exp]

[Host: Lucien]

[Race: Beast-man]

[Realm: 2nd sky of the Human realm]

[Charisma: 20]

[HP: 35/45]

[MP: 25/65]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Exp: 1670]

"Having a magic beast partner goes both ways… You can summon it over when in need of its help and it gets to summon you over when it's in need of help… On normal occasions, when creating a soul bind contract with a high-level magic beast with high intelligence, both sides list terms and conditions for their cooperation and as long as no one breaks the condition, the contract will remain valid… It is said the conditions for magic beasts are quite expensive and tasking, so it's safe to say I got this little guy while it still dumb and makes decisions purely based on its emotions" Lucien felt like he exploited the little guy but he didn't feel guilty instead he felt amused by the priceless expression on the fire pup's head.

The images flashing across its mind gave it a piercing headache so it grimaced in a cute way while gazing into Lucien's eyes.

"There is one problem now…Leaving it behind here is not safe… It can summon me when it needs help but that also means that it's definitely not safe leaving it here… according to Lenard's team, the hell hound it's the beast we were meant to fight against at the peak of the northern hill… so it's currently undefended and with their leader dead, it means these flame beasts are the weakest pack in this area… they will surely get bullied by the other groups present.

"I guess you will be staying with me then" Lucien decided to keep the flame pup with him at all times to avoid a situation where he would be summoned to face a general level beast alone and end up dying before his time.


Hearing footsteps, Lucien saw Lenard and Susie approaching. The hot scene replayed in his mind but he has already gotten over it so he wasn't flustered by their presence.

'It's none of my business!' Lucien reminded himself over and over again. 

"I think you need to get some rest… We will take over" Lenard said calmly as he gazed at the flame pup in Lucien's hands. Judging by the way it was gazing at Lucien, he could tell the magic beast was fond of him already.

"I won't be sleeping tonight, instead I intend to go over to the northern hill and acquire the flame badges and enough fire root seeds for this little guy… Don't worry, I will get rid of the magic beasts as I leave" Lucien said casually.

While Lenard was against this plan but judging from Lucien's tone, he could tell the youth was not trying to negotiate… Instead, he was just telling him what he plans to do.josei

Before leaving, Lucien frowned after a thought surfaced in his mind. He wasn't the type to trust others easily so he decided to try his divination powers for the first time.

"Will anything happen to them while I am gone?" Lucien muttered as he placed his hands on Hex and Brian who were still asleep.

"Will anything happen to them while I am gone?"

"Will anything happen to them while I am gone?"

"Will anything happen to them while I am gone?"

"Will anything happen to them while I am gone?"

After muttering those words several times Lucien's eyes turned pitch black as he was forcefully pulled into a dream. He saw himself returning from the northern hill, with the flame pup in his hands. By the time he returned Hex was the one keeping watch. As soon as the vision finished he felt a pair of eyes yank open in the darkness above and locking its gaze on him, making him shiver in fear.

"Quite effective but dangerous" Lucien was pleased with the result of his divination but wary of the being behind the seer path.

With the new path acquired he realized that this path is practically making him take part in supernatural activities. There are things people at his level shouldn't be able to do, yet the seer path is just a shortcut!

From outside it looked like Lucien was just looking at the two for a short while but he was actually seeing a vision. After confirming they will be okay, Lucien stood up and left with the small flame pup following him closely behind while wiggling its tail as it moved.

Walking deeper into the forest, Lucien met the three soldier-level flame hounds and a couple of flame pups. They all lowered their heads in respect when they were faced with Lucien's bright red eyes and ferocious hellhound aura.

Gather everyone… we are going home" Lucien said as he summoned the wind wheels under his feet and let his partner climb his body and sit on his head.


The hell hounds let out a loud growl and all they had to do was wait. In less than five minutes, all the magic beasts surrounding their camp appeared.


Under the lead of the three soldier level magic beasts, Lucien followed the magic beasts back to the place they called home, the northern mountain

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