My beast Emperor System

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Going all out!

Hearing Lucien's words everyone was stunned! They failed to understand why Lucien had a grudge against the people of the creed! Even the empires were yet to make any significant move against the enemy, yet Lucien was prepared to go at them all alone. 

Rakuzen didn't bother to look at those around him, he considered this as his battle and since he had already promised Aponi he would handle this he couldn't go back on his words. His body lit up with power, revealing the great image of a Chinese serpent dragon hovering over the three Magic beast images behind him! Soon the images of those mythical beasts began descending on Lucien's body, causing his body to shiver and shudder!

"God's descent" Lucien said calmly, causing everyone in the room to shudder in fear!

Right before everyone's eyes, Lucien's body was filled with blue scales and fiery blue flames erupting from his body, giving him a very dangerous look. In this form, Lucien's body kept shivering as black blood rolled out of every hole in his body that could be found! His body clearly could not withstand the power and it could crumble at any time!

"Chan Li! This kid…" The man said with a hint of shock in his eyes.

They went to a small village, said to be the hometown of the legendary mythical being which reached a realm beyond the level of gods! An undefeated emperor! A supreme being! They went there in hopes of finding its new successor, hoping to bring him back to the creed and make him one of theirs but all they saw was a village filled with trash and weak members! Since they had no other clue and on the location of this ancestor they gave up on the search but now, the person they were looking for is right before them! Declaring war on them!

Originally these people had two people in mind, The famous Lucien who is said is in possession of a grade 1 sealed artifact that allows him to assimilate the abilities of any beast he kills, and then there is the successor of the Rakuzen celestial being! Who would have thought both of them are one person!

"I can see that Han Fang… We are really lucky this time!" The woman exclaimed with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Hearing their comments, Rakuzen snorted. If these humans knew the difference between their strengths, they wouldn't be so filled with crap. If he had a more powerful host he would have ended these two in just a few seconds but Lucien's body was still young and fragile! The power he was releasing at the moment was already putting too much pressure on him.

'Hey, kid… I may end up harming your body really bad…' Rakuzen said calmly.

[Hehehehehe! Throw a punch for me!] Lucien's pained voice echoed in his head startling him.

He could tell Lucien was in pain and can barely withstand the pressure placed on him so he didn't expect that kind of reply. It was obvious Lucien understood his pain and was willing to let his body suffer as long as Rakuzen can get his revenge!

"This kid… I like you!" Rakuzen said out loud as he performed what looked like a light leap forward.


The ground where he once stood suddenly exploded as a blue flash shut forward and in that same second, Lucien could be seen in front of the man, performing a powerful roundhouse kick aimed at the man's head!



People didn't know what was more shocking! Was it how fast Lucien moved or the fact that the man from the creed was still able to block or the fact that a few seconds after they both clashed everything five meters around them exploded!


The next moment the man could be seen flying hundred of meters back due to Lucien's kick! His hand which he used to block the attack looked disfigured but that didn't bother the man one bit. He planted his feet on the ground, stopping his body from jerking back!


Rakuzen could be seen standing right in front of the man the next moment!

"Die!" He growled viciously as he threw a powerful punch aimed at the man's chest!


The attack connected and everyone watched as Lucien's fist sank into the man's chest, causing it to cave in. Blood squirted out of his eyes and ears, as the man tried to scream in pain but he failed to make any sound! It felt like all the oxygen in his body was forcefully pulled out.



Like a rocket his body shot back, smashing into the stone walls and even digging deep. Blood flowed out of the wall where Han Fang was knocked into and many strongly believed he should be dead.

"This kid is a monster…."

That was all that the spectators could say! They finally understood why the Fotia empire sent so few people! This kid's strength far surpassed that of the average spirit realm expert! How powerful is the sealed artifact that allows the user who is at the mid-phase of the human realm to compete with enemies at the spirit realm? That's like three realms ahead! The gap is too much!




Lucien was just done with the man and was calmly walking up the stone stairs to meet the woman but then everyone could hear a sound emitting from his body and suddenly it looked like many cuts appeared on his body and blood surged out! 

He was already hitting his limit!

[Arrgggggghhhh!] Hearing Lucien's painful scream in his head, Rakuzen couldn't help but feel flustered!

"This body is too weak!" He gasped to say as he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell on his knees.

He had expected this body to hold out a bit longer but unfortunately, it couldn't!


Instructor Emma's scream brought Rakuzen back to reality as he looked up to see a huge, muscular beast looking like a minotaur descending on him! It had fiery red horns, a flaming hammer in its hand, and a ball of fire burning at the tip of its tail! This beast was like a towering giant! Making 6ft tall men look like babies in its presence!

"Demon kin pathway!" Rakuzen muttered with squinted eyebrows.

The demon kin pathway was considered a top-tier spirituality pathway that allowed the user to summon demons of the underworld to fight for them! Just like contractors, they sign contracts with these demons, and conditions are set! The stronger the cultivator is the stronger the demon they can work with!

Who would have thought this pretty woman would be from such a pathway!

"YOU DARE BRING A MID-TIER DEMON TO FACE ME? DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON ME!" Rakuzen's aura exploded dangerously as it took the shape of the Chinese serpent dragon!

"Spirit beast: Azura serpent dragon!" 


With a roar, the faint Azura dragon images solidified and it shot towards the demon!


The Azura dragon sank its fangs into the neck of the demon while using its ridiculously long body to wrap around the demon and then pulling it off the stone stairs!

Everyone watched as the two mighty beasts wrestled fiercely while falling into the bottomless pit below the stone platform!

"How?" Chan Li gasped in shock!

Unlike demons, Spirit beasts can be reformed easily using one's spirit qi. If her demon dies she would need to wait for some time for it to respawn in the underworld! She never expected Rakuzen to use such suicidal tactics!


Lucien could already be seen in front of the woman with a clenched fist, ready to blow her head to oblivion but the shadow shot towards them at an astonishing speed!


Rakuzen felt a powerful punch hit his protective dragon scales throwing him to the side violently.josei


Lucien smashed both legs on the ground and gritted his teeth while sliding back uncontrollably! He finally stopped when he was at the edge of one of the stone stairs, just a bit further he would have fallen into the dark bottomless pit below!

"Interesting!" Rakuzen growled as he gazed at Han Fang with an eye filled with hatred.

He couldn't explain how Han Fang managed to survive his attack and completely heal himself but it didn't matter to him, he had already declared that none of these people will be leaving this place alive and he planned to keep those words!

"I will be going all out now" Rakuzen said as his aura exploded and the Azura serpent dragon was conjured above his head once again.

While many thought those words were meant for the enemy, it was actually meant for Lucien who was suffering within, he could only give Rakuzen a nod and with a smile on his face he muttered;

[Show me what you can do old man!]

Hearing Lucien's words, Rakuzen revealed a vicious smile as his aura turned violent, lashing out at everything around him! 

Meanwhile, those watching couldn't help but pinch themselves! They gazed at Lucien with fear in their eyes!

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