My beast Emperor System

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Strength of a celestial being

"Lord Rakuzen!" Chenoa immediately bowed the very moment she realized the glowing blue eyes on Lucien's face. She could tell that Rakuzen has taken over and at the moment images of their 'pleasant night' during their last encounter surged into her head, making her face flush red with naughty emotions.

[This lady will definitely spill out my secrets to the public day if she keeps behaving this way… I can't have her acting this way whenever you take control of my body or whenever I reveal your power through me!] Lucien lampooned as he gazed at Chenoa's ridiculous and ecstatic expression on her reddened face. He could see everything happening through Rakuzen's eyes so he normally didn't like the message the silly girl was sending.

'Chill… It's not too bad for me to have a fan right? I can tell her excitement is genuine so why stop her' Rakuzen replied calmly causing Lucien to almost spilling out blood in anger.

He wanted to argue further, but he chose to let the matter fall since it didn't matter if people realized his real identity. In his opinion, even if they find out more about the system and the existence of a celestial being in his head, as long as the emperor is around, no one can harm him. No one!

Rakuzen's people and believers have been directly affected by the actions of the members of the creed, so when the celestial being requested control over Lucien's body as they venture into the dungeon, Lucien couldn't bring himself to say no. He put himself in the shoes of the celestial being and knew if he were in the same situation, he would do the same.

Right now he sat in the darkness, wondering how Rakuzen would use the powers of his body in battle. He watched from Rakuzen's eyes with hopes of learning a few things from the way Rakuzen controls the body and the mana around it. His eyes soon shifted to the deepest parts of his mind where the silver formless spirit beast rested in silence, surrounded by three mighty magic beasts looking down on it with hostile vibes oozing from them. These three might beasts were the Raizen god beast, the general level Hell hound, and the general level nightmare demon!

Seeing this Lucien realized a few things! Not only does the beast's assimilation ability grant him to abilities of the magic beasts murdered by him but it also traps a portion of their consciousness in his body. That explains why he has strange tattoos on his body! It's obvious the beast assimilation ability is replicating the bond between beast men and their magic beasts!

Anyway, he chose not to overthink the matter right now and pay attention to the battles ahead. The three magic beasts in him could sense the threat the silver spirit beast is to Lucien and that's why they are hostile towards it. With this Lucien concluded he doesn't have to worry about the spirit beats harming him from within. He only has to worry when it is summoned outside his body.


Gazing at Lucien's sky blue fiery eyes, Instructor Emma and the others did not know what to think of the recent development. They could tell that something changed within Lucien and judging from the way Chenoa addressed him and even bowed respectfully, they could tell something is off about him but they just couldn't pinpoint what the problem is exactly.

While they could feel a confident aura looming around Lucien and have always known Lucien as a confident and cocky person, they could tell this was slightly different. He carried an aura that can be gotten only after emerging victorious from over a thousand battles! Never tasting defeat even once! This is the aura of a supreme being looking down on humans with its all seeing eye! An aura which even the emperor has failed to achieve!

"Who are you…" Instructor Emma instinctively felt afraid of the youth in front of her.

Even though her strength far surpasses that of Lucien, something told her that she will lose miserably if she is to take him on now. The others got the same feeling and they were too timid to even ask questions.

"Me? I am me…" Rakuzen answered simply before abruptly jumping off the spirit wolf he was seated on and into the portal

Seeing this, Chenoa followed hastily and the others were a bit reluctant but after confirming that Lucien meant no harm towards them, they jumped in as well.


Appearing at the other side of the portal they were stunned by the view they were forced to see. The entire place was like a stone cave with strange symbols littered all over the stone walls. At the ceilings of the stone, cave were gargoyles hanging upside down with their blazing red eyes pinned on Instructor Emma's group.


Letting out a loud cry one of the gargoyles released itself from the ceiling of the cave, shooting directly towards them.

"I will handle this!" Instructor Emma said as her eyes turned snow white and a cold breeze slowly began emitting from her body.


Before the beast could reach them, a sudden explosive wind attack hit the beast sending it crashing into the wall by the side.


Before anyone could even ask who is responsible for the attack, Lucien could be seen standing right in front of the fallen beast, stomping its head hard and making the ground sink due to the force.

"You shouldn't raise a finger since I am here" Rakuzen said calmly.

While Cheona was excited by this, Instructor Emma and the rest felt quite terrified. Looking at Lucien, it felt like they were gazing at a powerful primordial beast.  He isn't human! Neither is he just a mere beast man!

Could this be one of the numerous effects the seal artifact on him has? 

Many couldn't help but ask questions, but they didn't have the luxury to dwell in such thoughts for too long as more gargoyles shot down towards them.

"I can see I have been gone for too long! That explains why mere beasts dare challenge me!" Rakuzen said those words with a hint of annoyance in his voice as his eyes let out a bright blue flash!josei

Waving his hands, he released a strong wave of air, knocking back all the gargoyles lightly.


He took a simple step forward but the ground trembled under his weight as he pointed a finger towards the gargoyles shooting towards them.

"Vanish… without a trace!" Rakzuen said with a visible frown on his face as intense bolts of lightning exploded from his hands consuming all the beasts heading towards them.

Under the watchful gaze of everyone, the blue bolts of lightning kept attacking these beasts relentlessly, until the smell of burning flesh filled the cave. For an entire twenty minutes, Lucien's attack continued and when he finally stopped, what was left of these beasts were stiffened burnt black bodies.

"I guess I don't have the power to obliterate them now… Not with this body" Rakuzen muttered these words to himself before walking away.

Watching him walk away, everyone followed him calmly while gazing at the effects of his spell in horror. They weren't sure of the strength of these gargoyles but they were sure these beasts should at least be at the soldier level stage but Lucien effortlessly brought down close to thirty of them without breaking a sweat.

They all gazed at Lucien's back as if he is a monster but there was one person in the group who was more afraid and terrified of Lucien and it was instructor Emma. Unlike the others, she could tell that Lucien did not cast a spell throughout the short battle! Instead, he simply manifested his element, something considered basic.

Elemental manifestation is more like a process of releasing one's element without actually casting a spell. These things are never used in battles and since It can only do as little as releasing small bolts of lightning to surrounded the body, it is not used for combat but Lucien right now used the elemental manifestation to wipe out the enemy forces without issues! This strength is just too monstrous!

Or was she wrong and just hallucinating?

Instructor Emma strongly felt that all she has seen is impossible, and that's why she considered the possibility of her seeing things wrongly. She just followed Lucien from behind, watching his back with a mind full of so many thoughts.

Meanwhile, within the darkness of his mind, Lucien was amazed by what he just saw. Using elemental manifestation to do this much is literarily insane but he clearly remembered the fight between the emperor and the invaders, Blink and Clovis. He was making use of high-level attacks that far surpassed tier 3 spells but never for once did he officially cast a spell! Everything he used was elemental manifestation!

'Fighting this way has its benefits… We are able to save energy while effectively dealing with enemies' Rakuzen said, catching Lucien's attention.

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