My beast Emperor System

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: A night to remember

Lucien gazed at the door with a hint of suspicion in his eyes. He has been used to solitude, spending time alone, occasionally visiting Instructor Han only when necessary, and spending most of his time perfecting his skills and fighting techniques.

"Unlock the door" Lucien ordered.


Instructor Emma worked in to see the silver-haired youth seated in a cross-legged position, with his eyes giving out too many colors all at once. Above his head were the images of the Raizen god beast, the general level hell hound, and the general level Nightmare demon. See could see beads of sweat rolling down his forehead as his breathing slowly kept getting heavier. The room was filled with the strange but chaotic aura of three magic beasts combined, making the instructor feel uncomfortable.


Lucien's eyes suddenly returned to their natural silver color as he breathes out and the images of the magic beasts faded. Turning his attention to Instructor Emma he soon realized that the lady was still at the doorpost, wearing a skimpy gray skirt and a tight fit marine blue shirt revealing her massive bosom heaving up and down as she breathed. His face flushed red but he struggled to keep a straight face while he said;

"I have to clean myself first then we talk…"

Upon saying that, Lucien dared not to look her in the face as images of Susie and Lenard having a go at it surfaced in his mind as he quickened the pace, almost busting into a sprint before running into the bathroom.


After taking a shower Lucien walked out of the bathroom with a long white towel wrapped around his waist. After bathing, he had regained his composure, even when he saw instructor Emma lying on his bed, he only sighed and looked away. Moving into the next room filled with his clothes, Lucien wore plain white trousers and a long-sleeved top. He let his long shoulder-length silver hair with a small white towel be placed on it.

"So, tell me why you are here" Lucien sat on the couch opposite the bed with his legs crossed and his hands working on drying his hair with the towel.

"Hmmm? I'm not allowed to visit my best student?" Instructor Emma said with a soft and alluring voice but Lucien wasn't moved.

His visage remained cold as he dropped the towel beside him and sighed once again before speaking.

"It's strange for an instructor to visit a student, so yes… I believe it's nothing strange for me to ask such questions… also… Your choice of clothes while coming here will send the wrong impression… I am sure you don't want to do that" Lucien said with a stern look on his face.


Not saying anything, instructor Emma stepped down from the bed and walked towards him. She proceeded to climb the seated youth and shoved her breasts right on his face while holding his head tight and firmly.

'This' Lucien screamed in his mind as he tried to push her away but his body was not responding to his commands.

Without warning, he felt the instructor pulls his trousers down, and even before he could act she sat on 'it'

"Ah!" Emma moaned softly as she began hopping.

Her soft moans broke down any form of resistance left in him and the next moment, Lucien felt his body get revitalized, booming with energy and strength as he sat carried the instructor, and stood up, spreader her legs even further while thrusting relentlessly. Thanks to the soundproof nature of the room, no one outside could hear their moans and screams of pleasure.


An Hour Later…

"That was amazing… I can't believe you are still hard after all that" Instructor Emma muttered into his ears softly while lying beside his stack naked body.

Her hand gripped it firmly, rubbing it occasionally, unfortunately, Lucien wasn't focused on that. He wore an annoyed expression as he gazed at the notification he just received from the system.


[The beast assimilation system gives the user a wider range of possibilities while also granting you greater sexual stamina but makes the user impotent... The Host has no reason to fear]

Seeing this Lucien didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was worried because he did release inside the instructor and since the system assured that he is impotent. What he found disturbing is that he may not be able to have a child of his own.

"Now we are done with this, do you mind telling me why you are here and why we did this" Lucien asked casually as he slid off the bed and put on his silver trouser.

He returned to the couch and only then did he feel more relieved and relaxed. He flexed his muscles and realized it has loosened! With a hint of astonishment in his eyes, he asked the system.

'Does sexual intercourse improve my strength or does it have any special effect on me in any way?' Lucien muttered in his mind.


The system gave him a straight answer, causing him to feel ashamed.

"If you are worried about me having a child do you… You don't have to worry, we have ways of preventing it…" Emma said after seductively licking her lips but Lucien didn't feel disturbed by that. He shut her naked body a glance before returning his gaze to her face and speaking.

"You haven't answered my question" Lucien said calmly while tossing his shirt to the side.

Seeing Lucien wasn't moved by her actions, Instructor Emma gave up and covered her body with the bedsheet before speaking.

"Why we had sex? Because I find you attractive… As for my reason to be here… I wish to invite you to an expedition led by me" Instructor Emma said.

"A grade two artifact has been spotted in a small village outside the empire… They called themselves the Talis tribe and according to them…" Instructor Emma wanted to say more but she was cut off short by Lucien.

"First of all… I am still a first-year student and I don't know artifacts and their grades… I may possess the power to rival second-year students here but I can assure you, I am lacking the experience aspect so I don't think it's wise to pick me and I believe you know that… so we are back to the same question… Why me?" Lucien said calmly.

Hearing this, Instructor Emma struck her face lightly with her palm while asking herself why she forgot Lucien's identity. She understood that Lucien's brilliant battle with the nightmare creature left a deep impression on anyone that watched this and that's why so many clans both amongst beast men and humans have been flooding in, with all trying to recruit him.

"In this world, people don't only rely on their strengths and that's why we use things we call sealed artifacts… These ancient items usually possess amazing abilities but the stronger than ability, the stronger the artifact's ability the more powerful the backlash is… As for the grades, there are the fifth-grade artifacts which are the weakest, all the to grade 1 artifact which is the strongest, just like your own… The emperor said you are in possession of a grade 1 artifact that merged with your soul upon contact so it's impossible for the empire to take it… is that true?" Instructor Emma asked.

Hearing her speak, Lucien remembered that people already know about his abilities and he never asked how the emperor managed to cover up for him. He felt amused that they claimed its an artifact but he also found it reasonable since he didn't know how to explain what they say down there too.

"Yea… After sinking into my body I gained the first tattoo belonging to the Raizen god beast…" Lucien controlled his emotions and facial expressions as he lied about it.

"So… what's the drawback?" Instructor Emma asked, causing Lucien to grow.

Saying too little will arouse interest and cause her to dig deeper and the last thing he and the emperor wants is someone returning to the black pool.

'What I do today, I do it for the empire' Lucien muttered in his head before trying to respond to her question.

"I am impotent... I can't have a child of my own" Lucien said with great effort.josei


Then there was silence. The Duo kept gazing at each other from a distance answer and judging based on the expression on her face, everyone knows she's trying to stop herself from laughing.

"That's a cruel thing to do to someone" Instructor Emma said.

" But it's also an advantage since it allows you to do things longer and freely without having to bother about the consequences" Instructor Emma said as she slid off the bed and walked towards him. Seeing this Lucien frowned but didn't attempt to stop her either. He just watched her climb him while rubbing her chest against his and whispering some sweet words into his ears.

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