My British Empire

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: swearing-in meeting

Chapter 58 Pledge Assembly

Knight Gaussell stood on the hill, looking at a group of tribes in the distance. This was his destination—the Macdonald clan.

Scattered slaves are guarding the flock of sheep not far away, and naughty children are chasing each other unscrupulously, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Suddenly, more than a dozen cavalry surrounded Gosser from the left and right sides. Before Gosser could react, various bronze weapons were placed on his neck.

"I surrender! Warriors! Put down the knife first, I am the messenger sent by His Majesty the King!"

Knight Gaussell begged for mercy wittily, and did not forget to emphasize his identity, especially the word king was pronounced heavily.

"Okay! I'll take you to see the leader! Don't act rashly!" Among the cavalry, the tallest man spoke first, and it was obvious that he had great prestige.

"Okay! Then can you put down the knife? If you hurt me by mistake, your leader will blame you!" Gosser shrank his neck and asked the burly man's opinion softly, with a shadowy tone in his tone. Obscure threat.

"Wow~" Hearing the little boy in front of him say this, Johnny felt that he was not threatening, so he nodded towards the cavalry, and there was a sound of putting away the weapon.

Immediately afterwards, Gosser was escorted forward like a prisoner being sentenced, which made him very unhappy.

After a while, he came to the tribe group he saw. If he went in and looked deeper, there were hundreds of tents, and these were just the two sides of the journey into the center of the tribe.

Boldly estimated, there should be about 500 tents. Knight Gaussell thought silently in his heart, and was very surprised.

In such a tribe where all the people are soldiers, almost every family lives in the same tent, so each tent can produce two fighters, and the McDonald tribe alone can produce more than a thousand fighters.

Besides, slaves can also be regarded as a type of warrior. Based on this calculation, this tribe is expected to produce more than 1,500 warriors, which is also its limit. In this era when tens of thousands of people are in a battle, a tribe has the strength of a count in Europa.

The warriors in the Scottish Highlands are all tall and burly, and they are the bravest warriors in Scotland. Even in the face of heavily armed English heavy knights, they are not afraid.

There are more than a dozen such large tribes loyal to the Scottish king on the highlands, and there are countless small tribes of various colors. They are Scotland's greatest confidence against England.

Afterwards, Gosser went into the most luxurious big tent, where a middle-aged man with a messy black and white beard sat on a wolfskin wooden chair.

"Servant of Her Majesty the Great Queen of Scotland, Gossell Yarley has seen Lord Baron MacDonald!" Gossell rested his left hand on his chest and lowered his head slightly to express his respect.

Asham Macdonald is the leader of the Macdonald tribe, and also a baron conferred by James V of Scotland, so Gosser has to give a noble salute.

"Oh! What news did James from Edinburgh bring me!" The leader said boldly, without any scruples about the Earl of Argyle's status as regent.

"This is a letter from the Lord Regent, please read it!" Gosser pretended not to hear, and took out the letter from his chest, ready to hand it to the maid next to him.

"No need! Tell me directly!" The leader of Asham stopped Gosser's behavior and ordered directly.

"Yes! Your Excellency the Baron!" Gaussell forgot that these savages who only knew how to fight could not read, so he explained loudly.

"My lord, mainly from England..." After spending more than ten minutes, the leader of Asham finally understood the whole story, and Gosser breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then! We are going to fight those people in England! I didn't say it earlier, why are you so dawdling! You nobles are dawdling!"

This sentence made Gosser speechless, and he didn't have the guts to confront him. After all, they were really a bunch of barbarians. If they killed him for no reason, he would have no reason to go.

"Johnny! Hurry up and call the boys together, each family will produce a warrior, the little queen of Edinburgh needs us!"

The leader of Asham spoke loudly to the burly man escorting Gosser, and the burly man echoed loudly, turned around and left the tent.

Next, Gosser saw an unforgettable scene. The women and children of the family happily bid farewell to their husbands or fathers and packed their weapons.

In less than half an hour, more than 500 brave warriors with bronze weapons gathered in front of the leader's tent, which was very spectacular.

"Knight Gosser! Look at what a brave warrior this is! How can the English be our opponents!"

Looking at the warriors with an average height of six feet in front of him, and because he often eats mutton, the muscles on his arms are particularly exaggerated.

Compared to the knights in Edinburgh, except for weapons, these tribal warriors beat those knights in other places.

Knights like Gosser were sent to the northern highlands of Scotland by the regent, Earl James Hamilton, like casting a net.

In this way, after more than ten days, Edinburgh gathered more than 20,000 tribal barbarians, more than 10,000 summoned noble private soldiers, and hundreds of knights of various colors. This is almost the entire power of Scotland.

Although the number of people seems to be large, they almost have a fatal weakness—weapons.

Scotland has always been rich in mineral resources such as coal, iron and copper, but mining iron ore is very difficult, so the Scots have been mixing copper and tin to make bronze, which has become their weapon.

Only in those places, the knights wore iron armor and used iron weapons, which aroused the envy of the highland warriors.

1547, on August 12th, all the Scottish troops gathered in the outskirts of Edinburgh, and the regent, James Hamilton, Earl of Allen, came to hold an oath meeting.

The tribal warriors on the highlands were arranged to the left, while the private soldiers of the nobles were on the right. At the front were knights, nobles and tribal leaders from all over the place.

Although the warriors of the tribe were standing loosely, they looked extraordinarily capable as a whole, so the Lord Regent who had just arrived took a special look at them carefully.

Because of the plundering battle four years ago, the knights were quickly recruited to fight against the English because of the short distance, so they suffered heavy losses. They came to make up numbers in this war.

Under the support of a group of nobles, the Earl walked to the specially built wooden platform, cleared his throat, let go of his voice and said:

"All nobles, knights! And Her Majesty's loyal warriors! Everyone must have known that the shameful thieves in the south are preparing to invade our territory again!"

"They burned, killed and looted on the land of Scotland, doing all kinds of evil, and this time they even came to **** our Queen!"

"Under such circumstances, after discussing with the Council of Elders and many nobles, we decided to attack those barbaric Englishmen!"

"Let us, under the guidance of God, fight for Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Fight for the Queen!" "Fight for the Queen!"...

Under the earl's speech, the knights in the front row shouted in unison, and the soldiers and highland warriors in the back also shouted.

Thanks to: Lonely Boy, Minhang Dream Talk, Lancadterkoo, Jin Yu Yu Jin, lp001735, Moment of Shura, Silent A Fei, Little White Veteran, Book Friends 160328233758532, Legolas~Windrunner, 56-legged Mao Ge, Prussian nobleman , Rym, don't worry about two copies, qus, Feng Yi Yunxiu, Ai Stratosphere, Best MAN, everyone's big votes support.

(end of this chapter)josei

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