My beast Emperor System

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Nightmare eater!

"Demon!" Charles screamed in fear as he watched Lucien's body rise above the ground.

Lucien's eyes flared up with various colors as the images of the Raizen god beast, the general level hell hound, and the general level nightmare demon, appearing all at once above his head. Aura of various colors exploded from his body creating a mild shockwave that made the clothes of everyone present flutter. They watched as Lucien grew a pair of silver wings on his back with the claws of the hell hound and little clusters of darkness gathering around him thanks to the power of the nightmare demon.

"You call me weak, yet you are the one on the floor begging for mercy? Trash like you shouldn't be allowed to exist!" Lucien growled as he began to descend while spinning violently

[Blazing flame wheel skill activated]

Soon Lucien was completely engulfed in flames looking like a miniature meteorite descending from the heavens. Captain Charles cried out in fear as tears poured down his cheeks and snort rolled now his nostrils all the way to his lips. The fear of death was so overwhelming that he even ended up shitting himself but all that didn't matter now since he was going to die anyway.

"THIS IS NOT YOUR RAIZEN CLAN BOY! YOU CANNOT DO AS YOU WISH!" A loud voice boomed in the skies a light green sword energy shot across the skies and struck the flaming wheel!

"Aaahh!" Lucien cried out in pain as he shot out of the fire, rolling a couple of times on the ground before he finally stopped. 


He spat out a few mouthfuls of blood while struggling to get on his feet, revealing a stab wound on his tummy.

'This strength is beyond the warrior realm! A mortal realm expert! Why is a mortal realm expert here?' Lucien's mind raced as he tried to piece everything together and try to understand what is going on. The gap between realms is always much and now he is forced to face someone two realms above him! 

The only reason he survived that previous attack was that he had the body endowment of two general-level magic beasts yet he was injured to this level!

'There is no time to cry like a child! I can only keep pushing now!' Lucien screamed in his mind as he watched the enemy appear from the massive northern wall!

"Hahahaha! Is that all you can do? Attack a human realm mage from behind? Cowards!" Lucien laughed in a crazed manner, revealing his white teeth which were covered in blood.

Rising to his feet, he once again summoned the power of the three magical beasts under his control as he watched the man dressed in black and red knight armor belonging to the sworn enemy of the Raizen clan, The Lucardo clan!

Brandy Lucardo ignored Lucien's comment and went straight to captain Charles. Upon getting closer he perceived a foul odor from his subordinate, allowing him to quickly guess what might have happened.

"Pick yourself up, we are leaving! All of you!" He ordered.


"Hahahahaha! Leave? I don't remember giving any of you the permission to leave!" Lucien growled as his eyes turned pitch-black as he stretched his hands towards Captain Charles's direction.

[Nightmare eater skill activated]

Lucien laughed viciously as some sort of dark fog escaped Charles's body flying straight into Lucien's mouth. Whatever the black substance was tasted extremely bitter but gave a warm feeling around his chest. He felt like his cultivation had progressed by leaps and bounds just by consuming the captain's nightmare.


[Nightmare eater skill successful]


[Shadow skills strengthened]



[Host has been completely restored!]

[Host: Lucien]

[Race: Beast-man]

[Realm: 3RD sky of the human realm]

[Charisma: 50]

[HP: 75/75]

[MP: 95/95]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Exp: 2970]

They all watched in horror as the fearful captain suddenly lost all colors on his face fell to the ground, dead the next second. He had taken no more direct attacks from Lucien but still died. At this point, they all remembered this was one of the abilities of the nightmare demon called the nightmare eater! Who would have thought Lucien would use such an ability in a place like this and at a time like this!josei

"So the rumors of you having grade one sealed artifact was true…" Brandy Lucardo turned his attention to Lucien after he confirmed that Charles is dead.

As a member of the Lucardo family and a knight in the emperor's army, it would be a thing of shame if he lets Lucien get away with the murder of a guard under the service of the empire!

As for Instructor Emma and the other third-year students, they were all left in a daze. They thought Lucien would only give the man a good beating, they never expected him to kill him off without hesitation! The situation has escalated beyond their control and right now they can only act as observers while hoping they don't get dragged into this matter.

"What of it? It doesn't matter since you won't live beyond this day" Lucien said boldly as he slowly levitated off the ground with his silver wings flapping gently and the gentle breeze making his shoulder-length silver hair flutter.

Hearing his words, left everyone dumbfounded, including the Knight! Judging only based on Lucien's words they could tell that the youth actually planned on taking on the mortal realm expert with just his human realm cultivation. This is unheard of in every part of the continent and even those considered prodigies and geniuses fight those only a realm above them, not two!

"The moment you chose to cross blades with me, you chose death!" Brandy roared as his eyes let out green light and he took a stance!

Sword Art: First strike!

Unsheathing his sword and sheathing it so fast that It can barely be seen, Brandy released an arc of green warrior aura at Lucien at a speed that would leave anyone helpless and pretty much dead!

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