My beast Emperor System

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Defeat!

Seeing the massive blue whirlpool Chan Li panicked! She could barely deal with the Azura dragon breath yet another attack way stronger than it has already been conjured! The strength Rakuzen had shown today had far surpassed their expectations! They knew this was a powerful being, taking over the body of a human realm mage so they knew what to expect, they refused to believe he would be able to showcase much of his abilities but yet, Rakuzen's power kept growing within the kid!

"If you keep going this way, you will kill that child! Is that what you want?" Chan Li growled but all her words fell on deaf ears!

"He's not complaining, so I fail to see a reason while you should be bitching in his place!" Rakuzen chuckled as he pressed his hands forward and the Azura flame whirlpool began surging forward!

The entire realm began trembling badly, threatening to crumble! The level of strength Rakzuen was releasing was something the realm may not be able to handle!

"Kill him!" Chan Li growled with bloodshot eyes as she watched the attack approach and the pressure coming from it!


The blazing minotaur once again shot towards Rakzuzen with its flaming hammer raised but even then Rakuzen could only shoot it a cruel smile before forming a few yet strange hand signs with his left hand.

"Spirit beast: Fiery blue Azura dragon claw!" he growled as he pressed down gently.


Instantly a massive dragon claw appeared above, smashing into the minotaur, dragging it all the way to the ground, and pinning it there!

"You were so confident dealing with my attacks earlier, If you can take this one too, I will personally slit my throat!" Rakuzen laughed as he pushed forward and the slow moving flaming whirlpool suddenly shot forward like a rocket!

Hearing his words, Chan Li and Lucien's hearts skipped a beat! Chan Li gazed at her side only to realize that Han Fang was not yet done healing! The injuries he incurred previously were just too great!


Chan Li roared alongside her fiery demoness as the demoness released an even more massive wave of green flames but the blue whirlpool just tore through it like it was nothing! With no other choice, the demoness gripped the weapon with its bare rocky hands while pushing Chan Li back but then its hand shattered, and the fiery spear drilling a hole through its chest.

"Chan Li!" Han Fang roared as he dragged her behind him, shielding her with his body! His eyes let out a green light as his body expanded, turning even darker!


The fiery blue spear struck Han fang and for a moment it looked like it stopped as the blue flame around it began to diminish considerably.

"Ooh? You are quite capable… But that's not enough!" Rakuzen growled!

Suddenly the dying spear roared back to life, spinning even more violently than before as more blue flames surged around it! Before Han Fang could react, the spear tore through his chest and into that of Chan Li!


Three figures fell to the ground with only one standing. Rakuzen landed smoothly without even raising a speck of dust. His cold gaze was on the duo on the ground making a hint of anger flash in his eyes.

"Your strength is only average… You are not inner members of the creed… Right?" Rakuzen speculated, judging based on their strength.

While the battle was as flashy and powerful as ever, these two didn't display talents worthy of his recognition, he still had some strength to spare and he also noticed their abilities were 'incomplete'

His words stunned everyone since they saw the performance of these two members of the creed as outstanding but to Rakzuen, they were only stronger than a king tier magic beasts nowhere near the level of emperor tier level beasts.

Han Fang ignored his words while crawling towards his bleeding partner with eyes filled with pain and regret! Just like Rakuzen said they were not the main members of the creed! In reality, they are only disciples of one of the creed's legendary twelve fingers who specializing in demonic arts. While Chan Li trained on the demon taming art, Han Fang practiced the immortal demon body! These are demonic arts yet they were only at the beginning phase!

If these people knew that these two were nowhere near the level of their masters yet they possess this level of strength, they would have been terrified! Rakzuen gazed at the duo with lifeless eyes, he had no pity for the enemy and he only felt some remorse that he couldn't get his hands on the main leaders of the creed.

"You may possess a sad imitation of the immortal body which allows you to swagger around without care since almost no one in this region can kill you but you are not at my level… You are not my opponent!" Rakuzen said coldly as the Azura serpent dragon appeared out of nowhere and in one go it completely swallowed the duo before vanishing.

At that moment the blue light at the top of the stone platform above brightened before vanishing, causing the hearts of everyone around to tighten!

The sealed artifact has been released from its protective barrier yet no one dared to make a move! The power Rakuzen had just shown was far beyond their expectations. They were sure if they weren't to join hands against him, they will all die faster than the two creed disciples did!

"Come…" Rakuzen said that word before climbing up the stairs slowly.

Instructor Emma and the others hastily chased after him, since they knew to stay with the other members of the empire was not safe, and since Rakzuen is yet to show any animosity towards them, it's safer to go with him!

Meanwhile, Rakuzen tried hard to regulate his breathing and look as natural as ever. If he tried to rush forward or showed any sign of this body hitting his limit, these people will definitely make a move against them!

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