My British Empire

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Darkblade's First Meeting

Chapter 15 Darkblade's first meeting

Guy nodded to the little boy who greeted him, and went straight to the grocery store of the restaurant.josei

After walking for a while, Guy came to their Darkblade meeting room—the grocery room. The room is located in the innermost part of the entire restaurant, and there is only one road around it, which is very remote, and there is a person guarding the gate specially, so the secrecy is very strong.

Guy saw that the skinny Ed was on guard today, so he couldn't help but nodded to him and smiled at him.

"Hey! Boss!" "Well, watch the door carefully!" "Okay!" The skinny Ed greeted Guy enthusiastically, and helped open the door by the way.

"Boss!" Guy walked straight in, and the noise in the room suddenly stopped, and more than 20 strong men inside shouted in unison.

Guy has a high prestige among these people, and his words and deeds are unconsciously observed by the people present.

The twenty-odd people present were almost all recruited by Guy into the shadow, and it was Guy who gave these bankrupts a job to eat.

Of course, this job is not very decent, and there are always some people who can't stand it, and return to the countryside to be a gentleman's accountant, or to be a small businessman, and find a job for themselves.

However, bankrupt gentlemen like them disdain to be accountants or small businessmen. They all have a dream with very little hope—to restore the family.

So, they gathered around Guy, to please the king to do the shameful work of thieves, working year after year without abandoning.

For almost ten years, batches of bankrupt gentlemen like them have come to the shadow, and batches have left. Only they persisted.

Finally, after His Majesty Edward VI came to the throne, they ushered in the long-awaited opportunity. How can this not excite them?

"Brothers, our Majesty the King has sent us a mission!" Gay looked at them, "This mission is our first mission, and it is His Majesty the King's test for us."

As soon as Guy finished speaking, everyone who was standing loosely suddenly straightened up and became serious.

"His Majesty the King asked us to adopt orphans, especially homeless orphans under the age of 14, regardless of gender." Guy said something that excited them, "The three people who adopt the most orphans this time will receive a reward of ten pounds !"

"They will also get three points of meritorious service!" Guy ignored the noise of the people below, and said another news that could make them lose their breath.

"In addition, His Majesty the King will personally promote you to be a centurion!"

Crash! More than 20 bankrupt gentlemen below cheered and jumped up in unison, and even the thin Ed who was on guard ran in and cheered together.

The point system is a reward and punishment system customized by Edward for the Dark Blade. As long as you can complete the general tasks, you will get ten acres of land if you accumulate 100 points. If you complete ten tasks specific to His Majesty, you can get His Majesty's entrustment , become a knight. Of course, this is a court knight, without a fief. Only after being promoted to a centurion and completing ten specific tasks of the king can you own the fiefdom.

Of course, this is the merit points for ordinary soldiers, but for leaders above centurions, as long as they complete 20 tasks issued by the king, they can be made knights by the king and have a village as a fiefdom.

I also forgot to say that one point will be deducted for those who receive the task but fail to complete it, and the king's specific task is mandatory to be completed, and one point will be deducted for the specific task if it is not completed. If two points are deducted, one level will be demoted. For example, the commander will be demoted to the deputy commander, the commander will be demoted to the deputy commander, and so on.

This flexible mechanism can stimulate the subjective initiative of Dark Blade, so that it will not become rigid in the later stage like Jinyiwei in Ming Dynasty.

Another point is that he can continue to create a loyal knight class for Edward, laying the foundation for suppressing the bourgeoisie in the future.

Of course, the easiest way to create a knight class is the army, but Edward has not yet been in power, and the army is still controlled by the Regency Council, and he cannot cross the Regency Council to recruit the army.

Because the Regency Council is in charge of the army on behalf of the king, if he has any signs of contact, he will startle the snake and add a lot of trouble to the coup two years later.

Back to the topic. None of the gentlemen below has an official position, and only Guy has become the only commander among them. When they thought that they might become officials, they were so irritated that they couldn't help themselves, and the king's wise cheers rang out.

Seeing that these people changed from their previous decadence and became energetic one by one, Guy felt a sense of comfort in his heart.

He recruited all these people in person one by one. Just like him, they are all bankrupt gentleman families. Seeing them happy, he couldn't help but get excited. This is empathy!

Dark Blade spent the whole day in excitement, and Guy went back to his little den, planning his mission.

That's right, Guy's mission is different from theirs. His mission is to expand the number of Night Angels and recruit enough subordinates for His Majesty the King.

Skinny Ed hurried back to his home full of excitement.

When his family went bankrupt, his wife did not abandon him, but used the money from selling the dowry to come to London with him and open a small grocery store. She could only fill her stomach in this London city. keep the wolf from the door.

In the previous shadow period, Ed only received subsidies from the king to support the family's expenses when he had a mission, and bought some meat and clothes to improve his life.

Ed stepped on the wooden floor lightly, passed the grocery store on the first floor, and quickly passed the old stairs to his bedroom.

He looked around nervously, then closed the window uncomfortably, carefully took out a handful of silver coins, and counted them unconsciously, a total of 10 shillings in silver coins, Ed looked at it stupidly, and smiled blankly , didn't feel anyone coming behind him at all.

"Aren't you very happy!" "Yes!" Ed responded naturally.

Ed turned his head unnaturally, and saw his wife Mary staring at him with round eyes, with a playful expression on her face.

"Hi! Mary!" Ed greeted timidly, seeing his wife like a mouse seeing a cat.

As the so-called economic base determines the superstructure, it is obvious that his wife Mary is the head of the family.

Of course, in this patriarchal society, Ed could easily regain control of the family, but he didn't.

Not only because Mary controlled the lifeline of the family, but also because she followed him to go bankrupt regardless of the consequences. From a gentleman's beautiful lady and a gentleman's rich wife, she became a small businessman who was no better than a poor man without hesitation. God worries about basic necessities of life.

"Hey! Wife, this is my salary from His Majesty the King!" Ed said with a smile, as if to prove himself, he said again.

"There will be every month in the future, and it is possible to restore our previous life!"

Ed couldn't help talking about the Dark Blade's reward and punishment system to his wife.

Thanks to Yaoxie, Xu Yuhua, He-Xie, Yuli Yefimovich Shelov, Lili 599, Master Fan for three thousand years, Ye Fatty’s happy life, everyone’s support!

(end of this chapter)

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