My British Empire

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: noisy

Chapter 51 Noisy

Edward, being pulled by the carriage, slowly passed the children who were half kneeling on the grass, his face full of emotion.

And the children were dazzled by the luxury carriage that also boldly looked up at the passing in front of them.

Many of them have never even seen gold in their lives, let alone a carriage made of a lot of gold.

When Jack saw Edward for the first time, he was attracted by the golden carriage under him. His round eyes could no longer be shaken off, and he followed the carriage straight forward. He would not be overwhelmed until Edward was far away. Come.josei

"Hey! Alan! Have you seen His Majesty's golden carriage?" Jack asked in a low voice to his little friend Alan, his little face was flushed, and he looked a little excited.

"En! I saw it! I heard that there is only one carriage like this in the whole of England, and none of the lords! It belongs to our Majesty the King!" Allen's face was also shining apple-colored because of excitement, and even his ears turned pale. It's bright red.

Allen spoke in such a low voice that Jack couldn't hear it unless he listened carefully. Allen moved his position to the left, looking around, for fear that the guards following the carriage would find out, his lips moved slightly, looking like an old hand.

"Jack! Keep your voice down!" Allen reminded.

"Understood! But, Alan! When will the two of us have our own carriage!" Jack seemed afraid that Alan would say that he didn't know how to brag, and then explained, "I mean ordinary carriages, not this kind of gold carriage!"

After listening to Jack's words, Allen, who always likes to think, immediately remembered the rumors he had heard from others, thought about it carefully, and finally spoke.

"Jack! I heard that His Majesty the King has set up an organization called Dark Blade. As long as you make contributions, you can become a real knight!"

"Is this true? Alan!" Jack asked in disbelief.

"It should be true, why don't we talk to the coach! Let's go together!"

"Yes! We will definitely become knights!" Jack said loudly, full of confidence.

"Keep your voice down, you want to die!" Allen looked at Jack helplessly, speechless on his face.

"Hey! Alan! Is what you said true? I want to add one too!" A child in the same dormitory said courageously.

"Me too!" "Count me in!" "And me!"... After a while, various voices sounded around Jack.

Edward rode ahead in a carriage, and spent the journey alone in a state of emotion, while the mentality of the knights behind him was very different from him!

The appearance of Baron Smith riding and leading a horse caused the collective ridicule of the guards, and he simply followed Edward alone, which was quite a pleasure.

"Although they are all little brats, there are at least two thousand people. This is the most prestigious one since the suppression of the rebellion, and it is probably the last time that Iron Shield will enjoy this glory!"

Baron Smith thought silently in his heart, and felt a little lost. He couldn't help but look at his old horse, Iron Shield, who was once galloping on the battlefield, and now he even struggled to trot.

But Alexander and other knights were very happy. In the era of peace, these guards rarely had the opportunity to see so many people neatly gathered together.

What a great performance opportunity this is! I must let my mighty and extraordinary figure be imprinted in the minds of those children, and my Zhuowei and extraordinary appearance will definitely be passed down.

Thus, all the knights dressed themselves up beautifully, rode on their horses with their heads held high, showing their charming smiles, and walked forward confidently.

In fact, the kids are all driven by Edward's golden coach, and the odd Baron Smith. Of course, there is also the Alexander knight who has been handsome since childhood.

Alexander Cavaliers was already very handsome, and with his makeup, he was almost the most beautiful man in England. It was hard not to attract people's attention.

At this time in London, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, is sitting as a minister on the Regency Council! In the meantime, his brows were frowned into a hill, and he looked at the ministers who were talking in front of him.

"I agree with His Excellency the Duke's proposal. Since the implementation of the act of dissolving the small auditorium, the country's finances have never been more abundant!" Earl Boswell gave an impassioned speech, exhausting all his strength.

The Earl of Southampton can testify that there is still residual saliva on his face.

"Not only has the loan owed by the former king been repaid, but there is still a lot of surplus, enough for us to fight a war!"

"But! My Lord Boswell, haven't you thought that the barbarians in Scotland will not be captured without a fight!"

"The expedition to Scotland during the king's time brought huge casualties to our boys in England, and it has not healed until now." The Earl of Wellington, who had always supported the Duke of Somerset, turned his gun and opposed Duke Edward's opinion. "Besides, we have no reason to fight the Northern Man, and the French will not turn a blind eye!"

The Earl of Wellington, as one of the only nine Earls remaining in England, has a very strong prestige in the government and parliament.

In fact, one of the reasons for the current scarcity of nobles in England has a lot to do with Henry VIII.

At the beginning of Henry VIII's accession to the throne, there were still twenty dukes, marquess, and earls in England, but after his death, there were only one duke and nine earls left, and the senior titles were reduced by half.

To cite an example: In 1489, he agreed to become the Earl of Nottingham as the Marquess of Berkeley, but he had an additional condition that he could not pass on the title of Marquess of Berkeley to his brother.

As a result, after the death of the Marquess of Nottingham, the titles of earl and marquess were left vacant at the same time.

Moreover, Henry VIII also deprived the rebels of their property and titles, prohibited the nobles from raising soldiers, prohibited the nobles from building new castles, and prohibited the nobles from storing new weapons, etc., strictly restricting the growth of local nobles.

Henry VIII deprived twelve nobles of their titles, and Elizabeth deprived six nobles of their titles. By the end of the Tudor dynasty, there was not a single duke in England.

"So, I think the Duke's proposal should be put on hold for a while."

"I disagree with Earl Wellington's opinion. I think the Duke's decision is very wise. I and others have been entrusted by the late king to jointly rule the Kingdom of England for nearly half a year, and Scotland's harassment has never stopped."

Earl Boswell did not give up the idea of ​​supporting, but also wanted to arouse the collective honor of the ministers, and the nobles still valued the aspect of being beaten.

"I think..." "I think..." The ministers expressed their opinions one after another, and the whole meeting became a mess. Only the Earl of Walkeri sat there as usual, looking at the quarreling ministers with a smile, without saying a word.

"Okay, gentlemen! Let's talk about this tomorrow!" Duke Edward said this, turned around and walked out of the conference room.

Thanks: book friend 160328233758538, Jinyu Yujin, Xuewen, Mingshi Xinfeng, Prussian nobleman, Ip001736, book friend 1887429393, 56-legged brother Mao, silent A Fei, book friend 160520113042017, Minhang Dream Talk, Legolas~Fengxing Authors, Lancasterkoo, Shell Shell, Best MAN, everyone's votes support!

(end of this chapter)

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