My British Empire

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: a letter

Chapter 46 A letter

"So! My lieutenant commander, do you think strengthening the navy can compare with Spain in a short time?"

Edward's questioning was like a sharp sword piercing directly into James' heart, making him speechless, he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say!

"So what benefits do you think the navy can bring to England at present?"

Edward did not give James a chance, and raised a series of questions in a short period of time.

"Can the navy suppress refugees like the army! Can it go to Scotland to fight the northern barbarians?"

"This, this..." James didn't know what to say at all. As soon as he opened his mouth, Edward interrupted him.

"Are you trying to say that the navy can help merchant ships fight pirates?" Edward had an expression that I understood, as if he had read his heart.

And James also had a look of surprise on his face. He really didn't expect that Edward would guess his thoughts.

Actually, besides working hard with the enemy's navy, isn't the navy just escorting the navy?

Besides, at present, relying on the poor appearance of the English navy, fighting against Spain is just delivering food!

Now they can only **** and fight pirates.

"My dear Mr. Major, I think that only the Leo Shesley family is currently focusing on maritime trade!"

Hearing Edward say this in front of himself, James felt a little ashamed.

After all, the current nobles are still focusing on running the manor, and they have a contemptuous attitude towards businessmen, especially business nobles, who are despised in the noble circle.

Coincidentally, Leo Shesley is such a family, a family that conducts business in person but is collectively ridiculed by the nobles.

"That! Your Majesty! I..." James stammered, trying to explain something.

"Don't get me wrong! Major James, I'm not laughing at the noble Leo Shesley family!"

"I think my fire wine has spread all over Europa!" Edward said appropriately, alleviating the embarrassing atmosphere.

"What! My lord! You said that the fire wine is yours?"

"That's right! I think your brother already knows! And your rank is too low, so you don't have the right to know!" Edward's words were a bit annoying, but they were true.

"Your Majesty! Is this true?" James still couldn't believe that the most noble Tudor family in England would still run a business.

"That's right! I won't look down on you!" Edward said affirmatively.

"However, the ministers of the Regent Council will not do business, nor will they see the contribution of the navy!"

"Your Majesty! What do you need your servants to do?" After hearing so much from Edward, James knew that His Majesty the King would not ask him to say these things, and he finally understood that Edward needed him for something. So he asked cautiously.

"Ah! I finally got the hang of it!" Edward wiped the sweat from his heart, he was too tired.

"My dear James, do you think the ministers of the Regency Council know about England's navy?"

"Your Majesty! I think the ministers in London have to deal with the affairs of the whole of England every day. They are busy all day, and they probably don't know much about the navy!" James used words carefully, and looked at Edward from time to time! I was very upset and uneasy, and didn't understand what it meant for Edward to get involved with the minister in London.

"So! If there is a decree from London, it still needs to be carefully studied by the generals of the navy!"

"However, I think the navy of England is still the navy of the Tudor royal family!"

"Yes! Yes! I am resolutely loyal to the Tudor royal family!" Facing the oppression in Edward's language, James immediately expressed his loyalty and used an emphatic tone.

"Also, I think almost the entire navy is loyal to the royal family!"

Edward noticed the word "almost" in James' words, which shows that there are still people in the navy who intervene in London.

That's right, even if they don't care about the navy, the ministers in London still need to have an eyeliner to observe. After all, this is also a big force, and it cannot be kept out of London's sight!

"Then! I think, Mr. Major, you will definitely let all the navy return to the embrace of the royal family! Isn't that right?" Edward specially emphasized the pronunciation of the word "all", for fear that Mr. Major would not understand.

"Yes! My Majesty, the navy will definitely be loyal to the royal family!"

Edward was very satisfied with Major James' statement, so he decided to give him hope. The tried and tested trick was used again.

"Major James! God loves England to have someone like you in the Navy!"

"For a talent like you, I think the House of Lords still lacks a seat for you!"

"Your Majesty! Under the witness of God, your servant James Leo Shesley, I and my descendants will always be loyal to you and your successor!" James said with strong surprise.

So, in this sunny weather, Edward has another courtier who is loyal to him—a lieutenant commander.

It can be seen that the name and identity is still very important.

…………The evil dividing line……

After James returned home, he felt that he needed to discuss this matter with his brother. So, he wrote a letter in detail, introducing Edward's willingness to win over, but did not mention his allegiance, and his family's servants hurriedly rode to Southampton Port, the residence of the Leo Shesley family.josei

The fast horse galloped down, and at night, the servant finally arrived at the Earl's Mansion in Southampton.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The servant who delivered the letter knocked on the door of the master's house.

"Who is it?" A question came from inside the door.

"It's me! Hughes! The second young master wrote a letter to the Earl. This is an urgent letter, please open the door and let me in!" Hughes hurriedly explained, feeling very urgent, after all, the young master's tone was very urgent.

"Squeak—" the door of the Earl's Mansion opened, and Hughes took the letter and walked straight to the butler's room.

The butler was instructing several maids, and when he saw Hughes coming in front of him, he couldn't help asking: "Hughes, why did Master James send you back?"

"Steward Marne, this is a letter from the young master to the Earl!" Hughes was afraid that the butler would not take it seriously, so he hurriedly said, "The young master said this matter is very important, please hand it to the Earl yourself!"

"Really? Then bring it to me!" Hearing what he said, the butler stopped admonishing the maid and rushed to the study with the letter.

"You guys, be careful, the Earl's Mansion does not lack your maids!"

"Yes! Master Steward!" Several little maids responded delicately, with a few tears on their faces, looking very pitiful.

The butler rushed to the study panting. After all, he was in his forties and his physical strength was a bit behind.

"Lord Earl! I am Marne!" The butler knocked on the door of the study, disturbing the Earl of Southampton who was reading.

"Come in! What's the matter? Dear Marne!" The earl said very kindly, and he trusted the butler Marne who grew up with him.

"Lord Earl! Master James wrote you a letter, saying that it is a very urgent matter!" Marne's tone was still very respectful, and he had always been accurate about his identity.

Thanks: Jinyu Yujin, Tianyi Sword, Minhang Menghua, book friend 1815162023, Mamluk cavalry, Prussian nobleman, Hell Sky No. 1, book friend 200xxxx27, brother Mao with 56 legs, cute Hengheng, walker, frefright, Lancasterkoo, Legolas~Windrunner, thank you for your support.

(end of this chapter)

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