My beast Emperor System

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Spirit beast cultivation master

Hearing Lucien's prayer, Rakuzen was moved. It has been ages since someone outside his clan prayed to him ever since his downfall.

[As you wish] Rakuzen steadied his voice as he answered Lucien's prayer and let his energy flow into his body.

Suddenly Lucien yanked his eyes open, revealing bright sky blue eyes. His aura exploded but this time it was sky blue and the faint image of Rakuzen appeared behind him gazing down at him.

Seeing this all the doubt in the mind of the old man vanished as silently swore to serve Lucien since meant he would be serving the Rakuzen as well.

They watched as the sky blue aura around Lucien's body got pulled towards the iron wall by an unknown force. The various formations on the iron wall lit up as the vault slowly opened up.

"What is your name, old man?" Lucien asked while gazing at the door open slowly.

"A-Aponi!" The old man tried to hide his excitement as he watched the vault open!josei

With this, there will be no more bottlenecks in their cultivation and with access to their spirit weapons and precious cultivation materials, they will regain their lost strength and reach greater heights.

"I am giving you a chance to make things right… When this clan regains its strength, spread the name of Lord Rakuzen across the world... I will do my part from my side" Lucien said with a frown on his face.

He didn't wait for Aponi's reply and walked into the vault under Rakuzen's direction, going for the only book in the room. It was Rakuzen's diary which states everything he knew about the spirit beast cultivation path. Upon touching it, Lucien's eyes turned silver as his body trembled greatly as thousands of information surged into his mind. He practically relived a reasonable portion of Rakuzen's life while he was still a mortal and saw the entire stages of the spirituality cultivation pathway.

He soon realized that their cultivation realms were no different from theirs, but the only difference was the cultivation method. While one side strengthens the body through magic and mana, the other strengthens the soul but drawing strength from the spirit realm.


[Congratulations on Acquiring the entire spirit beast cultivation pathway]

[New stat added]

[Host: Lucien]

[Race: Beast-man]

[Realm: 3RD sky of the human realm]

[Empire points: 5000]

[HP: 75/75]

[MP: 95/95]

[SP: 5/5]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Exp: 2500]

The last stat meant soul power, gazing a the little bar Lucien couldn't help but feel depressed. He felt like he was starting from the beginning in cultivation. His magical path has progressed as a cultivator but his soul remained weak. Taken a few steps back, Lucien realized that his senses have improved and his view of life was quite different now. He watched the entire environment only to realize that this environment was overlapping another.

The so-called spirit world and the physical world exist in the same place but different planes of existence. Shutting his eyes tight, Lucien focused on his body, trying to check the condition of his soul, he soon realized that his body may be strong but his soul was fragile.

"This cultivation method is truly underrated…" Lucien muttered.

From what he understood from the Spirit beast cultivation method, a spirit beast cultivator can summon the spirit beast and this varies amongst users! From small beasts, these spirit beasts increase in size and attain special abilities as the cultivation realm of the summoner grows stronger. From what he could tell the lady who fought them with the spirit wolves is only at the peak of the warrior realm, yet she was strong enough to beat an enemy like Instructor Emma who is at the peak of the mortal realm! An entire realm difference!

When one reaches a high cultivation realm with the spirit beast cultivation pathway, they can merge with their spirit beasts and completely take their form. Unlike the lady who just used the power of the spirit beast to strengthen her physical body, a through master in this cultivation pathway can take the shape of the spirit beast. Lucien suspected that Rakuzen once had a human form and but decided to take the form of his spirit beast and remain that way.

This is just one of the numerous paths under the spirituality pathway yet is amazing enough to make Lucien tremble with excitement.

"I will be leaving soon so have people gather all that's necessary…. I am sure the village is facing financial issues, take as much as you need but not too much… Just enough to keep the town running smoothly... I will be locking the fault before I leave…" Lucien said while gazing at the gold coins stacked in heaps at various corners, including golden pieces of jewelry and top-tier pieces of equipment that can be used to make top-tier magic equipment but Lucien didn't dare touch anything. He couldn't just return rich overnight.

Castle upgrade came with a spawn spot set ok the castle, allowing him to directly teleport to the thrown room whenever he wishes. The problem now is that he's not sure if he will be able to teleport back if he comes here, that's a problem for another day.

[You are finally thinking like an emperor… nice] Rakuzen commended making Lucien blush.

Aponi was busy gathering things needed he considered necessary only to hear Lucien's words. The smile on his crooked old face crumbled instantly as he turned to face Lucien with questioning eyes.

"Don't give me that look… I am not from this part of the world… I am from an empire that believes in the body and magic cultivation… I still have a family and people over there… You don't have to worry, I will make sure people think twice before stepping foot into this place" Lucien said before walking out of the room.

Walking out of the underground chamber, the old man gathered a few of his most trusted subordinates and gave them a list of things that should be taken out of the vault. They watched this happen to make sure more than necessary was not taken away!

These items included, Rakuzen's cultivation diary, cultivation materials, a large sum of gold coins nearing a thousand gold but even that didn't put a dent on Lucien's wallet. Rakuzen was once a wealthy ruler who stored almost everything he found valuable, inheriting everything in his vault instantly made Lucien extremely rich, but the sad thing is that he couldn't flaunt this wealth, if not people will ask for the source. He could only take a hundred gold coins out of the large sum of gold coins there. Storing them in his omini pocket zone, where no one can reach them.

Once everything was done, Lucien proceeded to leave the castle with the old man after locking the vault. Stepping outside, Lucien had the system pull up the empire shop page where he can purchase empire upgrade items.

Without hesitation, Lucien bought four mighty magic towers which slowly emerged from the ground. The people watched as the four massive magic towers appeared at the four cardinal points of the little village. These towers were at least 170feet tall and at the top were large green crystals filled with visible blue energy inside. Upon activation creation, these magic towers released a transparent some across the entire village.

"We are lacking just one more thing" Lucien said as he made his final purchase of a thousand empire points.

It was the Rakuzen God statue!

This statue revealed the true shape of the Rakuzen who is always hidden in the shadow. It was a mighty stone statue of a Chinese serpent dragon, coiling around the massive village castle while looking towards the gates. This statue was very lifelike, making anyone seeing it for the first time tremble in fear. These defensive measures drew power from the mana in the air, through this means, the barrier will forever remain active and the magic tower will obliterate anyone foe that appears a thousand yards away from the village.

Lucien didn't necessarily know how the tower can differentiate between friend and foe but then he didn't bother about it since all her has to do is trust the system.

"You truly possess the creation authority of our Lord Rakuzen… We are blessed to have you on our side" The old man said while bowing lightly.

"Rakuzen what's me to protect his people and rebuild the great empire he once lost… as his disciple, I can only obey… so there is no need for you to thank me" Lucien said calmly while gazing at the new defenses proudly.

A strange thought crossed his mind and he remembered a certain question he has been longing to ask someone.

"Hey, old man… whenever I interact with Rakuzen we always meet in a dark room where I can only see his eyes… why is that?" Lucien asked.

"Haven't you heard? None may look at God directly!" The old man replied with a surprised expression on his face.

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