My British Empire

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Very rewarding

Chapter 67 A lot of harvest

"I never know when your country's reinforcements will arrive?"

Queen Mary continued to ask mercilessly, her rosy face had turned pale, and there was some sweat on her smooth and white forehead, which showed how anxious she was.

"Ah! It depends on how our Majesty the King decides!"

The Lord Regent and several other ministers, who were listening carefully to the conversation, were immediately disappointed and sighed uncontrollably.

"However! I still think you and the ministers will drive away the hateful English! God bless Scotland!"""

Marshad. Baron Voisel has a sincere look on his face, giving people the impression that what he said is from the heart, and you should believe him.

"Thank you! I think God bless Scotland!"

After hearing these comforting words, Queen Mary finally felt better, and the expression on her face seemed to soften a lot.

After the French ambassador left, the faces of everyone in the palace remained as serious and heavy as before.

"Your Majesty! I think it's better for Her Majesty the Queen to go to Mohome Monastery!"

“There is a place where the Lord’s brilliance shines, and it is relatively hidden, and it is not easy for the English to find it.”

Mohome Abbey is located by the sea not far from Edinburgh, a monastery hidden in the mountains.

Edinburgh is a port city, so there are many ships near the port, and it is a convenient thing to leave Scotland from there. Queen Mary is very safe staying there.

"Yes! In order not to fall into the hands of the English, and not to marry that sick English bastard, it is okay to feel wronged!"

Queen Mary gritted her teeth and said, obviously what she said was quite different from what she thought in her heart.

"Since Her Majesty the Queen Mother has approved it, it is better to send the Queen to Mohome Abbey immediately today!"

Earl Allen said with a serious face, with a sense of sternness and fashion, and everyone present felt that the former high-spirited regent had returned.

"Okay! I'll arrange it right away!" Queen Mary agreed.

"Honorable Queen Mother, and ministers, through this war, I feel that our Scotland cannot beat the English!"

"So? What do you mean?" The Queen Mary couldn't help interjecting when Earl Allen belittled her side.

"I think that only the French can defeat the English at present, so I propose that Her Majesty the Queen marry the French Crown Prince Francois, so that our relationship with France will be stronger! In this way, our Scotland will remain peaceful forever! "

Looking at the cadence of the earl's speech, he looked very excited. It seemed that he was very excited by the defeat of this war!

Regardless of what everyone was thinking, the regent Earl Allen, who was speaking, was very excited. He was so excited that he thought of a good idea.

Immediately, everyone looked at Queen Mary. After all, she has the most say in this matter.

"Okay! Yes! The marriage between Mary and Crown Prince Francois can be agreed. For the sake of Scotland, I think Mary is willing!"

In fact, the Queen Mother Mary is willing for her daughter to return to France to receive education, especially since her father and brother are both powerful officials in France and have high positions.

And marrying the French prince, she thinks this is the best choice for Mary.

Queen Mary put Queen Mary in the position of a victim again, and won the sympathy of the Scots for Queen Mary. This removes many obstacles for her future pro-government.

With the consent of the regent and the queen mother, the rest of the people can only agree.

At this time, in Huntington City, after a long day of looting, the cavalrymen returned to the camp happily, each with several big bags, and the expressions on their faces were happier than those of married wives.

Looking at the cavalry returning with a full load, the Earl of Wellington and the many knights also grinned one by one, with smiles that could not be hidden on their faces.

The old MP who was standing aside felt uncomfortable at this time, and more than 10,000 citizens also watched with tears in how the cavalry slowly moved out of the city gate.

"Dear Mr. Councilor, you can inform the citizens to return to this city!"

Mr. Earl's words at this time, in Mr. Tesla's heart, are like rain watering a dry wheat field, but it is the devil's charity.

With tears in their eyes, Mr. Congressman and the citizens returned to their home that seemed to be washed by water. The cavalry were somewhat conscientious, and finally gave the citizens some comfort by not taking their food.

The Earl of Wellington returned to the camp with the knights. They said it was a camp, but it was actually an open space surrounded by a wooden fence.

Lord Earl stared at the literate knights from time to time to count the income of the cavalry.

It's actually very simple, because the cavalry took valuable things, so those copper and silver coins and rarer gold coins were distributed according to weight.

And those antiques, porcelain! For tea, etc., the knights simply said a number, and then gave it a value of three layers. Anyway, those cavalry didn't know the real value, so the knights exploited them at will.

For the sake of money, the knights played at a speed of 200%. In less than an hour, under the calculation of 30 knights, all the goods were basically processed.

"Lord earl! After calculation, we can get silver coins worth about 30,000 pounds this time, and there are about a thousand antiques worth tens of thousands of pounds, but it is difficult to convert them into pounds."

Hearing the knight beside him say the number in a surprised tone, the Earl also showed a happy smile.

"Including the 5,000 pounds that was sent that time, we have harvested a total of 35,000 pounds this time, and there are also antiques worth tens of thousands. It is a good time for a good harvest!"

"This time you more than 400 knights will each get ten pounds worth of silver coins, and then hand over fifteen thousand pounds to His Excellency Duke Edward, and help me clean up the rest!"

"Yes! Lord Earl!" The knight agreed without blinking an eye. The knight who reported to the earl was a knight of the Wellington family. He had been loyal to the Wellington family for generations and was trusted by the Earl of Wellington.

"The remaining antiques are picked up some valuable ones! The rest are handed over to the Duke of Somerset in my name, and I say thank him for his gift!"

"Yes!" After hearing this, the knight left to complete the task ordered by the count.

Three days passed in a flash. On this day, in the early morning, the Earl of Wellington, who was soundly asleep, was awakened by his attendants and got up to welcome the arrival of Duke Edward.

Standing outside the camp, the Earl felt the ground shaking, and there was a sound of thump, thud, and a thick puff of smoke rushed towards him.

The earl knows that this is Duke Edward leading the remaining English army to arrive, and there are more than 10,000 Scottish prisoners.

Soon, the Earl saw the figure of Duke Edward, and the Duke also saw the Earl of Wellington, so he galloped forward!

Thanks to: XG Jason, qus, lp001735, LancasterKoo, the silent A Fei, the cute Hengheng, the graffiti TTy, the Earl of Katywen, the Great Qin who brought me down is dead, the heart of killing the sword, the 56-legged brother Mao, Pen Inkstone and Tingfeng, DK, Feiyun, Minhang Dream Talk, Legolas~Windwalker, Ah Song, Rym.

Thanks for the great reward!josei

(end of this chapter)

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