My British Empire

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Fort Borgast

Chapter 44 Boggast Fort

Borgast Castle is a medieval castle that occupies the commanding heights of Portsmouth Harbor. Because of its geographical location, it has been the main defense facility of the Solent Strait for hundreds of years.

The castle was originally built in the late 3rd century as the only Roman fortress in Northern Europe.

Subsequently, as a Saxon stronghold, a grand castle was built in the 12th century. Borgast Castle is located on the front line of the entire Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, and it is also a staging point for expeditions to France and cross-channel raids. In 1396, Richard II converted the castle into a palace.

So the castle presented to Edward was dilapidated, spacious, and mediocre.

The dark blade middle-aged man who was kneeling in front of Edward had already packed the room in Borgast Castle ahead of time.

Of course, this is also the result of Edward's original order, otherwise the newly established Night Angel would not be so active.

"Your Majesty, your servant Ed Walson is here to see you!" the skinny Ed knelt in front of the carriage with an excited face, his tone full of excitement.

"Oh! Are you Ed Walson from Dark Blade?" Edward stepped out of the carriage, looked at the thin man kneeling on one knee in front of him, and couldn't help but confirm.

"Yes! Your Majesty, I was sent to Hampshire by Captain Ham a month ago, and I will be stationed in Hampshire for a long time!" Ed pointed to the little man beside him, "This is Andre, Now take charge of the liaison!"

"He's smart! Your Majesty, if you have anything to do, please let me know!" Ed introduced Andre and praised him by the way.

"Then, dear Ed, you are Ed Walson who won the first place last time! I also issued the appointment of a centurion to you. Can you introduce our navy to me?" Edward Speaking to Ed, Edward was very polite to his direct subordinates, without the arrogance common to nobles in his tone.

"As for Andre, please show us the way!" Edward said, and Ed naturally couldn't object. And the little Andre consciously walked ahead and led the way.

As for the guards and maids, they also consciously followed behind, walking silently.

"Your Majesty! The navy currently has 57 warships, 11 of which are large Karaks known as "big ships", and more than 15 are Calais and Calais ships."

"And with a size of 2,000 people, this is the most powerful time in history for the English Navy!"

Ed's voice was full of admiration, as if excited by England's strength.

"So which nobleman in the navy is the strongest?" Edward asked. This is an opportunity to test Ed, after all, it is difficult to figure out the situation of the navy in such a short period of time.

"Your Majesty! Your servant has figured it out!" Ed looked at Edward's expression and said cautiously.

"At present, the younger brother of the Earl of Southampton, James Leo Shesley, is in the entire navy!" Ed also paid attention to Edward's pace, and bowed his body respectfully to report to Edward.

"He is the most powerful captain in the navy. In addition to mastering the 'Monarch', he indirectly controls almost a quarter of the ships!"

"Really! I remember Southampton of the Leo Shesley family is not far from Portsmouth!" Edward interrupted suddenly.

"Yes! Your Majesty! Your wisdom shines brighter than the sun in the sky! I admire your memory very much!..."

"Okay! Enough is enough!" Edward sounded quite comfortable, but still stopped him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Ed did not expect that flattering would be rejected by the king. This is not normal! Resisting the curiosity in his heart, Ed responded carefully.

"Oh! The Earl of Southampton actually sent his younger brother to the navy?"

"Your Majesty! The earl's family's fleet has been doing business with France, and I heard that the annual profit reaches tens of thousands of pounds!" Ed said, showing envy, his eyes flickering with unknown colors!

At that time, almost all nobles from all countries joined the army, especially as senior generals in the army, and the navy at that time was almost composed of pirates and coastal fishermen. Except for Spain and Portugal, no nobles liked the navy.

At present, almost only Prince Henry of Portugal personally participated in the naval expedition as a nobleman, and there are very few other nobles.

The two of them walked into the castle slowly. Edward took a look. Although the interior was very dilapidated, it was neat and clean. It can be seen that Ed put his heart into it.

"Ed! You are very good! I hope I can see your family appear in the Heraldry Bureau in London!" Edward praised Ed.

"Your Majesty! Please tell Andre if you have anything to do, and he will notify me! It is my honor to serve you!" After Ed received Edward's hint, his whole body showed a cheerful atmosphere.

"Your Majesty! I'll take my leave!" Ed bent his waist and backed away, turned around and said to Andre in a stern tone, "Andre! You must serve His Majesty the King well!"

In England, the Heraldry Bureau is where nobles register their family crests, even low-end nobles such as knights and jazz have to register here. Otherwise, the status of nobility is not recognized.josei

Ed returned to his home with excited steps, a rental house in the center of Portsmouth.

The house Ed rented was on the second floor. First, he needed to pass a wooden staircase. I don’t know if this staircase has not been repaired for a long time.

Each time when Ed walked up the stairs, he could hear the depressing sound of the planks, as if they were about to collapse, which made people feel a little flustered.

Through the stairs, Ed walked through a narrow corridor and reached the top. This is the apartment rented by Ed's family.

Opening the door, you can see that although the room is small, the things inside are organized in an orderly manner, even the children's toys are placed on the shelves.

"Is that you? Ed!" Ed asked when he heard his wife Mary cooking dinner in the kitchen.

"Yes! Mary! It's me, Ed Walson!" Ed responded, and asked again, "Where are my Ina and Rodin?"

"They are playing with the rubber ball you bought in the room!" Ed seems to be able to hear Mary's joy. After all, life is much better now than before, and the reward system established by Edward made them look forward to life.

After the dinner was arranged neatly, the family of four came to pray before the meal, and even the four-year-old Xiao Yina and the two-year-old Luo Dan did it decently.

Ed picked up the bread made of a mixture of rye and barley in front of him, and put it into his mouth! While eating, chatting.

"Mary! The King is here today!"

"Really! How are you coping with the situation?"

Mary couldn't wait to ask. Obviously, Mary attached great importance to her husband's future.

"Nothing?" Ed said pretending not to care, but the joy on his face betrayed him, "He said he was looking forward to seeing my family in the Bureau of Arms!"

Thanks to: Son of Heaven, lxe-X, YEON-style smile, Prussian nobleman, Mamluk cavalry, LancasterKoo, Xuan Shuyou, Yuri Yefimovich Serov, Xinfeng Xinfeng, 56-legged Maoge, cute Hengheng, its 1111, it’s really slow to update you, that year Muxia, Hanbing☆Xiaoyi, Xiaobai Veteran, Legolas-Windwalker, Walker, everyone’s big votes support, it’s for me Biggest encouragement. Create a new group, welcome to join the gentlemen in England, group number: 631774182

Also, at the request of the majority of book lovers, Flying Fish Guard has been changed to Night Angel, uh! I haven't read the starting point book review of the computer version recently, and I haven't seen the opinions of many people. I'm sorry! In the future, everyone can come to the group to comment!

(end of this chapter)

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