My British Empire

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: appointment

Chapter 110 Appointments

ps Asking for votes, asking for collection, code words are not easy, hope for more support!

In this way, Edward sent Bishop Thomas, who was staggering, into the carriage.

At this time, he was in a very happy mood, but he didn't show it. What he needed most at this time was calmness. After all, he was a king, and he still needed face.

With pleasant steps, Edward came to a large room full of fairy tales.

The whole room is composed of red, white and pink, with stickers of various colors and portraits of animals, all of which are pasted on the walls.

And made of cloth, animal toys stuffed with wool are randomly placed on the ground, or upside down or upside down, in different poses.

And a six or seven-year-old girl, wearing a pink giraffe suit, was sitting on the ground covered with a quilt, playing with a doll in her hand.

The little girl muttered from time to time, but kept moving her hands. Her round face looked extremely cute.

Edward walked quietly behind the little girl, and stopped the movement that Casey wanted to remind with his eyes.

"Guess who I am?" Edward stretched out his hands from behind to cover little Mary's eyes, and deliberately changed his voice.

" must be Brother Edward, only your fingernails are very short, and Sister Luna and Sister Lucy have very long nails!"

Little Mary bit her index finger, moved her eyebrows, and said in a delicate voice.

"Haha! Mary is getting smarter and smarter, what a good boy!"

Edward had no choice but to remove his palm, walked slowly in front of her, scraped his delicate little nose, and praised.

"Of course, Mary is the smartest, even brother Edward can't compare to me!"

As soon as little Lolita was praised by Edward, she was very proud, her neck was held high, and her small eyes were narrowed into a small slit.

"Come on, Brother Edward made another fun thing for you, get up, let's go play together!"

Edward squatted in front of little Lolita, stroking her soft long hair, and said in a doting tone.

"Okay! Okay!" Little Lori clapped her hands happily. In the impression of little Mary, brother Edward is the most powerful and smartest. He can change anything, delicious and fun.

So, she got up quickly, picked up the doll in her hand, and followed Edward out of the room with a smile on her face.

Holding little Lolita by the hand, Edward led her to the lawn in the backyard.

As soon as she arrived in the backyard, little Mary saw a spacious chair suspended between two big trees. The chair was fixed in the middle of the big trees by a hemp rope, and it swayed from side to side with the wind blowing, which was very interesting.

"Brother Edward, won't this chair fall off?"

Little Mary asked, pointing to the chair.

"Come on, let's sit on it and try it, don't you know? Mary dares?"

Edward looked at the little loli who was naturally dumbfounded, rubbed her hair, and asked.

"Hmph! Brother Edward underestimates people, whoever dares, let's go up!"

Little Loli snorted coquettishly, and walked to the hanging chair with a proud look.

Edward smiled and walked over, hugged little Lolita on the chair at once, and then sat on it himself.

"Casey, help me push it from behind!" Edward tried it, and felt that the hanging chair could not move much with his own strength, and then ordered Casey who looked worried.

"Oh! Yes, Your Majesty." Casey froze for a moment, then reacted, walked over quickly, and stretched out his hand to push.

Sitting on the hanging chair, Edward felt that he was about to fly, and a childhood feeling flooded into Edward's heart.

"Whoa! Whoa! Come on, work hard, Aunt Kathy!"

At the first push, Mary still had her eyes closed, but at the second time, little Lolita screamed excitedly, her little face was red, her eyes were wide open, and her long eyelashes twinkled. , very cute.

Edward looked at the excited little loli, and smiled knowingly. With the push of the hanging chair, Edward flew to the high sky with his full heart.

The next day, under the auspices of Edward, a new meeting of the Regency Council was held. Under the proposal of Bishop Thomas and the consent of many ministers, the Regency Council born in 1547 was officially abolished.

Moreover, there is also a legal form that stipulates that no one, including the successor king, may re-establish the Regency Committee in any form or in any name.

After the decision of this meeting was promulgated, everyone's jaws were shocked.

What is even more surprising is that on the second day after the abolition of the Regency Council, under the auspices of Edward, the meeting of the Privy Council was officially announced.

Under the auspices of the great King Edward, this meeting, adhering to the need for the well-being of the people of England and the safety of London citizens, abolished the right of London city autonomy through the proposal of the Duke of Houghton.

This proposal was agreed by most of the Privy Council ministers, and the Speaker of the Privy Council and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Faris Alexander, also took the lead in speaking, resolutely supporting the proposal of Duke Houghton. For the safety of the majority of London citizens, the abolition of the London Self-Government Committee is a matter of course.

All the ministers also agreed with Duke Houghton's proposal, and agreed that the London Self-Government Committee did not pay attention to the safety of London citizens and was irresponsible.

In this way, the self-government rights that the London merchants had worked so hard to win were completely swept away, and London was once again bathed in the glory of His Majesty the King.

The Earl of Warwick's departure from home, which attracted people's attention, was neither discussed nor explained, so it was forgotten by many ministers.

But in private, it was said that His Majesty the King himself promised not to pursue all the affairs of the Earl of Warwick, but he was not allowed to come to London again.

Some people even said that King Edward sent the dark blade killer who had been in the limelight a while ago to personally hunt down and kill the Earl of Warwick, and had completely killed the Earl's family.

There are different opinions about this gossip, and it is not known whether it is true or not.

But a major event related to the livelihood of Londoners has attracted the attention of the citizens of London.

Minister of the Privy Council, Secretary of State William Cecil is about to be London's first royally appointed mayor.

In fact, before Edward made this decision, he went through some careful consideration.

In the history of England, William Cecil was a famous politician.

The main adviser during the reign of Elizabeth I was also a talent in governing the country during the Renaissance.

If the original historical situation is followed, during the period of Edward VI, he would have served as the chief minister of state and be in charge of the Privy Council.

And in 1558, after Elizabeth ascended the throne, she became her only secretary.

And what made him famous in Europe began with England's defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588.

When the Armada approached, Cecil began to plan for the upcoming war from all aspects of politics, military affairs and diplomacy. Henry IV) and James VI of Scotland, and closely watched the movements of Catholics in England and Scotland; on the one hand, they prepared for war in terms of manpower and material resources.

The British army defeated the Spanish Armada in a naval battle, which is inseparable from Cecil's careful arrangements before the war.josei

So, Edward cherishes this talent like Xiao He in the future.

In order to train this future capable minister, withdraw

Edward specially arranged for him to roast on the stove of the Mayor of London.

Because London at this time is like a fire that has just been extinguished. Under the stimulation of the sun, it will be revived at any time.

To be honest, the citizens of London took the right of self-government from the king together. Although Edward borrowed a little mistake, the ministers of the United Privy Council unilaterally took back the right of self-government.

However, since William the Conqueror granted London self-government in 1066, for five hundred years, the citizens of London have been accustomed to the jurisdiction of the city council and have never been constrained by the king, even though the successive kings of England spent most of their time in London.

Not only will the citizens resent the king's jurisdiction, but the businessmen who have lost their rights will not just watch their rights being lost in their own hands.

Therefore, the citizens living in London are very likely to unite with the merchants who used to greedily exploit them to restore London's autonomy.

Instead of wanting to live freely and happily under the glory of His Majesty the King.

William Selsey came to Whitehall Palace the day before he assumed his duties, and came to meet Edward.

"Your faithful servant, William Selcy joins the King of England and Ireland, King of France..."

This meeting is relatively formal, so both Edward and Selsey are dressed in costumes, and the meeting ceremony is quite grand.

On the day William Selsey officially took office, the Palace of Westminster held an unprecedented inauguration ceremony.

Originally there was no trace of the inauguration ceremony of the mayor of London, but the ministers also agreed that it should be a big one. Edward also believed that holding a grand ceremony would help to demonstrate the royal power.

So, in the hall of the Palace of Westminster, the appointment and removal ceremony officially began with many ministers, London nobles, wealthy businessmen in London, and members of Congress as the audience.

First of all, the fifty-member Royal Orchestra played cheerfully to render this unforgettable day.

After that, Edward slowly came to the steps of the hall, and William Selsey came to Edward with a serious face and knelt down on one knee.

This is according to the method discussed by Edward and Bishop Thomas, and according to some previous practices, a new style of rules has been formed.

As the new mayor of London, William Selcy knelt down on one knee towards Edward, with his right hand on his chest, his eyes slightly closed, and his head lowered to show his respect for Edward.

"Mr. William Selsey, in view of your consistent loyalty to the royal family and your outstanding abilities, I hereby appoint you as the mayor of London in the name of the King of England."

Edward cleared his throat, made a thick voice, and said to William Selsey at the front and lower.

"Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty the King, I will always remain loyal to the royal family, loyal to you and your heirs!"

(end of this chapter)

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